
Only get non-filtered values for Google App Script getRange

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-28 05:32:29
问题 Is there a way to only get non-filtered values only in Google App Script? (i.e. get values that are showing and not hidden ones? For example, let’s say I have the following cells + values in Google Sheets. A1=abc B1=x A2=def B2=y A3=ghi B3=y A4=kjl B4=x And I filtered B column so it only displays [y]. A2=def B2=y A2=ghi B3=y When I use the following script, both hidden and non-hidden values gets printed to the msgBox. function msgBoxTest(){ var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var

Loop through columns looping through rows

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-28 01:52:20
问题 I'm trying to create a script that loops through columns and set variables from rows 2, 3 and 4. I've found the following example script and tried to rewrite it to loop through columns but when I replace "row" with "column" it still loops through rows. function sendEmails() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process // Fetch the range of cells A2:B3 var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1,

Combine Text in ArrayFormula

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-27 16:21:16
问题 I have a table using Google Sheets. It has three columns that will always have a null value or a specific value for that column. Each line will have one, two, or three values; it will never have three null values on one line. In the fourth column, I want an ArrayFormula that will combine those values and separate the values with a comma if there is more than one. Here is a photo of what I am trying to accomplish. I've tried several ideas so far and this formula is the closest I've gotten so

Combine Text in ArrayFormula

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-01-27 16:15:31
问题 I have a table using Google Sheets. It has three columns that will always have a null value or a specific value for that column. Each line will have one, two, or three values; it will never have three null values on one line. In the fourth column, I want an ArrayFormula that will combine those values and separate the values with a comma if there is more than one. Here is a photo of what I am trying to accomplish. I've tried several ideas so far and this formula is the closest I've gotten so

How to find a specific data of consecutive numbers inside an excel spreadsheet column

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-01-27 07:00:07
问题 Please help me to find sequence of numbers present in column of a spreadsheet. I have a large data of 1's and 0's in an excel column, I need to find the sequence of consecutive 1's and 0's in the column. For example, my excel column is given below: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Please assume this as some of my column data, I need to find where are the sequences of 1's and 0's present in the column. For example, I need to find: 0 0 1 1 0 1 This sequence of data in the column. Is there

How to find a specific data of consecutive numbers inside an excel spreadsheet column

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-01-27 06:55:25
问题 Please help me to find sequence of numbers present in column of a spreadsheet. I have a large data of 1's and 0's in an excel column, I need to find the sequence of consecutive 1's and 0's in the column. For example, my excel column is given below: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Please assume this as some of my column data, I need to find where are the sequences of 1's and 0's present in the column. For example, I need to find: 0 0 1 1 0 1 This sequence of data in the column. Is there

DHTMLX版本更新:Suite 7.0.1,Diagram3.0.3,Spreadsheet 4.0.2,Pivot1.5.2

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-01 06:35:46
欢迎使用2020年的最后一个维护版本。本月,我们的开发团队推出了期待已久的DHTMLX Suite重大更新到7.0版。它带有许多新功能,增强了开发人员在实际情况下使用UI窗口小部件的可能性。此外,DHTMLX Suite还提供了一些有用的修复程序,这些修复程序将在此版本中重点介绍。除此之外,我们还希望与您分享Diagram,Spreadsheet和Pivot组件的新补丁版本。查看下面的详细信息。 dhtmlxSuite v7.0.1 | 点击下载 (已修复)打开组合编辑器后滚动Grid时出现的问题 (已修复)使用“ minWidth”时网格列的初始宽度问题 (修复)当Grid列的总宽度大于容器宽度时autoWidth的错误工作 (已修复)在Grid中冻结列时显示行跨度的问题 (已修复)导致带有过滤器的隐藏列不显示在网格中的问题 (已修复)应用于网格中具有数值的列时选择过滤器的错误工作 (已修复)网格中带有过滤器的列中的正则表达式的错误工作 (已修复)TreeGrid中的crashAll ()方法的问题 (已修复)数据收集的save()方法的错误工作 (已修复)将对齐方式应用于网格列时显示排序图标的问题 (已解决)导致通过afterRemove事件仍从数据收集中删除后处于过滤状态的项目的问题 (已修复)当将Form的值作为Form


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-10-23 04:44:51
工作中比较多地遇到导出excel的需求,我通常是用phpspread完成,然而有时候像导出身份证号,银行卡号,订单号这些比较长而且格式为纯数字的数据时往往会出现变成科学计数法的情况,设置为默认文本格式又会出现末尾数字变成0的情况 经过搜索和测试后总算是有了解决办法,我将其封装成了一个函数 function CreateExcel($Data, $Header, $Path, $FileName,$LongNumberField=null) { $SpreadSheet = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet(); $Sheet = $SpreadSheet->getActiveSheet(); if($LongNumberField===null){ array_unshift($Data, $Header); $SpreadSheet->getDefaultStyle()->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode(\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER); $Sheet->fromArray($Data); } else{ $HeaderCount=count($Header); for($i=0;$i<$HeaderCount


假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-10-21 01:58:52
在我们的软件产品设计里面,报表很多时候是不可或缺的一部分,并且报表通常是管理者、高层领导要看的东西,是不是能很好满足他们的分析需求,往往对项目的成功起着重要的作用。 在今天的互联网产品里面,报表分析已经转化为日常的数据分析,成为产品运营的核心工作,所以,如何清晰的理解 报表分析 中的关键点,就显得尤为重要。 接下来,我们以某互联网产品统计工具的报表为例,来讲述报表分析的关键点: 报表的三要素 要理解的报表的三要素,先上图: 如上图所示,每个报表都有三个关键要素:报表主题,报表指标,分析维度,我们逐一说明如下: 报表主题 报表主题,很多时候你也会把它当标题看待,事实上我们也是以主题对标题来进行命名的。 但核心点是,每个报表主题一定清晰的对应着某个分析的目标,代表了客户期望从这个报表中获取到的信息,比如上图中留存分析,通常是基于客户想分析产品的使用情况,为版本功能优化、用户体验改版等提供数据支撑。 但很多时候,特别在一些 TO B项目里面,客户往往是直接告诉你我需要什么报表,背后分析目的和目标并不一定明确告知你, 这就需要我们在调研的时候,多问几句“您是用来做哪方便分析的,希望达到什么目标”之类的问题。 只有把报表期望得到的目标理解清楚了,你才能确定一个清晰的报表主题出来。 报表指标 有了报表主题后,很自然的,我们需要用哪些指标来支撑该主题的分析呢,还用上面的留存分析为例, 你看到

界面控件DevExpress 7月版本已更新,重要更改看这里

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-10-19 09:22:11
DevExpress文档控件公开课第一弹报名通道开启,40分钟教你入门(Spreadsheet)控件! DevExpress Universal Subscription 拥有.NET开发需要的所有平台控件,包含600多个UI控件、报表平台、DevExpress Dashboard eXpressApp 框架、适用于 Visual Studio的CodeRush等一系列辅助工具。 屡获大奖的软件开发平台DevExpress Universal 2020年全新首发v20.1,最新版拥有众多新产品和数十个具有高影响力的功能,可为桌面、Web和移动应用提供直观的解决方案,全面解决各种使用场景问题。 DevExpress v20.1.6完整版下载 具体更新内容如下: 此列表包含v20.1.6中引入的所有重大更改。 ASP.NET Core Dashboard/HTML JS Dashboard/MVC Dashboard UI T900780 - measures的配色方案定义已更改 Data Library API T902153 - IObjectLayerAsync,IDataLayerAsync,IDataStoreAsync接口已更改 DXSpreadsheet for WPF/Spreadsheet Document API UI T906566 -