
How to use svn2git on repository

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-07 04:01:57
问题 I'm using svn2git to test the migration of an svn repo to a git. Now my svn is build like thise myproj contains repo1 / repo2 (obsolete)/ old/ Every repo contains its own branches, tags etc. I only need everything which is in repo1. When I start the process I get this: svn2git https://server/myproj/repo1 --username LVO output: Initialized empty Git repository in /folder/.git/ Using higher level of URL: https://server/myproj/repo1 => https://server/myproj And than the process starts. I'm

How to use svn2git on repository

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-07 04:01:21
问题 I'm using svn2git to test the migration of an svn repo to a git. Now my svn is build like thise myproj contains repo1 / repo2 (obsolete)/ old/ Every repo contains its own branches, tags etc. I only need everything which is in repo1. When I start the process I get this: svn2git https://server/myproj/repo1 --username LVO output: Initialized empty Git repository in /folder/.git/ Using higher level of URL: https://server/myproj/repo1 => https://server/myproj And than the process starts. I'm

How to use svn2git on repository

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-07 04:01:14
问题 I'm using svn2git to test the migration of an svn repo to a git. Now my svn is build like thise myproj contains repo1 / repo2 (obsolete)/ old/ Every repo contains its own branches, tags etc. I only need everything which is in repo1. When I start the process I get this: svn2git https://server/myproj/repo1 --username LVO output: Initialized empty Git repository in /folder/.git/ Using higher level of URL: https://server/myproj/repo1 => https://server/myproj And than the process starts. I'm

还在使用 SVN 的企业,如何快速迁移到 Gitee

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-02-28 06:27:58
前言 2000 年 CollabNet 创建了 Subversion 项目,一晃 SVN 已经诞生 20 年了,截至 r1873568 SVN 主分支共有 59674 次提交,32 个开发者,288 次发布,2005 年 Linus Torvalds 创建了 Git,截至 de93cc14ab7e8db7645d8dbe4fd2603f76d5851f ,git 主分支共有 58209 次提交,1343 个贡献者,742 次发布,诸如 Google,Microsoft,Facebook 这样的巨无霸公司都在使用 Git,Git 主要开发者来自 Google 和 Microsoft。 人多力量大,众人拾柴火焰高,有钱能使鬼推磨,贡献越多码越好,我们可以看到 SVN 只是缓慢变好,而 Git 却在飞速增强,到了今天为什么还不从 SVN 迁移到 Git? Git 与 SVN 的比较 Git 是最流行的分布式版本控制系统,而 SVN 是集中式版本控制系统,顾名思义,SVN 的存储库将存储在中央服务器,而 Git 的存储库是存储在本地,当网络连接断开后,SVN 便无法进行提交,使用 Git 的开发者则可以先将代码提交到本地存储库,待网络恢复后再推送到远程服务器。 特征 Git Subversion 分类 分布式版本控制系统 集中式版本控制系统 许可协议 GPLv2 Apache 基金会

svn2git rules regex

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-05 06:35:12
问题 I'm trying to reduce my ruleset for svn2git. My tree looks like this.. A/foo B/foo C/foo D/foo I want to put A, B, and C under a legacy folder and that works. I want D to be it's own top level folder. My current rule is.. match /(A|B|C)/([^/]+)/ repository myrepo branch legacy/\1/\2 end match Is it possible to modify the rule such that D does not end up legacy without having to define another rule? End result should be: legacy/A/foo legacy/B/foo legacy/C/foo D/foo 回答1: Yes, it is possible. I

How do I migrate a flat svn repo to git repo

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-02 05:24:06
问题 I have a flat svn repository which looks like: my_repo/ ├── file1.c ├── file2.c ├── file3.c └── README This repo has no branches, or tags and all I am trying to do is convert it to a git repository and maintain the commit history. I have tried: git svn clone --trunk=/ -A users.txt svn+ssh:// dest_dir Which I assumed would work, however, when I navigate into dest_dir and perform git svn fetch , it doesn't seem to fetch anything. Using git log yields: fatal:

Maven Release-plugin “tag already exists” for nonexistant tag

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-23 07:50:28
问题 My setup: git -repository on an Atlassian Stash -server and Atlassian Bamboo . I'm using Maven 3.1.1 with the release-plugin 2.3.2 . The plan in Bamboo looks like this: Check out from git -repository perform a clean install perform release:prepare and release:perform with ignoreSnapshots=true and resume=false Everything up to the last step works fine, but Maven states, that it can't tag the release, because the tag already exists. Here is the log: build 26-Nov-2013 10:36:37 [ERROR] Failed to

nirvdrum svn2git fetch from interrupted clone

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-23 03:43:27
问题 I am using the below svn2git tool to migrate the repo. I have initiated the clone process and got interrupted due to network connectivity. svn2git svn://repo/repo-name --tags tags --trunk trunk --branches branches --authors "~\authors.txt" Is there a way to restart the clone process from where it got interrupted? I have executed the above command again and got the below error message. In Pro Git, I think we can restart the clone using git svn fetch . Is

Change multiple authors in a large Git repo

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-13 18:35:56
问题 I have a very large Git repo (almost 20K commits, 3GB+, 10+ authors) that I am moving from Subversion into Github. I already moved the repo using nirvdrum's svn2git (not the svn2git on gitorious) however I did not have an authors file set up to map the authors. No one is using this repo yet, and no one has cloned it yet and I've told everyone that I'm making changes that will break any clone. So, What I want to do is rewrite the author emails in the commit history so Github properly links to