
Seams on cube edges when using texture atlas with three.js

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-29 18:11:11
I have seams between horizontal faces of the cube when use texture atlas in three.js. This is demo: http://jsfiddle.net/rnix/gtxcj3qh/7/ or http://jsfiddle.net/gtxcj3qh/8/ (from comments) Screenshot of the problem: Here I use repeat and offset: var materials = []; var t = []; var imgData = document.getElementById("texture_atlas").src; for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { t[i] = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( imgData ); //2048x256 t[i].repeat.x = 1 / 8; t[i].offset.x = i / 8; //t[i].magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; t[i].minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; t[i].generateMipmaps = false; materials.push(

LibGdx resolutionFileResolver + Assetmanager, file names?

自作多情 提交于 2019-11-28 12:57:28
I want to use the resolution file resolver to select a correct texture atlas for my app, so I createa RFR with a couple of resolutions: Resolution _568x1136 = new Resolution(568, 1136, ".568x1136"); Resolution _1200x1920 = new Resolution(568, 1136, ".1200x1920"); ResolutionFileResolver resolver = new ResolutionFileResolver(new InternalFileHandleResolver(), _568x1136, _1200x1920); manager = new AssetManager(); manager.setLoader(TextureAtlas.class, new TextureAtlasLoader(resolver)); Now I'm wondering, how do I name/place the files?????? I tried adding .1200x1920 and .568x1136 behind BOTH the

Seams on cube edges when using texture atlas with three.js

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-28 11:31:35
问题 I have seams between horizontal faces of the cube when use texture atlas in three.js. This is demo: http://jsfiddle.net/rnix/gtxcj3qh/7/ or http://jsfiddle.net/gtxcj3qh/8/ (from comments) Screenshot of the problem: Here I use repeat and offset: var materials = []; var t = []; var imgData = document.getElementById("texture_atlas").src; for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { t[i] = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( imgData ); //2048x256 t[i].repeat.x = 1 / 8; t[i].offset.x = i / 8; //t[i].magFilter =

LibGdx resolutionFileResolver + Assetmanager, file names?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-27 07:23:02
问题 I want to use the resolution file resolver to select a correct texture atlas for my app, so I createa RFR with a couple of resolutions: Resolution _568x1136 = new Resolution(568, 1136, ".568x1136"); Resolution _1200x1920 = new Resolution(568, 1136, ".1200x1920"); ResolutionFileResolver resolver = new ResolutionFileResolver(new InternalFileHandleResolver(), _568x1136, _1200x1920); manager = new AssetManager(); manager.setLoader(TextureAtlas.class, new TextureAtlasLoader(resolver)); Now I'm