
How do I “get latest version” for TFS in Visual Studio 2015 RC

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-23 06:55:09
问题 This might seem like a stupid question but I just installed VS 2015 RC and I cannot for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to get the latest version from Team Foundation Server now. It seems the option has been removed from all right-mouse context menus, including Check in... and all other other TFS related menu items. 回答1: You can resolve the issue by running a repair on Visual Studio 2015 (via Add or remove Programs). I had the same TFS menu problems as the original poster as well

TFS 2010: Gated Check-In On Main Branch; Rolling Builds on Dev Branch?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-22 18:44:15
问题 I recently migrated from VSS to TFS 2010 and I've been absolutely loving it, but there's something I haven't yet been able to get working the way I think it should. GOALS I'd like to quickly know when a change to Development breaks a build. If we find out after-the-fact, it's no big deal. Since a lot of check-ins happen throughout the day, we don't want to wait on the build to finish, so it should be asynchronous. With our Main branch, I'd like to ensure that any time a merge happens into it,

Setting up TFVC repo in Visual Studio Code for Mac

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-22 18:28:35
问题 I am trying to to set up a Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repository hosted in VSTS on my Visual Studio Code for Mac. I haven't used Visual Studio at all. Apparently, my client is using TFVC system as their main approach for repo management. However, I tried downloading the source as a Zip from the VSTS web site but Visual Studio Code for Mac (with the VSTS extension configured) did not identify that folder is a VSTS repo (Showing the "team" icon). Tutorial I followed to configure -

Checkins to TFVC Team Projects trigger builds in Git Team Project

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-22 08:54:55
问题 I have a TFS project set up for continuous integration. My problem is that checkins on other TFS projects are triggering builds of my project even when no change has been made to my project. It seems to be related to my project being a Team Foundation Git repository, and none of the other projects are. Where can I look to find out what's triggering this build? Edit: To be more clear, what I mean is that I have entirely separate Team Projects. All of them but one use Team Foundation Version

TFS build, one build for many branches

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-21 04:19:08
问题 We use TFS source control and have two build controllers (one VS2010 the other VS2012). We use the default build workflow template bar a few custom changes. As we have many branches, how would we go about changing the workspace based on the desired branch? I was thinking of adding a parameter for the branch ( $\oursourcecontrol\branches\main ) and then just passing it as a variable in to the get workspace part of the workflow. Or is there a better way of doing it? 回答1: You currently can't and

Azure continuous deployment for multiple projects

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-19 19:57:31
问题 I have created an Azure Web Site and connected it to Visual Studio Online, and this automatically set up a continuous deployment build (as per this page). Initially this worked for a solution with one project, but now I have added a Web API project as a back end. This is named such that it is the first of the two projects alphabetically, and so now it is the only project that gets built and deployed whenever files are checked in. Which leads to my question: How can I modify the default

Azure continuous deployment for multiple projects

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-19 19:57:22
问题 I have created an Azure Web Site and connected it to Visual Studio Online, and this automatically set up a continuous deployment build (as per this page). Initially this worked for a solution with one project, but now I have added a Web API project as a back end. This is named such that it is the first of the two projects alphabetically, and so now it is the only project that gets built and deployed whenever files are checked in. Which leads to my question: How can I modify the default

VSTS build from multiple repositories

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-18 19:05:37
问题 I have two repositories - one in TFVC and another in Git. There are specific technical reasons for keeping them separate. The code in TFVC is built on a private build agent and the code in Git is built on a hosted agent. So currently I have two independent builds and the outcomes of them are deployed together in a release definition. I am looking at creating builds that may be able to get the source from both the repositories so that I have a single build definition to manage. Is there a way

Is there a git style amend option in TFVC?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-18 07:34:12
问题 In git there is a very handy feature that lets you fix your last commit, e.g. when you have forgotten something that does not justify a full commit. It is very easy to do this in git: git commit --amend That way you don't have to specify a commit message or anything else, the commit is simply "appended" to your last full commit - or at least that is how I understand it. Is there anything similar available in TFVC? 回答1: No, not really. You can update the Check-in comment, or associate a work

How to Use TFS in Android Studio

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-18 07:08:52
问题 I want to use TFS in Android Studio. I installed Visual Studio Team Services and then in TFVC of Settings, i should to select TF executable file, i downloaded TFE of below link but when i Test TF exe file, i give below error. The specified path does not lead to a valid TF executable. Downloaded link: How can solve this problem? 回答1: Please double check if you have follow below steps: You must have the TF command line tool