
solr 7.6, nutch 1.16 and TYPO3 9.5 make work together

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-11 15:54:56
问题 I try to find a solution for a system that nutch, solr, and TYPO3 work together, but both systems, nutch and TYPO3 have their own schema.xml I can't include to run solr together with nutch and TYPO3. Does someone know how to fix this problem or is there any documentation for a working system including all three systems together? 来源:

Elastic Search Query for Distinct Nested Values

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-11 14:32:34
问题 I am using the High Level REST Client for Elastic Search 6.2.2. Suppose that I have two documents in index "DOCUMENTS" with type "DOCUMENTS" that are { "_id": 1, "Name": "John", "FunFacts": { "FavColor": "Green", "Age": 32 } }, { "_id": 2, "Name": "Amy", "FunFacts": { "FavFood": "Pizza", "Age": 33 } } I want to find out all of the distinct fun facts and their distinct values, ultimately returning an end result of { "FavColor": ["Green"], "Age": [32, 33], "FavFood": ["Pizza"] } It is ok for

How to make modifications to SOLR's tfidf similarity?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-11 13:32:10
问题 I am trying to search for titles hence just the presence of the word is sufficient and its frequency is not relevant at least to my use-case. For e.g: the search query is: "board early with my pets" The results I got are: Result 1: Pets 2.3924026 Result 2: Pets Counts against in cabin pet limit 2.0538325 Result 3: Pets Preboarding allowed 1.6092906 Ideally I want the result 3 to come at the top which needs some external work. However the result 1 is obvious and acceptable but the result 2 has

How to make modifications to SOLR's tfidf similarity?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-11 13:30:44
问题 I am trying to search for titles hence just the presence of the word is sufficient and its frequency is not relevant at least to my use-case. For e.g: the search query is: "board early with my pets" The results I got are: Result 1: Pets 2.3924026 Result 2: Pets Counts against in cabin pet limit 2.0538325 Result 3: Pets Preboarding allowed 1.6092906 Ideally I want the result 3 to come at the top which needs some external work. However the result 1 is obvious and acceptable but the result 2 has

preserve association or position in multivalued in solr

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-11 13:19:23
问题 I have multivalued fields in my solr datasource. sample is <doc> <str name="id">23606</str> <arr name="fecha_referencia"> <str>2020-05-24</str> <str>2018-01-18</str> <str>1997-07-22</str> </arr> <arr name="tipo_de_fecha"> <str>Publicacion</str> <str>Creación</str> <str>Edicion</str> </arr> </doc> But the point is that when I do a search I want the date 2020-05-24 to belong to the "Publication" date type , because solr does not handle positions but rather looks for at least one match between

SolrJ : Server refused connection

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-11 13:09:40
问题 For a customer, I need to write a search engine running on Linux. I am using SolrJ and did not configure anything else so far. I followed and thus added SolrJ in the project pom.xml, and also that tutorial. The SolR client is instanciated like : solrClient = new HttpSolrClient.Builder( GeneralSettings.getRootSolrPath() + "/" + getCollectionName()). build(); But for any query or commit I keep getting org.apache.solr

Different search term on different fields using edismax query parser in solr

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:49:33
问题 I have a solr query that searches on multiple fields. To increase the recall, I also do wildcard and fuzzy query. I use edismax query parser because I also have to use boost function. Here is the relevant parts of the query: defType=edismax&q= (wine AND company) OR (wine* AND company*)^0.5 OR (wine* OR company*)^0.01 OR (wine~1 AND company~1)^0.02&qf=primary_tags^1 secondary_tags_s^0.2 merchant_name_s^0.5 Now, the above query searches for (wine AND company) OR (wine* AND company*)^0.5 OR

Solr how to get only the exact match

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-02-11 12:46:35
问题 Sample tags field. "tags":["[\"Rectangle\",\"Product\",\"Font\",\"Rectangle\",\"Product\",\"Rectangle\",\"Snack\",\"Product\",\"Material property\",\"Product\",\"Material property\"]"], When I search the keyword land in the tags field I get the results that contain land vehicle q=tags:land "tags":["[\"Land vehicle\",\"Vehicle\"]"] - I do not want this to produce a match. <fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" multiValued="true"> <analyzer type="index"

Solr how to get only the exact match

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-11 12:45:19
问题 Sample tags field. "tags":["[\"Rectangle\",\"Product\",\"Font\",\"Rectangle\",\"Product\",\"Rectangle\",\"Snack\",\"Product\",\"Material property\",\"Product\",\"Material property\"]"], When I search the keyword land in the tags field I get the results that contain land vehicle q=tags:land "tags":["[\"Land vehicle\",\"Vehicle\"]"] - I do not want this to produce a match. <fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" multiValued="true"> <analyzer type="index"

SOLR 8.6 Synonyms search returning ambiguous results

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-11 12:24:55
问题 Using SOLR default Synonyms search I am able to search Synonyms but for few cases it is giving ambiguous results. For example one of Synonyms of "Revenue" is "Gain" Input Keyword for search: Revenue and Company Irrelevant Output: Our company don't want to gain success through shortcuts. Solr version I am using: 8.6.3 Any help is very much appreciated here. 来源: