
How to access and modify a sibling of a Tcl/Tk object in R

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-29 08:26:59
问题 In short: I use tcltk package in R. But non-R users may suggest ideas too and provide examples in other language than R. I have a list of Tcl/Tk objects in R <Tcl> . . . and want to access and modify each object separately. How can I do it? Or If I have button A object, how can I access and modify button B object? Details: I have the following widget: The code to create it: library(tcltk) top <- tktoplevel() frame_1 <- tkframe(top) tkgrid(frame_1) frame_n <- tkframe(frame

Updating tcl/tk version of Homebrew python3 on macOS

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-01 06:33:49
问题 My environment: macOS 10.13 python 3.7.1 from Homebrew I'm having lots of Tcl/TK quirks on the stock Tcl/TK 8.5 under /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.5/ , and would like to upgrade my Tcl/TK. But with this question I couldn't find any working tips for upgrading, including: IDLE warns against an old TCL version even though I've installed a newer version Why my Python installed via home brew not include Tkinter How to change the

MessageBox in R

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-11 04:39:14
问题 I would like to create a messagebox using R. A short research suggested the tcltk package. The tcltk::tk_messageBox() command actually worked the first time I tried it. However, I then I updated to Windows 10, switched to R 3.4.3, using RStudio v1.1.423. Now the same command does not work, actually terminating the R Session. A second research showed that this is indeed an issue other users have experienced as well. So, here is my question: Is there either a way to resolve the compatibility