
Preserving SCRIPT tags (and more) in CKEditor

你。 提交于 2019-11-29 18:07:22
问题 Is it possible to create a block of code within the CKEditor that will not be touched by the editor itself, and will be maintained in its intended-state until explicitly changed by the user? I've been attempting to input javascript variables (bound in script tags) and a flash movie following, but CKEditor continues to rewrite my pasted code/markup, and in doing so breaking my code. I'm working with the following setup: <script type="text/javascript"> var editor = CKEDITOR.replace("content", {

Is distributing python source code in Docker secure?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-28 14:34:39
I am about to decide on programming language for the project. The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access. To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...). The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's

Sharing R functionality with multiple users without exposing code [closed]

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-28 00:33:27
I have code that will read in and process data that I would like to allow multiple users to use, but I do not want to allow them to see the code. Is there a way to do this using R or RStudio? One option would be to expose your functions as services using something like Rserve. That would, however, require that you host the server running the code for your users. When you use R code, there is imo no way to hide the code from the user. You can distribute binary packages of your package, but this still includes the R code in clear text. In addition, when the code is loaded into R, the user can

How do you protect code from leaking outside? [duplicate]

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-27 15:03:51
This question already has an answer here: How do you protect your software from illegal distribution? [closed] 25 answers Besides open-sourcing your project and legislation, are there ways to prevent, or at least minimize the damages of code leaking outside your company/group? We obviously can't block Internet access (to prevent emailing the code) because programmer's need their references. We also can't block peripheral devices (USB, Firewire, etc.) The code matters most when it has some proprietary algorithms and in-house developed knowledge (as opposed to regular routine code to draw GUIs,

Encrypting R script under MS-Windows

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-27 12:36:02
问题 I have a bunch of R scripts which I am running on a Windows machine and want to ensure that the code remains unread by those not intended to see it. On a Linux box, I could wrap the R code in a bash script #! and make an encrypted (and perhaps even a limited-life) executable shell script. What are my options to do something on similar lines under Windows? 回答1: My answer is a bit late, but I believe this is a good question. Unfortunately, I don't believe that there is a solution, or at least

How to protect compiled Java classes?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-27 10:53:25
I know, many similar questions has been asked here. I am not asking if I can protect my compiled Java class - because obviously you will say 'no you can't'. I am asking what is the best known method of protecting Java classes against de-compiling? If you aware of any research or academic paper in this field please do let me know. Also if you have used some methods or software please share you experience? Any kind of information will be very useful. Thank you. First if you're targeting "only" the Windows market there's a very easy to prevent the ".class to .java" decompilation: use a tool like

Is distributing python source code in Docker secure?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-11-27 08:13:58
问题 I am about to decide on programming language for the project. The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access. To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...). The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of

node.js - Code Protection?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-27 02:36:01
I want to use node.js in my next project, but my boss does not like that our competitors can read the source code. Is there a way to protect the JavaScript code? Christopher Tarquini You could accomplish this with a NativeExtension for node You'd have a boostrap.js file that adds a extension handler for .jse files // register extension require.extensions[".jse"] = function (m) { m.exports = MyNativeExtension.decrypt(fs.readFileSync(m.filename)); }; require("YourCode.jse"); YourCode.jse would be the encrypted version of your source code (the key for decryption wouldn't be anywhere in plain-text

How do I protect javascript files? [duplicate]

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-27 02:25:21
This question already has an answer here: How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript? [closed] 24 answers I know it's impossible to hide source code but, for example, if I have to link a JavaScript file from my CDN to a web page and I don't want the people to know the location and/or content of this script, is this possible? For example, to link a script from a website, we use: <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> Now, is possible to hide from the user where the script comes from, or hide the script content and still use it on a web page? For example

How do I protect my PHP source code when selling a website to clients?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-26 22:08:05
问题 I would like some advice Lets say I've made a product eg. Car rental Website/System (PHP & MySQL) I want to sell it to 40+ Car rental companies How do I stop eg. 'SA-Rentals' from just copying the code and giving/selling it to 'Cars 4U-Rentals' Safest way I can think of is using Multitenancy where each client will have a subdomain (eg. I've also looked at PHP Obfuscation and Encoding but it looks to easy to Decode/Modify Ideally We want to sell them the product and