

房东的猫 提交于 2020-04-21 00:23:03
go语言中文网(每日资讯)_2020-04-17 一、Go语言中文网 目前Go语言中文书籍都在这,满400减230!总有你需要的 结构体转map[string]interface{}的若干方法 Socket Server的N种并发模型汇总 使用Go语言创建WebSocket服务 Go刷LeetCode系列:二叉树(5)右视图 二、 GoUpUp Go 每日一库之 plot 三、平也 Go语言的GPM调度器是什么? gopherDaily_2020-04-17 1. 使用Go和WebRTC实现云游戏服务 2. go playground预置了一些常用代码模板 3. Go web开发开源书 4. 为什么Python程序员应该考虑Go 5. 友情链接:npm加入github 来源: gocn_news_2020-04-17 1. 使用 Golang 和 WebRTC 实战开源云游戏 2. 为 Go 构建动态的探针 3. Go Lisp 解析器 4. GeoDB:一款可持久化的地理数据库 5. testcase:一款 Go TDD 测试框架 来源: 由于微信公众号不允许外链,文中大量链接可通过文末 「阅读原文」 查看。 归档地址:


有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-04-14 03:59:28
【今日推荐】:为什么一到面试就懵逼!>>> 工作中常用到的一些知识点,总是用完就忘,第一次尝试用博客记录下来,以备后用; Socket通讯,Socket(套接字)是基于TCP/IP通讯方式的封装好的类,调用时需要添加下面的服务引用: ....... 10 using System.Net; 11 using System.Net.Sockets; 窗体页面搭建,上面为服务器区,下面为客户端区: 建立两个类,一个表示服务器,一个表示客户端, 首先建立服务器类: 1.声明变量:IP地址,端口号,EndPoint,Socket类,数据Buffer等 1 string ip; // IP地址 2 string port; // 端口号 3 IPEndPoint endPoint; // 网络端点 4 Socket socServer; // 侦听连接套接字 5 Socket socClient; // 通讯套接字 6 byte [] dataReceived = new byte [ 50000 ]; 7 8 public delegate void delegateDisplayMsg( string type, string msg); 9 public delegateDisplayMsg OnDisplay; 10 11 public SocketServer() 12 { 13


自作多情 提交于 2020-04-13 18:30:58
【今日推荐】:为什么一到面试就懵逼!>>> 1. 概述   计算机网络是通过传输介质、通信设施和网络通信协议,把分散在不同地点的计算机设备互连起来的,实现资源共享和数据传输的系统。网络编程就是编写程序使互联网的两个(或多个)设备(如计算机)之间进行数据传输。Java语言对网络编程提供了良好的支持。通过其提供的接口我们可以很方便地进行网络编程。 2. 网络分层   计算机网络20世纪60年代出现,经历了20世纪70年代、80年代和90年代的发展,进入21世纪后,计算机网络已经成为信息社会的基础设施,深入到人类社会的方方面面,与人们的工作、学习和生活息息相关。计算机网络分为网络协议和网络体系结构。 2.1 网络体系结构   通过网络发送数据是一项复杂的操作,必须仔细地协调网络的物理特性以及所发送数据的逻辑特征。通过网络将数据从一台主机发送到另外的主机,这个过程是通过 计算机网络通信 来完成。   网络通信的不同方面被分解为 多个层 , 层与层之间用接口连接 。通信的双方具有相同的层次,层次实现的功能由 协议数据单元(PDU)来描述 。不同系统中的同一层构成对等层,对等层之间通过对等层协议进行通信,理解批次定义好的规则和约定。每一层表示为物理硬件(即线缆和电流)与所传输信息之间的不同抽象层次。在理论上,每一层只与紧挨其上和其下的层对话。将网络分层,这样就可以修改甚至替换某一层的软件

Meaning of FLAG in socket send and recv

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-04-10 04:21:07
问题 While searching in the Linux manual page, what I have found about the format of send and recv in socket is like below: For send, ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags); For recv, ssize_t recv(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags); But I am not sure what they are trying to tell about int flags . In one sample code I have found the value of flag as 0 (zero). What it means? Also what is the meaning of the line below in the man page? "The flags argument is the

How to send and receive webcam stream using tcp sockets in Python?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-03-18 02:30:48
问题 I am trying to recreate this project. What I have is a server (my computer), and a client (my raspberry pi). What I am doing differently than the original project is that I am trying to use a simple webcam instead of a raspberry pi camera to stream images from my rpi to the server. I know that I must: Get opencv image frames from the camera. Convert a frame (which is a numpy array) to bytes. Transfer the bytes from the client to the server. Convert the bytes back into frames and view.

Unable to print message from server side to client side before sending any message from client

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-06 03:48:08
问题 I have two programs for server and client. My server can connect to multiple client. But the problem right now I am facing is that, I want to display some message from the server side to client side but I am unable to do that. Both the server and client program are provided below. I think the syntax that is preventing me to print the message on the client side is scanf which is used the code of client (second line of the while loop). I am not getting any solution for that about how to display

is there any pool for ThreadingMixIn and ForkingMixIn for SocketServer?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-01 09:42:21
问题 I was trying to make an http proxy using BaseHttpServer which is based on SocketServer which got 2 asynchronous Mixins (ThreadingMixIn and ForkingMixIn) the problem with those two that they work on each request (allocate a new thread or fork a new subprocess for each request) is there a Mixin that utilize a pool of let's say 4 subprocesses and 40 threads in each so requests get handled by those already created threads ? because this would be a big performance gain and I guess it would save

is there any pool for ThreadingMixIn and ForkingMixIn for SocketServer?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-01 09:42:08
问题 I was trying to make an http proxy using BaseHttpServer which is based on SocketServer which got 2 asynchronous Mixins (ThreadingMixIn and ForkingMixIn) the problem with those two that they work on each request (allocate a new thread or fork a new subprocess for each request) is there a Mixin that utilize a pool of let's say 4 subprocesses and 40 threads in each so requests get handled by those already created threads ? because this would be a big performance gain and I guess it would save

OSError [Errno 99] - python

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-31 06:08:27
问题 i want to execute the following simple server code: import socket s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name port = 22331 # Reserve a port s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection. while True: c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client. print('Got connection from', addr) c.send('Thank you for connecting') c.close() gives the following error while executing: OSError: [Errno 99]

OSError [Errno 99] - python

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-31 06:07:41
问题 i want to execute the following simple server code: import socket s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name port = 22331 # Reserve a port s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection. while True: c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client. print('Got connection from', addr) c.send('Thank you for connecting') c.close() gives the following error while executing: OSError: [Errno 99]