
SmartGit无法clone Please check the repository URL.

三世轮回 提交于 2020-08-18 06:40:44
gitlab切换域名后,smartgit突然不能用了。 解决方案:进入本地.ssh目录下,也就是存放ssh key的地方。默认C:\Users\登录名\.ssh目录下。 修改known_hosts文件,该文件中内容格式是 域名,ip,密钥。将域名改为gitlab新域名即可。重启smartgit。 如果还是报错,检查smartgit使用的是系统的ssh程序还是smartgit的ssh工具,切换下。 来源: oschina 链接:


浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-08-12 00:51:12
在 上一章 的学习中,我们知道了微服务的基本概念,知道怎么基于Ribbon+restTemplate的方式实现服务调用,接着上篇博客,我们学习怎么基于Feign实现服务调用,请先学习上篇博客,然后再学习本篇博客 Feign是一个声明式的web service客户端,它使得编写web service客户端更为容易。创建接口,为接口添加注解,即可使用Feign。Feign可以使用Feign注解或者JAX-RS注解,还支持热插拔的编码器和解码器。 环境准备: JDK 1.8 SpringBoot2.2.1 SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR6) Maven 3.2+ 开发工具 IntelliJ IDEA smartGit 创建一个SpringBoot Initialize项目,详情可以参考我之前博客: SpringBoot系列之快速创建项目教程 port: 8083 spring: application: name: feign-service-consumer eureka: client: service-url: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ healthcheck: enabled: false instance: status-page-url-path: http://localhost:8761

git 使用中遇到的一些问题

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-08-08 09:45:26
SmartGit 是git的一种很好用的可视化工具,收费的。可以注册非商业用途免费使用。 注册地址 注意,使用git仓库用户的邮箱注册。如果注册邮箱和git仓库的用户邮箱不一致,会出现弹窗。 >> git使用中的一些问题: 使用SSH keys 免密操作git: linux使用xshell等SSH客户端 windows使用Git Bash: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096 # 使用git账号生成密钥 $ cat ~/.ssh/ # 复制公钥,添加到个人设置的ssh key里面。 本地项目,关联git远程仓库: ```shell $ git init # 初始化一个新本地仓库 $ git remote add origin git_url # 建立和远程仓库的连接 $ git remote -v # 查看远程地址 $ git pull origin master # 拉取远程master分支 修改git远程仓库地址: $ git remote set-url origin new_git_url 拉取远程代码报错,fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories: # branch_name 对应远程分支名 $ git pull origin


我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-08-04 14:16:36
smartgit是一款优秀的git图形客户端,一直用了好多年。不过新版本总是提醒你注册,点注册就打开商业版注册的网站,否则就要等30秒才可以关闭提示窗口。其实smartgit以前的版本有注册非商业用途的链接,在现在的新版本里找不到了。好不容易在一台安装较早电脑上翻出这个链接: 如果直接点“继续”会跳转到商业版的链接: 其实只有在第一页的所有的选项取反,才能注册非商业版: 点击“继续”,会提示你填写注册信息: 注意: 邮箱地址必须与您Git commits地址相同 ! 点击申请许可就可以了: 收到License后,将邮件附件里的license文件下载下来。打开smartgit,点help菜单里的register,导入注册文件: 记得备份一下license文件,重装系统的时候用的着。 来源: oschina 链接:

smrtGit 过期 激活

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-02-10 11:30:33
Windows: %APPDATA%\syntevo\SmartGit\ OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/SmartGit/ Unix/Linux: ~/.smartgit/ and remove the file settings.xml. 来源:

How to ignore existing, committed files in git? [duplicate]

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-23 06:25:46
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: GIT: Ignoring Version-Controlled Files There are plenty of answers around .gitignore on Stackoverflow, still I haven't found an answer: I have an existing git project, with a and a sample_folder/ , both on top-level. I do want to remove these from my git(hub) repository in general. But I would like to ignore them, that is, preventing them to be pulled at all, in a certain cloned local repository, i.e.

What would you select between rebase and merge methods in pull?

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-17 16:29:08
问题 I have usage the SmartGit! I know difference between rebase and merge , but I heard that rebase it classified as troubleshooting operation and it's not recommend for daily usage. So SmartGit instead reccomend that method. What would you select? 回答1: The rule of thumb: if you have already published commits which are to be rebased or merged, and an unspecified number of users have already got them into their private repository clones, then merge is the only option. if you haven't publish them,


只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-13 01:14:32
找到smartgit对应的settings.xml文件 sudo find / -name “settings.xml” 找到两个文件: /home/xxxxx/.smartgit/18.1/.backup/settings.xml /home/xxxxx/.smartgit/18.1/settings.xml 删除这两个文件 重启smartgit,所有设置选择默认选项即可 来源: CSDN 作者: walker_bin 链接:

SmartGit Hg “Authentication Failed”

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-12 13:56:39
问题 Hi already used smartGit Hg a couple of months. I have already account in bitbucket which I used already couple months already also. When I created another account in bitbucket then cloned the current repository to the smartGit. When I tried to commit and pushed (ofcourse it will ask for password), it says "Authentication Failed". Please help...THanks in advance.. 回答1: SmartGit probably remember a wrong account credentials to authenticate you on BitBucket. Goto Edit menu -> Preferences ->

How can I see only changed lines in file with SmartGit?

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-07 05:12:06
问题 I'm seeing full file with highlighted lines. But I want to see only changed lines as in SourceTree. SourceTree displays only changed lines and it very comfortable. I must not scroll all file to find changes. Can I tune SmartGit for it? Thanks. 回答1: SmartGit 17.1 supports this - it's called "Compact Change Display". 回答2: AFAIK this is not possible in SmartGit. But there are several ways to get to the changes quickly. You can use the arrow buttons on the right or its shortcuts F6 and SHIFT+F6.