
Strange problems about strong name verification skipping

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-10 14:25:17
问题 My ASP.NET application is using an assembly without strong name. When I run it in IE, it shows an error saying: Could not load file or assemlby 'xxxxx.' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signatuer could not be verified. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131045)" I use sn.exe -Vr xxxx to register that assembly to skip the strong name verification, but still it shows that error.

Signing an F# Assembly (Strong name component)

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-10 02:43:34
问题 I found this article on CodeProject: and thought it would be nice to give it a try, but in F#. So I came up with the following code: open System open System.IO open System.Text open System.Runtime.InteropServices open System.Windows.Forms open SharpShell open SharpShell.Attributes open SharpShell.SharpContextMenu [<ComVisible(true)>] [<COMServerAssociation(AssociationType.ClassOfExtension, ".txt")>] type

Unmanaged C++ - need strong name to be referenced by C++/CLI dll with strong name?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-09 18:49:50
问题 I have a unmanaged C++ dll, which will be used by a managed C++/CLI wrapper .dll, which will eventually be used by a C# project. C# project is strong-named, so is the wrapper .dll. I tried doing the same for the unmanaged dll, using /KEYFILE, but doesn't seem to work. And the wrapper is complaining: .... is a strong-name signed assembly and embedding a manifest invalidates the signature Do I need to strong-name the unmanaged C++ at all? If not, how do I resolve this issue? 回答1: It is not

Run Powershell or Command Prompt as administrator during Visual Studio Team Services build

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-08 15:20:58
问题 I am working on a project where we are delay signing the assemblies. I need to use the strong name tool a couple times during the build, to turn off strong name verification, and then to fully sign the assemblies before they are packaged. I attempted to use a powershell step to turn off verification, but it came back with this error: Script: $testprojs = gci Project.*.dll -r $testprojs | % { sn -Vr $_ write-output $("Turned off sn verification for " + $_.Name) } Error: Failed to open registry

Is an assembly signed with a strong name before or after the post-build event?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-08 12:42:16
问题 I'm modifying the stack size of an assembly using editbin , see Increase stack size of main program or create a new thread with larger stack size for recursive code blocks? Now I'm asking myself: Is an assembly signed with a strong name before or after the post-build event? Because editbin is changing the assembly in the post-build event. My post build-event looks like that: "$(DevEnvDir)..\..\VC\bin\editbin.exe" /STACK:16777216 "$(TargetPath)" And my project .csproj file contains the

How many .snk files do I need?

你。 提交于 2019-12-08 04:11:49
问题 Say I have several .NET assemblies and want to sign each of them with a strong name. Is one keypair (one .snk file) enough or do I need to generate one pair for each assembly? Will I have to publish the public key of (each) keypair? 回答1: You need only one .snk file. You don't need to publish the public key. Any one can get a public key using sn.exe with -p switch. 回答2: One key file is enough to sign multiple related assemblies. Take a look through your GAC. Assemblies from the same product or

Retrieve strong name of .NET assembly in Inno Setup

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-07 18:43:49
问题 I need to install these some DLL files to the GAC. I use preprocessor to generate [Files] section entries for these DLLs. And I need to provide a value for the StrongAssemblyName parameter. So question Can I automatically retrieve the StrongAssemblyName of a DLL from a Pascal Script? If not, can one create a dictionary so I could look up in the dictionary using the assembly name as key, and then have hardcoded value strings that would get used when automatically building up the line Source:

How do I strongly name an Unmanaged C++ Dll?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-07 05:57:00
问题 I'm working on a C# application which uses the EasyHook library for DLL Injection. EasyHook requires that any application using it be strongly named. In order to strongly name the application I need to make sure that all the libraries I use are strongly named as well. This is easy to do for all of my managed libraries, but I also have an unmanaged c++ library which I need to strongly name. After some searching I can't seem to find a way to sign my unmanaged dll, even with the source code. Can

proper way to sign .net core assembly

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-07 00:04:20
问题 I'm trying to sign a .net core lib, and I'm just not sure if I did everything correctly 1) using VS Command Promp I called sn -k mykey.snk 2) copied mykey.snk to myproject folder 3) in project.json added keyfile "frameworks": { "netstandard1.6": {} }, "buildOptions": { "outputName": "MyLib", "keyFile": "mykey.snk" } is this correct, is the library (dll) going to be usable on both .net core and full .net 4.6 apps ? 回答1: Yes, this is the correct way. If you look into any ASP.NET Core projects,

Extracting private key from a strong name file?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 09:35:24
问题 As the title states, does anyone know how to extract the private key from an snk file? We want to use the private key from the StrongName for encryption purposes. I read in: that sn -o key.snk will extract both the private/public key if they exist in the file but i tried it and its just a long CSV formatted string with no distinction between what is the private key and what is the public key. 回答1: In the document you link, next to