
Python - regex to extract IP and Mask from snmp walk output

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-19 07:48:22
问题 I am struggling with regex to extract IP and subnet mask info from a snmp walk output. Here is how output looks like. [<SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='' (oid='iso.', oid_index='', snmp_type='IPADDR')>, <SNMPVariable value='255.255.255

how to send specific trap in lwip

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-11 12:41:05
问题 I am new to SNMP, I am running SNMP v2 on an embedded device and want to send a trap when the system overheats. right now I have defined this in my mib file: dartTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dart 2} dartTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dart 3} temp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for an integer" ::= {dartTrapObjects 1} overheat NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { temp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A custom SNMPv2 trap" ::= {dartTraps 1} my


≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-08 06:29:59
1.SNMP的工作方式: 管理员需要向设备获取数据,所以SNMP提供了“读”操作;管理员需要向设备执行设置操作,所以SNMP提供了“写”操作;设备需要在重要状况改变的时候,向管理员通报事件的发生,所以SNMP提供了“Trap”操作。 2.SNMP的基本思想: 为不同种类的设备、不同厂家生产的设备、不同型号的设备,定义为一个统一的接口和协议,使得管理员可以是使用统一的外观面对这些需要管理的网络设备进行管理。通过网络,管理员可以管理位于不同物理空间的设备,从而大大提高网络管理的效率,简化网络管理员的工作。 3.SNMP被设计为工作在TCP/IP协议族上 SNMP基于TCP/IP协议工作,对网络中支持SNMP协议的设备进行管理。所有支持SNMP协议的设备都提供SNMP这个统一界面,使得管理员可以使用统一的操作进行管理。 4.使用net-snmp作为学习SNMP的工具,搭建一个net-snmp环境。Net-snmp是一个开源的SNMP项目。 注,有两个重要的安装,net-snmp.x86_64 、net-snmp-utils.x86_64 一个是net-snmp软件包,另一个是snmp的工具包。 5.下面是常用的配置选项:主配置文件:/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf //常用定义项: (1).首选是定义一个共同体名(community),这里是public


自作多情 提交于 2021-02-07 02:46:05
SNMP MIB 功能开发详细步骤 一、 定义 MIB 库文件: 可使用 adventnet 工具包下的 mibedit 工具来定义私有 MIB 库文件。 二、 在 linux 环境下安装 net-snmp 。安装过程如下: 1、 解压源码包: tar –zxvf net-snmp- 2、 进入解压后的文件目录: cd net-snmp- 3、 执行文件目录下的 configure 可执行文件,如果想指定程序包的安装路径,那么您首先建立相应的文件夹来存放安装信息,您可以写成 ./configure –prefix=/ 您指定的路径名。参数 —prefix 用来告诉系统安装信息存放的路径,如果您没有指定路径,直接执行 ./configure ,那么程序包都会安装在系统默认的目录下,通常为: /usr/local 下。例如: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/snmp // 配置 指定安装目录,安装过程会询问您以下的信息: 注意:以下问题似乎不怎么重要,那好像仅仅是官方想了解使用本软件方的信息,可以直接回车而不用回答,系统会采用默认信息,其中日志文件默认安装在 /var/log/snmpd.log. 数据存贮目录默认存放在 /var/net-snmp 下。 default version of-snmp

Where to begin with SNMP agent implementation?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-06 14:01:30
问题 before I start I realise there are a few SNMP related questions here already but not many seem to have been answered - that could mean I'm asking in the wrong place but I don't know where else to go at the moment. I've been reading up as best I can on SNMP for a couple of days but am finding it difficult to get my head around what is meant to be happening. The idea is eventually we will integrate SNMP into our Java application server which will allow the end users to incorporate it into their

Where to begin with SNMP agent implementation?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-06 13:58:55
问题 before I start I realise there are a few SNMP related questions here already but not many seem to have been answered - that could mean I'm asking in the wrong place but I don't know where else to go at the moment. I've been reading up as best I can on SNMP for a couple of days but am finding it difficult to get my head around what is meant to be happening. The idea is eventually we will integrate SNMP into our Java application server which will allow the end users to incorporate it into their


◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-11-01 17:56:58
分享本人的SNMP Gen 解析工具,使用Scala BNF模块开发。。 可以快速开发SNMP网管服务器和客户端。 使用protobuf作为客户端和服务器之间的通信接口。。 以C#作为客户端、C++作为服务端(生成SNMP PDU) C#客户端Class<-->Protobuf Msg<---> C++Class<---> SNMP PDU 根据SNMP MIB文件,解析Snmp Object、Snmp Group对象和Snmp Notify对象。 根据Snmp Object、Group、Notify等对象生成其它语言的业务对象和相关消息编解码。 1. 与SNMP通信使用ACE ASNMP库,可以轻松的切换为SNMP++库。 2. 使用google protobuf作为消息通信载体,因此同时生成了proto消息。 3.生成C++业务对象,包含C++业务对象和SNMP PDU包之间的接口。 4.生成C#业务对象,包含C#业务对象和protobuf消息之间的编解码 5.生成xaml界面,供WPF等参考。页面布局根据oid的大小。实际需要调整。 6.通过trait扩展,可以轻易的实现其他语言的业务对象。。 来源: oschina 链接:

SNMP EventTime in Human Readable format in Java

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-07-16 05:43:28
问题 I have a stand alone java application that receives SNMP messages via an SNMP trap. I am using SNMP4J library in my application. In the SNMP message received, I need to convert the event time field, which is in hexadecimal format, into a human readable format. The event time field received normally looks as follows for example: eventTime*SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Hex-STRING: 07 DC 03 0C 12 15 2C 1F 2B 01 00 Can anyone tell me how I can convert the text '07 DC 03 0C 12 15

SNMP EventTime in Human Readable format in Java

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-07-16 05:43:05
问题 I have a stand alone java application that receives SNMP messages via an SNMP trap. I am using SNMP4J library in my application. In the SNMP message received, I need to convert the event time field, which is in hexadecimal format, into a human readable format. The event time field received normally looks as follows for example: eventTime*SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Hex-STRING: 07 DC 03 0C 12 15 2C 1F 2B 01 00 Can anyone tell me how I can convert the text '07 DC 03 0C 12 15

SNMP EventTime in Human Readable format in Java

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-07-16 05:42:07
问题 I have a stand alone java application that receives SNMP messages via an SNMP trap. I am using SNMP4J library in my application. In the SNMP message received, I need to convert the event time field, which is in hexadecimal format, into a human readable format. The event time field received normally looks as follows for example: eventTime*SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Hex-STRING: 07 DC 03 0C 12 15 2C 1F 2B 01 00 Can anyone tell me how I can convert the text '07 DC 03 0C 12 15