
How can I create a shared folder from the Windows command line?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-30 17:58:41
As far as I'm aware, this is done via the net command. However, the help section isn't very helpful, as it only shows me the secondary options and not how to use those. Suppose I had a folder C:\Share_test How would I make it shared from the command line? C:\> net help share For example: To share a computer's C:\Data directory with the share name DataShare and include a remark, type: net share DataShare=c:\Data /remark:"For department 123." Using the "net help share" command you will see that the syntax is as follows: net share sharename=drive:path For example, if I had a folder S:\Public

How can I create a shared folder from the Windows command line?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-30 01:48:21
问题 As far as I'm aware, this is done via the net command. However, the help section isn't very helpful, as it only shows me the secondary options and not how to use those. Suppose I had a folder C:\Share_test How would I make it shared from the command line? 回答1: C:\> net help share For example: To share a computer's C:\Data directory with the share name DataShare and include a remark, type: net share DataShare=c:\Data /remark:"For department 123." 回答2: Using the "net help share" command you

Virtualbox shared folder permissions

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-11-29 18:33:25
I'm using Windows and Virtualbox with RedHat, putting it simple: I've created a shared folder so I can use Eclipse on my Windows OS and do some testing in Linux. However, I can't access the shared folder with my user, I've logged in with root and used chmod 777 and even moved my user to the folder's group. Whatever I do the result is the same: /media/sf_sharedFolder/: Permission denied What can I do? How can I access the shared folder with my user? Constantin Add yourself to the vboxsf group within the guest VM. Solution 1 Run sudo adduser $USER vboxsf from terminal. To take effect you should

Mapped Network Drives

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-28 14:03:05
I have mapped a network drive to a computer in my home network. Now I am trying to access it via PHP - I did this quick test: echo opendir('Z:\\'); This gives me: Warning: opendir(Z:\) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No error in C:\wamp\www\webs\tester-function.php on line 3 What have I done wrong here? I don't want my users typing in the UNC path so is there a way to get the UNC path for them and maybe that will work when I try to access it? This is possible in Microsoft languages but I am not sure how to get PHP to do this - maybe using a cmd.exe command? Please note, the mapped

Virtualbox shared folder permissions

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-11-28 13:08:11
问题 I'm using Windows and Virtualbox with RedHat, putting it simple: I've created a shared folder so I can use Eclipse on my Windows OS and do some testing in Linux. However, I can't access the shared folder with my user, I've logged in with root and used chmod 777 and even moved my user to the folder's group. Whatever I do the result is the same: /media/sf_sharedFolder/: Permission denied What can I do? How can I access the shared folder with my user? 回答1: Add yourself to the vboxsf group within

Mapped Network Drives

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-27 08:11:26
问题 I have mapped a network drive to a computer in my home network. Now I am trying to access it via PHP - I did this quick test: echo opendir('Z:\\'); This gives me: Warning: opendir(Z:\) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No error in C:\wamp\www\webs\tester-function.php on line 3 What have I done wrong here? I don't want my users typing in the UNC path so is there a way to get the UNC path for them and maybe that will work when I try to access it? This is possible in Microsoft languages

Shared folder on VirtualBox not opening with Visual Studio 2015 (Website project)

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-11-27 07:13:51
问题 I created a windows 10 virtual box vm with Visual studio 2015 enterprise installed. I tried to open an existing Visual Studio Website project solution in C:\sharedfolder\projectdirectory (With symbolic link) or \\VBOXSVR\myapp via virtualbox shared folder functionality, but it fails to open saying "Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:1849/ failed with the error: Filename: \?\UNC\VBOXSVR\myapp.vs\config\applicationhost.config Error: Cannot read configuration file" If I copy the

Shared folder in VirtualBox for Apache

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-26 22:39:59
问题 My host machine is ArchLinux and I'm running Apache in a CentOS guest. I have the vhost configuration and all the site code in a shared folder. To be able to put the vhost configuration in a shared folder I mounted the shared folder as apache:apache. shared /mnt/shared vboxsf defaults,uid=48,gid=48 0 0 When I'm editing files in the host, Apache will consistently start sending old versions of the file with trailing characters. In vim, they show up as ^@, so I guess they're null characters. The