
Self-Contained Application Packaging for a JavaFX app on Windows: InnoSetup OR javafxpackager?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-08 12:19:00
问题 Steam does not accept to launch a batch file that installs (with an installer) a specific JRE and then launches my app on it. So, for avoiding this problem, I want to create a "self contained app packaging" and provides a "simple" .exe to Steam, this file including the JRE and my app. I saw but it is a little bit complicated. I only noticed that Innosetup could help me to generate this .exe file. But another

Steam API Key in Client-Side JavaScript

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-08 05:11:06
问题 Recently I have created a Steam app, using the Steam API, which requires the Steam Key to use to any large extent. My application is written completely using client-side JavaScript and needs to have the key put in there somehow. However Steam forbids the user from posting his API in a public place, and I believe that the source code is public. Is there anyway of encoding it, so there is no way to get the normal key, yet still keep the functionality of putting it in a call to a website (for

Steam Web API get Badge Image URL

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-07 12:23:25
问题 So I'm looking to get the URL of the badge images from Steam. /IPlayerService/GetBadges/v1/ gives: { "response": { "badges": [ { "badgeid": 2, "level": 2, "completion_time": 1374530451, "xp": 200, "scarcity": 1711283 }, { "badgeid": 8, "level": 1, "completion_time": 1356256226, "xp": 100, "scarcity": 741879 }, { "badgeid": 1, "appid": 245070, "level": 1, "completion_time": 1379186990, "xp": 100, "communityitemid": "227090978", "border_color": 0, "scarcity": 688570 }, { "badgeid": 1, "appid":

Steamworks checking if a user is logged in

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-07 11:04:00
问题 So the code that I've been using to get a user's Steam ID is: CSteamID uid = SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); uint64 pid = uid.ConvertToUint64(); std::ostringstream sin; sin << pid; std::string s = sin.str(); return s.c_str(); This works just fine, but when a user is not logged into Steam, this crashes. Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Does Steam provide a function that I can use to check if the user is logged in before running code that depends on the user being

Using Chrome's cookies in Python-Requests

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-06 18:24:40
问题 I'm trying to log in to the website using the cookies I've got from my Chrome session. Once I've grabbed all the cookie table's data, using the command SELECT * FROM cookie WHERE host_key LIKE '%steam%' and the column names: PRAGMA table_info(cookie) and sorted through all the data with a list comprehension, I don't know how to pass it all to requests so that the cookies become usable. The request 's docs say you need to pass in a dict, ie cookies={'cookies':'are

Steam API Key in Client-Side JavaScript

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-06 15:30:29
Recently I have created a Steam app, using the Steam API, which requires the Steam Key to use to any large extent. My application is written completely using client-side JavaScript and needs to have the key put in there somehow. However Steam forbids the user from posting his API in a public place, and I believe that the source code is public. Is there anyway of encoding it, so there is no way to get the normal key, yet still keep the functionality of putting it in a call to a website (for example An example I have been looking at is encoding it into base 64, but I'm

Steam: Convert SteamID64 to SteamID using PHP

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-06 11:08:00
How would someone convert steamid64 (example: 76561198074259974) into a steamid (STEAM_0:0:56997123) using PHP/javascript (I would like to display a steamid on a loading screen, but not the steamid64) Have a look at the code here for converting steamID to steamID64: You can reverse it for converting steamID64 to steamID, for this the formula would be: (steamID64 - (76561197960265728 + (steamID64 % 2)))/2 This would give you the numbers after the second colon (:). If steamID64 is odd (steamID64 % 2) the number after the first colon

How to retrieve Steam username using SteamWorks API?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-06 06:22:35
问题 How can I obtain the Steam username of the currently used (logged-in) account in my application using the Steam API (which is up and running). The Steam id can (for example) be obtained by: CSteamID id = SteamUser.GetSteamID(); But I cannot find a method to obtain the username. 回答1: Account Name Getting the account name is difficult as there is no API function as far as I know. But there is a SteamAppData.vdf file in the <SteamInstallPath>/config folder which looks similar to this:

How do I interact with a newly created server, created with child_process.spawn

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-06 02:52:10
I'm trying to make a front-end for my privately hosted Counter-Strike Global Offensive servers, on the front-end when I hit run server, everything works great and the server starts up and logs to console. But how can I view information like the server IP address, players in the server, and other things? This is what I have so far for running the server:'/create', function(req, res) { console.log(req.body); var child = spawn('/home/steam/steamcmd/csgo/srcds_run -game csgo -console +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +host_workshop_collection 249376192 -tickrate 128 +maxplayers 20') child

Steam Web API get Badge Image URL

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-05 19:10:20
So I'm looking to get the URL of the badge images from Steam. /IPlayerService/GetBadges/v1/ gives: { "response": { "badges": [ { "badgeid": 2, "level": 2, "completion_time": 1374530451, "xp": 200, "scarcity": 1711283 }, { "badgeid": 8, "level": 1, "completion_time": 1356256226, "xp": 100, "scarcity": 741879 }, { "badgeid": 1, "appid": 245070, "level": 1, "completion_time": 1379186990, "xp": 100, "communityitemid": "227090978", "border_color": 0, "scarcity": 688570 }, { "badgeid": 1, "appid": 219150, "level": 1, "completion_time": 1379187097, "xp": 100, "communityitemid": "227093331", "border