
CSS text-indent on input field doesn't update the caret position until you start typing

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-07 03:02:33
问题 When I use text-ident property in CSS, what I expect to see is when you focus into the text input area, the text cursor icon/caret will appear indented. But it appears as if it isn't indented until you type for first character. The only work around is to use left padding on the input element, but I want to avoid using padding because I am also setting a width and don't want to have to implement a padding fix for IE using an IE specific spreadsheet. This bug happens in Safari. See below for


喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-04-06 13:33:58
CSS 文本属性可定义文本的外观。 通过文本属性,可以改变文本的颜色、字符间距,对齐文本,装饰文本,对文本进行缩进等。 ㈠缩进文本 text-indent 通过使用 text-indent 属性,所有元素的第一行都可以缩进一个给定的长度,甚至该长度可以是负值。 ⑴使用负值 比如“悬挂缩进”,即第一行悬挂在元素中余下部分的左边,如下所示: p {text-indent: -6em;} 不过在为 text-indent 设置负值时要当心,如果对一个段落设置了负值,那么首行的某些文本可能会超出浏览器窗口的左边界。 为了避免出现这种显示问题,建议针对负缩进再设置一个外边距或一些内边距,如下所示: p {text-indent: -6em; padding-left: 6em;} ⑵使用百分比值 百分数要相对于缩进元素父元素的宽度。换句话说,如果将缩进值设置为 20%,所影响元素的第一行会缩进其父元素宽度的 20%。 在下例中,缩进值是父元素的 20%,即 100 个像素: div {width: 500px;} p {text-indent: 20%;} <div> <p>this is a paragragh</p> </div>⑶利用text-indent属性演示如何缩进文本首行。 ㈡水平对齐 text-align text-align 属性规定元素中的文本的水平对齐方式。


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-03-26 23:00:15
一、无继承性的属性 1、display:规定元素应该生成的框的类型 2、文本属性: vertical-align:垂直文本对齐 text-decoration:规定添加到文本的装饰 text-shadow:文本阴影效果 white-space:空白符的处理 unicode-bidi:设置文本的方向 3、盒子模型的属性:width、height、margin 、margin-top、margin-right、margin-bottom、margin-left、border、border-style、border-top-style、border-right-style、border-bottom-style、border-left-style、border-width、border-top-width、border-right-right、border-bottom-width、border-left-width、border-color、border-top-color、border-right-color、border-bottom-color、border-left-color、border-top、border-right、border-bottom、border-left、padding、padding-top、padding-right、padding-bottom


被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-03-16 09:04:18
*/ /*--> */ 电信 NB-LOT 模块驱动说明 1. 适用范围 电信 ME3616 模块 2. 驱动说明 2.1 模块说明 ME3616 是一款支持 NB-IoT 通信标准的窄带蜂窝物联网通信模组 在 NB-IoT 制式下,该模块可以提供最大 66 Kbps 上行速率和 34 Kbps 下行速率 ME3616 专为低速率、低功耗、远距离、海量连接的物联网应用而设计 该模块支持多种网络协议( CoAP 、 TCP/UDP 、 MQTT )和多种低功耗模式 (PSM 、 eDRX) 环境温度: -40 ℃ ~ 85 ℃ 尺寸: 16mm × 18mm DC-DC 的过流能力必须在 800mA 以上 2.2 模块功能 开机过程 物理开机: PIN19 ( POWER_ON )持续 2s 以上,模块开机 关机过程 物理关机: PIN19 ( POWER_ON )持续 4s 以上,模块关机 关机命令: AT+ZTURNOFF 关机前需下发 ”AT+CFUN=0” , 保存网络相关配置 复位命令: AT+ZRST 建立网络连接 联网流程 ME3616 支持 NB 全频段,如果没有特殊需求,不需要选定网络频段 , 上电开机后模块会自动注册网络,自动联网获取 IP 地址,不需要发送 AT 指令 开机返回值如下: *MATREADY: 1 +CFUN: 1 +CPIN: READY +IP


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-04 00:21:43
1.为什么要进行网页美化 有效的传递页面信息 美化网页,页面漂亮,才能吸引用户 凸显页面的主题 提高用户的体验 span标签:重点要突出的字,使用 span 套起来 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <style> #title1 { font-size : 50px ; } </style> </head> <body> 欢迎学习 <span id= "title1" >Java</span> </body> </html> 2.字体样式 <!-- font-family: 字体 font-size: 字体大小 font-weight: 字体粗细 color : 字体颜色 --> <style> body { font-family : "Arial Black" , 楷体 ; color : #a13d30 ; } h1 { font-size : 50px ; } .p1 { font-weight : bolder ; } </style> 3.文本样式 1、 颜色 color rgb rgba 2、 文本对齐的方式 text-align = center 3、 首行缩进 text-indent: 2em 4、 行高 line-height:

Indentation Error with Sublime Text

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-31 12:08:13
问题 I'm trying to use the auto-indentation feature in Sublime Text 3 for HTML. I've got some block comments in the html and selecting Edit>Line>Reindent works until it hits a block comment. Try to reindent the example here: <html> <head> <title>Testing Indent</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <td> Cell 1 </td> </tr> <tr> Cell 2 <!--Block Comment Here And a Little More Here --> </tr> </table> </body> </html> and it turns out like this: <html> <head> <title>Testing Indent</title> </head> <body>

Text-Indent for a text box in IE

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-23 17:43:33
问题 I'm trying to push my text out of the textbox by giving it an extreme text-indent, but apparently text-indent is ignored/interpreted differently in IE. Here is a simulation (try it in Chrome and IE to see the difference): http://jsfiddle.net/Cernx/1/ Is there any workaround for this? Or is there anotherway of pushing text out of the textbox? 回答1: #paaa { text-indent:50px; display: block; line-height: 1; } Add line-height to make it work in IE. JSFiddle 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions

Do search engines treat text-indent:-9999em or negative margin as SEO cheat?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-23 03:02:25
问题 I want to use a technique like text-indent:-9999em or negative margin to replace my text with more pretty pictures, but I wonder if search engines would treat this as kinds of cheating? I think for it to know this, it must read my CSS file, so I can use robots.txt to forbid it from reading my CSS file. If this works, can I also use display:none directly? Or I can manipulate some web-element's style by using jQuery code? 回答1: The techniques you have outlined (negative margins/indents) etc are

How to indent the first line of a paragraph in CKEditor

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-20 02:52:33
问题 I'm using CKEditor and I want to indent just the first line of the paragraph. What I've done before is click "Source" and edit the <p> style to include text-indent:12.7mm; , but when I click "Source" again to go back to the normal editor, my changes are gone and I have no idea why. My preference would be to create a custom toolbar button, but I'm not sure how to do so or where to edit so that clicking a custom button would edit the <p> with the style attribute I want it to have. 回答1:

Indenting only the first line of text in a paragraph?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-18 11:40:16
问题 I have several paragraphs that I would like to indent, although only the first lines of these paragraphs. How would I target just the first lines using CSS or HTML? 回答1: Use the text-indent property. p { text-indent: 30px; } jsFiddle. 回答2: In addition to text-indent, you can use the :first-line selector if you wish to apply additional styles. p:first-line { color:red; } p { text-indent:40px; } http://jsfiddle.net/Madmartigan/d4aCA/1/ 回答3: Very simple using css: p { text-indent:10px; } Will