
Google speech to text node-record-lpcm16 stream error

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-11 12:27:09
问题 I am setting up google's speech-to-text in a node/express environment on Google App Engine. I have an Angular app that communicates to the server via websockets. This all works perfectly on local host, but when my angular app points to the App Engine instance it does not. It can connect fine - sends connection msg back/forth. And it runs my google speech connection fine. However I get an error in the bit where i try to access the mic stream. The error message isn't much use: ERROR with

Google speech to text node-record-lpcm16 stream error

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-11 12:26:14
问题 I am setting up google's speech-to-text in a node/express environment on Google App Engine. I have an Angular app that communicates to the server via websockets. This all works perfectly on local host, but when my angular app points to the App Engine instance it does not. It can connect fine - sends connection msg back/forth. And it runs my google speech connection fine. However I get an error in the bit where i try to access the mic stream. The error message isn't much use: ERROR with

MPEG Audio Constant bit rate conversion

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-05 11:34:48
问题 I am trying to convert few .wav files to .mp3 format The desired .mp3 format is : I tried with FFmpeg with this code : ffmpeg -i input.wav -vn -ac 2 -b:a 160k output1.mp3 This is the output of this command on one .wav format I am getting the result but two things are different Overall bit rate mode and Writing library Writing library: LAME3.99.5 vs LAME3.100 ( I think this shouldn't make any problem?) bit rate mode Constant Vs variable How to change bit rate mode from variable to Constant?

MPEG Audio Constant bit rate conversion

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-05 11:34:07
问题 I am trying to convert few .wav files to .mp3 format The desired .mp3 format is : I tried with FFmpeg with this code : ffmpeg -i input.wav -vn -ac 2 -b:a 160k output1.mp3 This is the output of this command on one .wav format I am getting the result but two things are different Overall bit rate mode and Writing library Writing library: LAME3.99.5 vs LAME3.100 ( I think this shouldn't make any problem?) bit rate mode Constant Vs variable How to change bit rate mode from variable to Constant?

How to run same code on multiple files, or all files in directory

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-29 09:14:50
问题 so I am very new to coding and recently wrote a little program that involved R and sox. It looked like this file <- "test.mp3" testSox = paste("sox ",file," -n spectrogram -o ",file,".png stats",sep='') sox = system(testSox, intern = TRUE) print(sox) Now, instead of assigning the one file manually within the code, I would just like to have this code read through all the mp3s in a folder automatically. Is this possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! EDIT: Actually, I should

Cross fading several audio files using sox

a 夏天 提交于 2021-01-27 21:32:04
问题 I'm trying to cross-fade several audio files together with a 3 second cross-fade and join them together in to one file with sox. I can join several files together by the command below but not sure how to cross fade between each one: sox $(ls /tmp/a*.wav | sort -n) /tmp/out/out.wav I can cross fade two files with the commands below but not sure how to combine the first line that joins several files together with the second line that splices / cross fades sox 100hz.wav 440hz.wav out.wav splice


天涯浪子 提交于 2021-01-14 16:27:20
本文主要讲解Openmeetings-5.1.0安装的过程,O2OA服务器的相关配置教程将随后发布。 教程比较详细,可以按照步骤一步一步安装服务器的安装,如果您在安装过程中有遇到其他的问题,请及时联系我们,我们会进一步更新安装手册。 O2OA实际上是集成Openmeeting来实现网络会议的,Apache-Openmeeting是一个开源的网络会议系统,我们可以在Openmeeting官方网站上得到更多的信息。 介于Openmeetings的安装比较复杂,所以在这里,我们也把我们安装的过程共享出来,希望对大家有所帮助: Openmeetings官网: Openmeetings官网下载: Openmeetings官方手册: 从 Openmeeting官方发布的安装手册中可以看到,服务器的安装需要如下几个步骤: 本文后续就按照Openmeeting官方安装手册的要求逐步完成目前最新版本5.1.0的安装: Version 5.1.0 released! Release 5.1.0, provides following improvements:

pipe sox play command to stdout

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-12-31 06:12:45
问题 So I'm currently trying to stream my microphone input from my raspberry pi (rasbian) to some sort of network stream in order to receive it later on my phone. In order to do this I use arecord -D plughw:1,0 -f dat -r 44100 | top pipe the soundstream from my usb-microphone to stdout which works fine as far as I can see but I needed it to be a bit louder so I can understand people standing far away from it . So i piped it to the sox play command like this : arecord -D plughw:1,0 -f dat -r 44100|


只愿长相守 提交于 2020-11-10 02:45:32
日志审计系统、事件日志审计、syslog审计 任何IT机构中的Windows机器每天都会生成巨量日志数据。这些日志包含可帮助您的有用信息: · 获取位于各个Windows事件日志严重性级别的所有网络活动的概述。 · 识别网络异常和潜在的安全漏洞。 · 识别多次登录失败、尝试访问未经授权的站点或文件等等事件。 · 跟踪任何事件的根本原因。 尽管审计Windows事件日志是保护机构免受潜在安全威胁时所必需的,但这是一项艰巨的任务。值得庆幸的是,事件日志管理和报表工具EventLog Analyzer可让您轻松完成此任务。 使用EventLog Analyzer进行Windows事件日志审计 EventLog Analyzer为您的Windows事件日志提供完整的管理和审计: · 同时支持EVT和EVTX事件日志格式。Windows NT、XP、2000和2003服务器和工作站版本支持EVT格式,更高版本(包括Windows 7和Windows 8)支持EVTX格式。 · 对企业Windows网络(包括服务器和工作站)生成的事件日志数据进行收集、分析、报表和存档。 · 使用无代理技术收集事件日志数据。 · 轻松审计您的事件日志并生成数以百计的预定义报表,包括合规报表。 · 在中央服务器上提供规范化事件日志数据。 · 进行安全的、加密的和灵活的日志归档。 ·