
how to get default mail client version on mac os x?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-12 02:53:59
问题 I am new here. I have searched about default mail client information on mac os x. I found some help here How do I get the default mail client using applescript? But i did not got all the information i wanted.I got default mail client name but could not got its version that i see in "About Mail" section of launched). 回答1: LaunchServices is the OS X API that contains info about the user's preferred applications. The LSGetApplicationForURL() function will return the data you seek.

How does powercfg -energy detect the requested timer resolution

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-11 12:41:08
问题 How does "powercfg -energy" command detect the requested timer resolution of each individual program running at the time? I imagine one way would be injecting into each of running processes and inside that process calling timeEndPeriod for each increased resolution (values 1-15) in a loop over these resolutions and checking whether the timeEndPeriod call for a current resolution returns TIMERR_NOCANDO or TIMERR_NOERROR (note: these return values are NOT correspondingly false and true ) . And

Display all the lines after a particular line in a text file using Batch

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-11 11:59:52
问题 This is my code. @ECHO OFF systeminfo > C:\SystemInfo1.txt findstr /C:"OS Name:" /C:"OS Version:" /C:"OS Manufacturer:" /C:"Original Install Date:" /C:"System Boot Time:" /C:"System Manufacturer:" /C:"System Model:" /C:"System Type:" /C:"Processor(s):" /C:"System Locale:" /C:"Input Locale:" /C:"Time Zone:" /C:"NetWork Card" C:\SystemInfo1.txt > c:\SystemInfo.txt DEL C:\SystemInfo1.txt c:\SystemInfo.txt EXIT What this code does is displays only the selected content i need from the text file

Get hardware manufacturer and system model number in

久未见 提交于 2019-12-11 08:16:45
问题 I'm trying to get the hardware manufacturer (e.g. "Dell") and the model number (e.g. "Latitude E6320") using but I'm having no luck. I've tried Dim opSearch As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem") Dim opInfo As ManagementObject For Each opInfo In opSearch.Get() Return opInfo("manufacturer").ToString() Next Though this returns "Microsoft Corporation" not "Dell". 回答1: You are polling the wrong WMI class/hive. Of course Microsoft is the OS manufacturer; what

How to check Computer system information from web server

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-11 05:33:56
问题 I am working on a program that i want to gather system information in order to determine if the computer is compatible with software. I would like to add the program to a website for visitors to check their machine. so far it had been uploaded to a web server. but instead of checking the users machine, it only checks the web server. Am i missing like a connect function or something to connect to the user machine, like possibly to connect to localhost or something of the sort. Any advice or

How do I get linux system information in Ruby

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-10 13:54:22
问题 How do I get the software/hardware information of a linux system (this has to work for Fedora, Ubuntu etc) in Ruby? 回答1: The wonderful people behind Chef, have an excellent gem called Ohai that returns system info such as OS, kernel, specs, fqdn, disks, space, memory, users, interfaces, ssh keys etc. as a hash. It is quite complete and very good. It also installs a command line binary (also called ohai). 回答2: You could try the sysinfo gem. If that doesn't work

how to get version of default browser on my mac os x

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-08 09:06:19
问题 I want to get system information in mac using objective C. I am searching a lot but did not got single line of code for my use.They provided solutions via javascript but i want them in objective C. Provide me some help to go ahead. 回答1: You can use launch services to get the path to the default browser as below LSGetApplicationForURL((CFURLRef)[NSURL URLWithString: @"http:"], kLSRolesAll, NULL, (CFURLRef *)&appURL); NSString *infoPlistPath = [[appURL path] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@

How to get unique machine signature without WMI?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-06 03:42:50
I know that a question has already been asked about generating a unique ID for a machine but my question is slightly different. I want to know whether there are any other methods (API calls?) to get hardware information and NOT use WMI. I understand from MSDN that WMI is introduced in Win2000 so it doesnt seem to be available in Win98. I have an application that has to run even on Win98 (I know it sucks but what can you do?) and still get hold of hardware information. Robert Venables I've done this several times for licensing projects. For the hard drive serial number use: private static

Execute Unix system command from JAVA problem

孤人 提交于 2019-12-04 14:26:53
I am facing a weird issue with executing a system command from JAVA code. Actually i want to get the Mac OSX system information from my JAVA App. For that im using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("system_profiler -detailLevel full"); This is working fine.If i print the output,it is cool. But i want to write this information to a plist file for future use.For that im using the -xml argument of system_profiler .like, String cmd = "system_profiler -detailLevel full -xml > "+System.getProperty( "user.home" )+"/sysinfo.plist"; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); Basically this should create a

What is the Equivalent of Windows WMI for MacOS C++ Development?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-04 03:01:13
I have a C++ application that gets detailed system information (processor type, available disk space, other hardware profile info) on Windows using WMI. I want to perform the same type of operations on OSX 10.5+. What is the equivalent API or interface for MacOS? Links to API documentation or tutorials are very welcome. You can query most of that information through the system_profiler executable. Apple's example for querying such informations involves a popen call to it, so I guess it's the way to go. 来源: