
Apache Http Client 4.0.1 SSL Proxy

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-18 19:40:55
问题 I am using Apache Http client 4.0.1 for communicating with the server. I already have a secure/non secure client code that works just fine. Recently the new addition being to add proxy to this code, so i added the following piece of code to do that (currently non secure proxy), HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("localhost", 5555); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy); This has worked fine with a non secure request. However i am having trouble with a secure

Firefox not trusting self-signed certificate

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-18 17:50:06
问题 I'm trying to configure my computer to trust a self-signed certificate for testing a website. However I'm having problems with Firefox. Chrome and IE are fine with it. I've done the following. Create a 2048 bit pem rsa key and crt with openssl Created a pfx file from the key and crt files Imported the pfx into the personal certificate store on the server using MMC Configured IIS to use the certificate for the site On the client PC Imported the pem crt file into the personal certificate store

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception when running the call a second time?

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-18 17:10:30
问题 I have the following code : public GetUserDataResponse GetUserDataFromService(X509Certificate2 certificate) { ChannelFactory<MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract> factory = new ChannelFactory<MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract>("NetTcpBinding_IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract_Certificate"); MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract service; GetUserDataResponse response; factory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = certificate; //factory.Credentials.UserName

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception when running the call a second time?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-18 17:07:41
问题 I have the following code : public GetUserDataResponse GetUserDataFromService(X509Certificate2 certificate) { ChannelFactory<MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract> factory = new ChannelFactory<MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract>("NetTcpBinding_IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract_Certificate"); MyApp4SITHSService.IMyApp4SITHSServiceContract service; GetUserDataResponse response; factory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = certificate; //factory.Credentials.UserName

SSLProtocolException with HTTPs on Retrofit2

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-18 12:45:09
问题 I am running into an issue on Android 4.4 phones (specifically, Galaxy S4, although I believe it's not the fault of the phone itself). While using Retrofit2.Http I receive the following error while connecting on HTTPS: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x737510d0: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure (external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741

Kubernetes error: Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-18 11:45:15
问题 I'm seeing the following error when running kubectl get pods : Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This was working when I ran it two weeks ago. My config file in the ~/.kube/config directory looks as follows: apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: name: dev-cluster - cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https:/

The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-18 08:07:49
问题 I am getting a problem with possibly Cors. I am doing local dev(react frontend, core 2 api backend). Both IE 11 and Chrome have no problem, but Firefox has a problem with my requests. I just keep getting "Network Error" from my calls. I disabled "HSTS" in firefox and now I am seeing a "warning message" Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://localhost:44391/api/tokens/auth. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). In my cor

Node.js self signed certificate is still showing as “not trusted” in my browser

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-17 06:29:04
问题 I am running a Node.js server and I'm trying to host this server locally and not get any SSL errors. Here's what I did to create the certificate. I opened up Terminal in Visual Studio Code and typed the following: $ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert This created a .cert and a .key file in my current directory. Next, in my app.js file, I added this: https.createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync('./server.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync('./server.cert')//, //passphrase:

Socket.IO: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-17 05:27:08
问题 I have a strange issue in FF which is not reproduced in Chrome: websocket connection to another origin does not work when using SSL connection. My Rails app is running on and node JS app is running on . When I try to connect to the socket from the Rails app in FF I see the following warnings in the browser's dev console: When I open the Network tab I see the following response headers - notice that there are no access-control headers

Unable to autheticate to IBM MQ C# with TLS-certificate

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-17 05:19:05
问题 I'm trying to connect to a IBM MQ using .net core ( "IBMMQDotnetClient" Version="" ) with a certificate inside a linux container ( ). Configuration Hashtable: new Hashtable { { MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, "localhost" }, { MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, "DEV.SVRCONN" }, { MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, 1419 }, { MQC.SSL_CIPHER_SPEC_PROPERTY, "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" }, { MQC.SSL_CERT_STORE_PROPERTY, "*USER" }} The tracing reveals this exception: 0000702 17:37:10