
How to remove the transition effect from the VuetifyJS Vertical Stepper?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-23 12:06:30
问题 Is it possible to show the next step directly after clicking continue within the Vuetify Stepper? (or in other words: how to remove the transition slide out effect) 回答1: It doesn't look like there is any provided option to change the transition effect in the Vue component itself. But, you can disable it by setting the transition css property to none for the .stepper-content elements. For example, you could create a no-transition class: .no-transition .stepper__content { transition: none; }

flutter stepper widget - validating fields in individual steps

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-23 01:36:06
问题 i am using stepper widget in order to collect info from user and validate it, i need to call an API at each step hence validate each field in a step at every continue button ... i am using form state and form widget but the issue is that it validates entire fields in all steps in stepper... how can i validate only individual step in a stepper? i went through the documentation in Stepper and State classes in stepper.dart but there is no supporting function there following is the code class

A simple example of using the stepper in SBCL

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-03 07:18:44
问题 Going through the computation with the LispWorks stepper is rather intuitive, but I cant figure it out in SBCL. Can somebody please give me a step-by-step example of how to use the SBCL stepper in the REPL on some simple function? Thanks. 回答1: * (proclaim '(optimize (debug 3))) * (defun foo (a b) (* (+ a b) b)) FOO * (step (foo 1 2)) ; Evaluating call: ; (FOO 1 2) ; With arguments: ; 1 ; 2 1] step ; Evaluating call: ; (+ A B) ; With unknown arguments 0] step ; Evaluating call: ; (* (+ A B) B)

A simple example of using the stepper in SBCL

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-02 20:47:41
Going through the computation with the LispWorks stepper is rather intuitive, but I cant figure it out in SBCL. Can somebody please give me a step-by-step example of how to use the SBCL stepper in the REPL on some simple function? Thanks. * (proclaim '(optimize (debug 3))) * (defun foo (a b) (* (+ a b) b)) FOO * (step (foo 1 2)) ; Evaluating call: ; (FOO 1 2) ; With arguments: ; 1 ; 2 1] step ; Evaluating call: ; (+ A B) ; With unknown arguments 0] step ; Evaluating call: ; (* (+ A B) B) ; With unknown arguments 0] step ; (FOO 1 2) => 6 Commands: Stepping: START Selects the CONTINUE restart if

how to maintain the value in table view cell after the cell is reused after scrolling?

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-02 17:07:53
问题 here is the .gif of my problem: at first, I can use increment or decrement button to increase or decrease the value. but after scrolling the table view to bottom and then back to the stepper I changed before, then it seems the decrement button doesn't work, the value from the counter label still remain the same but, if I tap the increment button , it works, but still giving the wrong value, it will start again from 1, it doesn't continue the value before