
How do I get Team Build to run MbUnit tests?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-06 15:25:18
问题 I am having trouble getting Team Build to execute my MbUnit unit tests. I have tried to edit TFSBuild.proj and added the following parts: <Project ...> <UsingTask TaskName="MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.MbUnit" AssemblyFile="path_to_MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" /> ... ... <ItemGroup> <TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project1.dll" /> <TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project2.dll" /> </ItemGroup> <Target Name="Tests"> <MbUnit Assemblies="@(TestAssemblies)" ReportTypes="html" ReportFileNameFormat=

Team Build - Get Workspace - get latest from specific paths, NOT everything

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-06 10:06:29
问题 I have a simple build definition which I want to use to build just one project, and every time I choose to run this build, I want to get latest from the branch/directories that pertain only to the project in question. How do I do that? The call to "Get Workspace" gets everything from source control, and I do not want to (or need to, for that matter) get latest from everything for various reasons. I hope I am not asking for much. Thanks in advance. 回答1: Check the workspace mapping in the build

Release Management sets builds to Retain Indefinitely

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-06 05:02:42
问题 We are using Microsoft's Release Management tool for automating the deployment of our solution to our various dev servers. This tool is ideal for us because it can perform more complicated deployments that span multiple servers. In this sense, it is working fine and everything is deploying correctly. A minor issue is that after Release Management automatically deploys a build, it sets the build to "Retain Indefinitely" which is indicated by the Lock icon. Since we are doing continuous

Problems with long path in TFS Team Build when CreatePackageOnPublish is set to true.

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-05 23:55:37
问题 We have a problem by build because of long path created by TFS Team Build when parameter CreatePackageOnPublish is set to true . In directory PackageTmp (see picture later) the package is stored, but I don't understand why this directory structure is necessary and how it can be customized. The problem is that the deployment or new TFS build generates error because of long path. I will be grateful for your help. Regards Anton Kalcik This is the (anonymised) tree structure created by TFS Team

How to associate a Build to the test plan in Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) 2010?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-05 17:19:04
I am new using Microsoft Test tools, please help: When trying to run a test case from MTM, I am receiving the following warning message: Cannot create automated test run. A build associated with the active test plan is required to submit an automated test run Background info: I have created a Build definition in VS 2010 I have created a Build service host with Agents:Controller and Agent When I open MTM>Testing Center>Properties Build Configurations I can see my build definition selected in "Filter for Builds:" Problem: In MTM>Testing Center>Properties Build Configurations > " Build in use:"

What is the “deployed” tab for in TFS 2012 Web Access

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-05 14:49:41
I have several build definitions setup in TFS 2012. They all use Web Deploy and Web Packages and deploy to my dev and test servers and work just fine. I can't, however, figure out what the "deployed" tab in TFS Web Access > Builds is used for? The 'deployed' tab seems to be related to Azure integration somehow. I found this post on the TFS Deployer website. It's even possible to mark a build as 'deployed' via PowerShell, which seems quite interesting. It would be nice to have our deployed builds showing in that tab, and by integrating with TFS Deployer this seems possible. 来源: https:/

TFS 2010 API - Get work items from merge

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-05 01:24:09
问题 I need to send an email on completion of a build in TFS 2010 which details the work items associated with check-ins that have been compiled as part of this build. This works no problem via use of the associatedChangesets variable available in the build workflow. However, in a production situation, we will merge changes from our Development branch into a Release branch. At this point, the build considers there to have only been one change - which is the aforementioned merging of Development

How to Move TFS 2010 Build Definition between Projects?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-05 00:57:43
I have some TFS 2010 build definitions that were created under ProjectX. Now the source code has moved to a folder subordinate to ProjectY. How can I move the build definitions to ProjectY so they display under the Builds node of the Team Explorer for ProjectY? I don't think there is something out of the box to copy the build definitions from one project to another. However you should be able to do it using the TFS API. You will want to move the build process templates, which is what Pete is referring to, into the Build Process Template folder for the new project. After that you would do

How do I get Team Build to run MbUnit tests?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-04 21:19:29
I am having trouble getting Team Build to execute my MbUnit unit tests. I have tried to edit TFSBuild.proj and added the following parts: <Project ...> <UsingTask TaskName="MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.MbUnit" AssemblyFile="path_to_MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" /> ... ... <ItemGroup> <TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project1.dll" /> <TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project2.dll" /> </ItemGroup> <Target Name="Tests"> <MbUnit Assemblies="@(TestAssemblies)" ReportTypes="html" ReportFileNameFormat="buildreport{0}{1}" ReportOutputDirectory="." /> </Target> ... </Project> But I have yet to get the tests to

How can one determine if a csproj is being run on a TFS build agent?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-04 18:25:53
问题 We use TFS 2010. There are a couple of projects with deployment steps which must know whether they are running on a dev machine or on the TFS build agent. Right now they check whether the build is from within Visual Studio assuming that only devs compile from VS. Alas, it means I cannot compile from the command line! So, my question is how an msbuild script can determine if it is being run by the TFS build agent? 回答1: You have a few options: '$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)' != '' '$