
Modifying widgets in an alloy project

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-25 08:14:21
问题 I have a widget which is a photo gallery. It's basic functionality means that it only allows the user to click on a thumbnail and then enlarge/de enlarge upon an onclick event. I need to expand the widget so that there is a button which allows the user to change their profile pictures accordingly (if they select that picture). Here is how the code looks by default in widget.js: var topView = Ti.UI.createView({ width:Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.FILL, zIndex:1200, visible:false }); // this gets

Issue with displaying the radio button label in tianium?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-24 12:23:55
问题 I have created a radio button from the following link, https://github.com/yozef/TiRadioButtonGroup. I am able to see the radio buttons but the respective radio button labels are not showing. How can we display the radio button labels. My code: View: <Alloy> <Window class="container"> <View id="radiopicker" ></View> </Window> </Alloy> Style: ".container": { backgroundColor:"red", layout: 'vertical' } "#radiopicker": { width: '90%', top: '25dp' } Controller: (function() { var radioButton =