How to load millions of vertices from CSV into Titan 1.0.0 using Bulkloadervertextprogram?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-11 11:53:51
问题 I am trying to load millions of nodes from CSV files to Titan 1.0.0 with Cassandra backend in JAVA. How to load them? I checked we can load them using BulkLoaderVertexProgram, but it loads the data from GraphSON format. How do I start writing a JAVA code to bulk load the data from CSV ? Can you specify some starting reference where I can look into and start writing code? Do I have to have Spark /Hadoop running on my system to use SparkComputerGraph which is used by Bulkloaderprogram? I am not


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-09 10:32:28
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 什么是超级计算机 上图为超算界2012年世界冠军“泰坦”(Titan),它有一万多个兄弟,每个兄弟都是当时最强的CPU,再配上GPU、高速网络等高精尖武器,运算速度达到20+ PFLOPS。“泰坦”占地面积与标准篮球场相当,消耗的电力足以供应一个小型城镇;普通电脑放在背包里带走,超级计算机要专门建一栋楼来放置。 “超级计算(Supercomputing)”这一名词在1929年《纽约世界报》关于“IBM为哥伦比亚大学建造大型报表机(tabulator)的报道”中首次出现。超级计算机是一种由数百、数千甚至更多的处理器(机)组成的,能计算普通PC机和服务器不能完成的大型、复杂课题的计算机。 超级计算机是计算机中功能最强、运算速度最快、存储容量最大的一类计算机;多用于国家高科技领域和尖端技术研究,对国家安全,经济和社会发展具有举足轻重的意义;也是国家科技发展水平和综合国力的重要标志。 超算简史 1960年代前 60年代及之前,可以看成是超级计算机的蛮荒时代,有IBM、DEC、GE等众多玩家。 其中IBM的各种牛,各种首创,不一一细表。我认为对广大程序员影响最大的还是FORTRAN的发明,它是影响了计算机历史,影响了编程语言的发展,并且如今仍在科学计算领域仍然被广泛使用。刚毕业时,我还在物探局编写

Following GRAPHSON format not working

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-07 08:47:22
问题 I Am trying to convert the following graphSon Format into a graph instance using the follwing command graph.io(IoCore.graphson()).reader().create().readGraph(stream, graph); But while running converting the GRaphSON into graph instance given below {"id":0, "label":"buyer", "outE": {"email_is": [{"id":0,"inV":1, "properties":{"weight":1} } ]} ,"properties": {"buyer": [{ "id":0,"value":"buyer0" }] ,"age": [{ "id":1,"value":10}] }} {"id":1, "label":"email", "inE": { "email_is": [{"id":1,"outV":0

Json loading with gremlin server in titan graph database

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-07 06:59:30
问题 I am trying to load Json file into the Titan graph database using gremlin query I got the following queries graph = TitanFactory.open('conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties') g = graph.traversal() g.loadGraphSON('tjson.json.json') I am getting error like No signature of method: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource.loadGraphSon() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [tjson.json] question is : How to load the Json file 回答1: I assume

How to execute gremlin query with mogwai

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-06 19:58:48
问题 Im trying to query a titan db 0.5.4 via mogwai, but when I run the following script i get the error: rexpro.exceptions.RexProScriptException: transaction is not open and I found the same question here P.S there is no tag for mogwai script: #!/usr/bin/env python3 from mogwai.connection import execute_query, setup con = setup('', graph_name="bio4j", username="re", password="re") results = execute_query("2 * a",params={"a":2}, connection= con) print(results) results = execute_query(

titan-1.0.0-hadoop1 compatibilty issues with apache-cassandra-3.2

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-06 14:58:37
问题 I am trying to connect titan-1.0.0-hadoop1 with apache-cassandra-3.2 . I am using following " titan-cassandra-myfile.properties ": storage.cassandra-config-dir=titan-1.0.0- hadoop1/conf/cassandra/cassandra.yaml storage.backend=cassandra storage.hostname=localhost When I use gremlin to execute following command: g=TitanFactory.open("/path to titan/ titan-1.0.0-hadoop1/conf/titan-cassandra-myfile.properties"); I am getting following error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not

Bulk load data in titan db from nodejs

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-06 08:13:06
问题 My current scenario is like I have a rabbit mq which gives me the details of the order placed. On the other side I have my titan db (cassandra storage, es index backends and gremlin server). Yet another I have nodejs application which can interact with gremlin server through http api using https://www.npmjs.com/package/gremlin . I am able to make hits to my graph database from here. Now what I am trying to do is load data from rabbit mq into titan db. What I have been able to do till now is

Titan 1.0[Berkeley+ES] - Delayed update of ES index

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-06 04:15:27
问题 Titan 1.0 [Berkeley+ Remote Elastic Search] we are using this combination of Titan. Following is the properties file - storage.backend=berkeleyje storage.directory=D:/other-projects/graph-db/titan/enron-tk3/db/berkeley index.search.backend=elasticsearch index.search.index-name=akshayatitan index.search.hostname=localhost index.search.elasticsearch.client-only=true index.search.elasticsearch.local-mode=false We are only using Mixed Index. Now we add a node with few properties through Java code

Connect Gremlin shell to Titan Elasticsearch/Cassandra embedded instance?

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-05 04:16:23
问题 I'm using Titan 0.3.2 in embedded mode with Cassandra and Elasticsearch. I am using the configuration documented in the titan docs for my cassandra-es.properties (fed into titan.sh / titan.bat ): storage.backend=embeddedcassandra storage.cassandra-config-dir=config/cassandra.yaml storage.index.search.backend=elasticsearch storage.index.search.directory=/tmp/searchindex storage.index.search.client-only=false storage.index.search.local-mode=true But I'm trying to get the right configuration for

How to do a case insensitive search in titan 1.0 on composite index with tinkerpop API 3

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-04 14:01:12
问题 I have created a composite index on a property in titan 1.0. Now I want to do a case insensitive search on that property. Composite index being created as below : TitanManagement mgmt = graph.openManagement(); TitanManagement.IndexBuilder nameIndexBuilder = mgmt.buildIndex("name_comp_idx", Vertex.class).addKey("name"); titanGraphIndex = nameIndexBuilder.buildCompositeIndex(); Vertex : TitanVertex vertex= graph.addVertex(T.label, "company"); entity.property("name", "APPLE"); Below query is