
Checkout the git commit corresponding to a certain revision from the old SVN repository?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-18 05:07:07
问题 I migrated my repository from SVN to git. I used THIS site. Now I have a bug in revision X. How do I checkout from my git repository, knowing only the revision number from my old SVN repo? Thank you for your Help. 回答1: You can find the git commit that corresponds to the Subversion revision with the git svn find-rev subcommand. For example, if you're looking for the commit that corresponds to Subversion revision 3431 you can do: $ git svn find-rev r3431 42ed8bcf690fd0c655c5cee91b09258318fc56e8

Convert an SVN checkout to use git (git-svn)

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-18 01:28:33
问题 I work with software that is kept in svn for version control. I would like to use git (git-svn) however the software requires lots of setup and configuration before it can be used. There are tools that take care of all of the setup, including checking out all the code via svn. All the documentation for git-svn (I've been able to find) requires a fresh checkout, using git-svn. Is there a way to convert an existing svn checkout so it can use git-svn? 回答1: You could do something like this: Do a

How to checkout latest stable Boost (not development or bleeding edge)?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-12 13:17:18
问题 According to Boost Subversion Repository, I can checkout Boost's bleeding edge development with svn co boost-trunk . I'm interested in checking out the latest stable version because I need bcp ( bcp is not part of the Boost downloads). I believe the latest version of Boost is Version 1.55.0, but there's no "XXX_1_55" in trunk , tags or branches in the repository (where XXX would presumably be something, like "release"). How do I checkout the latest stable

Proper way to debug SVN+SSH checkout over VPN failure? How to compare with a working setup?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-10 21:37:40
问题 In brief Given a setup where SVN+SSH checkout over VPN is not working, and another where it is working, what is the correct procedure to find out what is the difference between two systems? Details I am using a 64-bit system running Windows 7. I have Open VPN and Tortoise SVN 64-bit installed. The repository is in a remote system, and we connect using VPN. Continuing from my earlier question SVN+SSH checkout over VPN using tortoise SVN, Smartsvn failing One new teammate (working on exactly a

SVN+SSH checkout over VPN using tortoise SVN, Smartsvn failing

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-10 17:48:36
问题 System & connection details I am using a 64-bit system running Windows 7. I have Open VPN and Tortoise SVN 64-bit installed. The repository is in a remote system, and we connect using VPN. What I have done so far I have followed the necessary steps to initiate the VPN connection - Added some project specific config files inside the config folder of the Open VPN installation path. Took these files from working setup of team members. Initiated Open VPN connection using a user. ran Putty's

Settings for Maven for conditional checkout or update from SVN?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-10 15:49:20
问题 I have following settings in POM file.But my build script fails with 'SVN file locked' message.Is there any other way to do conditional checkout.If project is already checked out then I want to update only otherwise if project is not checkedout it should check out the code and should not update it.Thanks in advance. <!-- Initial check out of (will not do anything if directory already there) --> <execution> <id>check-out-project</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>checkout</goal

Checking out svn repository without .svn files

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-10 15:16:27
问题 I have an svn repository on my dedicated server (Centos 5.5) at /var/svn/myRepository. I just want to copy those files into my production folder /var/www/myWebapp. As far as I am understanding SVN I could only use svn export on my local project folder which has all the sourcecode and additional .svn files. But on my dedicated Server I just have the repository. How can I get the sourcecodefiles, without those .svn files out of that repository into my /var/www/myWeapp folder? 回答1: No. You don't

SVN Error E175002

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-09 08:46:02
问题 While trying to checkout code from a repository online I got the following Error E175002: REPORT of '/repos/xxx/!svn/vcc/default' I am trying to checkout the code from a remote computer 回答1: After long research, I finally found a solution the solution was to put allow from all in the svn configuration on httpd.conf : <Directory /repos> ... allow from all ... </Directory> The svn checkout is working fine now The above are for apache 2.2 if you use apache 2.4 <Directory /repos> ... require all

Equivalent of “svn checkout” for git?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-08 18:48:28
问题 What git command should I use to be equivalent to svn checkout ? git checkout(?) Many thanks! 回答1: git clone is more of an analogue to svn checkout than git checkout. git checkout just checks out a branch or commit from your local repository. git clone makes a new copy of a remote repository. 回答2: This is exactly what I wanted: SVN $ svn checkout svn:// foo # make your changes $ svn commit -m "my first commit" GIT $ git clone # make

Netbeans fails on existing SVN copy (LWC), checked out with external SVN client

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-08 12:41:37
问题 ( This question deals with particular problem — unable to work in Netbeans with existings LWCs. I know and understand, that the best (quickest) solution here is to checkout fresh copy out of repository, right in Netbeans. Please, don't put answers like that, as I'm aware of them. I'm seeking answer on how to work with existing LWCs, without need to checkout fresh copy, as this is not an option in my case ) I've been working on my projects for past three years with Netbeans and TortoiseSVN