
Unable to get sparklines working in AngularJS version of SmartAdmin template

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-02 07:32:25
I have started a angularjs seed project with SmarrAdmin template. I would like to create a sparkline in a view like this <div class="sparkline" data-sparkline-type="bar" data-sparkline-width="50px" data-sparkline-bar data-sparkline-height="25px"> 50,40,70 </div> But the chart doesn't show up and all i see is "50, 40, 70"... After creating a seed angular project i had to add/uncomment the module 'app.graphs' in app.js. The sparkline container is a directive implemented in this module. 来源:

Render datatable with sparklines in Shiny

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-11-30 23:34:31
I want to include sparklines in a shiny DT. It works fine in the RStudio viewer but in Shiny the sparklines are not rendered. Here is a minimal example. # dependencies require(sparkline) require(DT) require(shiny) # create data with sparklines spark_data <- data.frame( id = c('spark1', 'spark2'), spark = c( spk_chr(values = 1:3, elementId = 'spark1'), spk_chr(values = 3:1, elementId = 'spark2') ) ) # render in RStudio viewer (this works) tbl <- datatable(spark_data, escape = FALSE) spk_add_deps(tbl) # render in Shiny (no sparklines rendered in DT) ui <- fluidPage( sparklineOutput("test_spark")

Render datatable with sparklines in Shiny

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-30 17:46:04
问题 I want to include sparklines in a shiny DT. It works fine in the RStudio viewer but in Shiny the sparklines are not rendered. Here is a minimal example. # dependencies require(sparkline) require(DT) require(shiny) # create data with sparklines spark_data <- data.frame( id = c('spark1', 'spark2'), spark = c( spk_chr(values = 1:3, elementId = 'spark1'), spk_chr(values = 3:1, elementId = 'spark2') ) ) # render in RStudio viewer (this works) tbl <- datatable(spark_data, escape = FALSE) spk_add

How can I populate a jqGrid cell with a sparkline graph

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-30 13:31:55
问题 I'm having trouble figure out the proper way to get a sparkline graph rendering in a jqgrid cell and can't for the life of me find any relevant samples anywhere. Anyway, after some research I decided the thing to do was try injecting the sparkline graph into the cell on afterRowInsert. Unfortunately I am doing it wrong. Here is what I am doing: afterInsertRow: function(rowid, rowdata, rowelem) { var cell = jQuery('#datapointlist').getCell(rowid, 'Graph'); $(cell).sparkline([1,34,3,2,1]) },

How can I populate a jqGrid cell with a sparkline graph

早过忘川 提交于 2019-11-30 07:42:12
I'm having trouble figure out the proper way to get a sparkline graph rendering in a jqgrid cell and can't for the life of me find any relevant samples anywhere. Anyway, after some research I decided the thing to do was try injecting the sparkline graph into the cell on afterRowInsert. Unfortunately I am doing it wrong. Here is what I am doing: afterInsertRow: function(rowid, rowdata, rowelem) { var cell = jQuery('#datapointlist').getCell(rowid, 'Graph'); $(cell).sparkline([1,34,3,2,1]) }, The contents of the cell on insertion is 'Loading' and after the event it remains unchanged. I'm not

R YaleToolkit: How to change the font size of tick labels on the sparklines?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-30 00:23:49
I'm using this function for some quick and easy sparklines with R but I can't seem to work out how to change the font size to avoid ugly overlaps of the y-axis tick labels. Here's my code (see below for a reproducible example): sparklines(gamma.df, sub=c(1:23),outer.margin = unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2), "cm")) and the resulting plot: I seem to be able to completely suppress the y-axis with sparklines(gamma.df, sub=c(1:23),yaxis=FALSE,outer.margin = unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2), "cm")) But what I really want is just shrink the numbers at the tick marks (and add grey fill under the line, but it looks like I'd have