
Using sh:maxExclusive to compare (the values of) two datatype properties

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-29 07:30:31
问题 Connected to this question: I cannot use sh:lessThan with xsd:positiveInteger Indeed, I managed to make my example working by writing: sh:property [ sh:path ontology:has-age ; sh:maxExclusive 16 ; ] ; However, now I would like to compare the value of "ontology:has-age" not with a constant but with the value of another datatype property defined on the same individual (and having 16 as value): ontology:John rdf:type ontology:DataSubject ; ontology:has-age "14"^^xsd:positiveInteger ; ontology

OWL Property Restrictions vs. SHACL

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-21 04:25:20
问题 Given a choice between OWL Property Restrictions and SHACL, is there any reason to choose the OWL approach any more? Particularly with respect to cardinality constraints, I'm wondering whether SHACL is considered to supercede OWL. The syntax appears similar, to my casual inspection. I am probably missing the purpose of OWL cardinality constraints. As part of an ontology, they should facilitate inferencing (a separate concern from validation). But how do cardinality constraints facilitate

OWL Property Restrictions vs. SHACL

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-04 06:49:47
Given a choice between OWL Property Restrictions and SHACL , is there any reason to choose the OWL approach any more? Particularly with respect to cardinality constraints, I'm wondering whether SHACL is considered to supercede OWL. The syntax appears similar, to my casual inspection. I am probably missing the purpose of OWL cardinality constraints. As part of an ontology, they should facilitate inferencing (a separate concern from validation). But how do cardinality constraints facilitate inferencing? The differences between OWL and SHACL are presented in the table below. | OWL | SHACL | |----