
how to understand appengine ndb.tasklet?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-07 01:04:35
问题 From documentation: An NDB tasklet is a piece of code that might run concurrently with other code. If you write a tasklet, your application can use it much like it uses an async NDB function: it calls the tasklet, which returns a Future; later, calling the Future's get_result() method gets the result. The explanation and examples in the document really likes a magic for me. I can use it, but feel hard to understand it properly. For example: May I put any kind of code inside a function and

How to configure fault tolerance programmatically for a spring tasklet (not a chunk)

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-06 02:21:54
问题 Programmatically configuring fault tolerance for a chunk works kind of as follows: stepBuilders.get("step") .<Partner,Partner>chunk(1) .reader(reader()) .processor(processor()) .writer(writer()) .listener(logProcessListener()) .faultTolerant() .skipLimit(10) .skip(UnknownGenderException.class) .listener(logSkipListener()) .build(); The trick is, that with adding "chunk", the chain switches to a SimpleStepBuilder which offers the "faultTolerant" method. My question is how to do that if you

全志T3 Linux显示驱动分析

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-04 14:42:32
1、总体架构 全志T3处理器的显示框架是基于标准Linux的帧缓冲架构,其结构如图 1.1所示。显示控制器DE的驱动架构如图 1.2所示,包括屏蔽差异的显示管理抽象层,以及显示图层驱动、显示设备驱动、背光驱动、enhance驱动和capture驱动。 图 1.1帧缓冲设备驱动结构 图 1.2显示控制器驱动架构 2、关键数据结构 显示驱动信息总的结构体disp_drv_info如程序清单 2.1所示,包含显示驱动所有的相关信息。 程序清单 2.1 typedef struct { struct device *dev; uintptr_t reg_base[DISP_MOD_NUM]; u32 irq_no[DISP_MOD_NUM]; struct clk *mclk[DISP_MOD_NUM]; disp_init_para disp_init; struct disp_manager *mgr[DISP_SCREEN_NUM]; struct disp_eink_manager *eink_manager[1]; struct proc_list sync_proc_list; struct proc_list sync_finish_proc_list; struct ioctl_list ioctl_extend_list; struct ioctl_list compat

How to configure fault tolerance programmatically for a spring tasklet (not a chunk)

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-04 07:12:54
Programmatically configuring fault tolerance for a chunk works kind of as follows: stepBuilders.get("step") .<Partner,Partner>chunk(1) .reader(reader()) .processor(processor()) .writer(writer()) .listener(logProcessListener()) .faultTolerant() .skipLimit(10) .skip(UnknownGenderException.class) .listener(logSkipListener()) .build(); The trick is, that with adding "chunk", the chain switches to a SimpleStepBuilder which offers the "faultTolerant" method. My question is how to do that if you just have a tasklet (no reader, processor, writer)? Defining a tasklet works as follows: stepBuilders.get(