
Getting error while migrating code from svn to git repository: Malformed network data: The XML response contains invalid XML: svn2git

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-08-06 08:11:09
问题 Ran command git svn clone "SVN URL". It works fine till 4568 commits, but then it gets after this commit giving the error stated in title. 回答1: this seems to be because the default log-window-size is too small. When you get error, from the new git repo, try running: git svn fetch --log-window-size=4000 You can experiment with the actual number, but 4000 was the magic number for me. 回答2: git-svn is not the right tool for one-time conversions of repositories. It is a great tool if you want to

Commit modified files only using subversion

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-12 20:35:03
问题 I have a long list of commits to make and, as such, would like to stagger the commits. So, when I do: svn st | ack '^M' I would like to commit these files only Is this possible through the command line? 回答1: The xargs command is useful for this kind of thing. Assuming you don't have any filenames containing space characters, you can do: svn st | sed -n 's/^M//p' | xargs svn commit If you do have space characters in filenames, the sed command becomes a little more complex, to add quotes around

Tortoise SVN update and commit doesn't work

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-08 11:21:23
问题 I am having issues with Tortoise SVN lately. I am unable to update and commit anything. Tortoise SVN version: 1.6.16 Build 21511 - 64 bit OS: Windows 8 server We use VisualSVN Server for the repo. Whenever I try to update, I see the following screen where it doesn't update anything actually and it just stays like this for hours. Similarly, when I try to commit anything, I get the error message below It happens only on my computer. Other developers are running the same OS, same TortoiseSVN