
How to get the POST values from serializeArray in PHP?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-02 21:22:52
I am trying this new method I've seen serializeArray() . //with ajax var data = $("#form :input").serializeArray(); post_var = {'action': 'process', 'data': data }; $.ajax({.....etc So I get these key value pairs, but how do I access them with PHP? I thought I needed to do this, but it won't work: // in PHP script $data = json_decode($_POST['data'], true); var_dump($data);// will return NULL? Thanks, Richard Like Gumbo suggested, you are likely not processing the return value of json_decode . Try $data = json_decode($_POST['data'], true); var_dump($data); If $data does not contain the expected


淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-30 21:00:07
Serialize 主要用于在提交表单数据时,序列表表格内容为字符串. $("#form1").serialize() Param 是serialize方法的核心,用来对一个数组或对象按照kkey/value进行序列化 $.param(obj); 栗子: <form action="#" id="form1"> name:<input type="text" id="username" name="username"><br> age:<input type="text" id="userage" name="userage"><br> <input id="send" type="button" value="提交"> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#send").click(function(){ var abc={a:1,b:2}; var d=$.param(abc); alert(d);//弹出 a=1&b=2 //这段话作用和下面一种方式是一样的 $.get("../AjaxServletDemo",$("#form1").serialize(),callback); //$.get("../AjaxServletDemo",{username:$("#username").val(),userage:$("

jQuery serializeArray not picking up dynamically created form elements

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-11-30 20:50:07
I've got a form that's dynamically created using ajax (as data for the form elements has to come from a database) and I want to serialize the elements of the form to submit by ajax. I'm currently just testing my theory using code from the jQuery website just to see if I can pick up the form elements and this is where the problem lies: $(document).ready(function() { $('#btnCustomSearch').live('click', function() { $('#results').html(''); alert($('#customSearchTable :input').serializeArray()); // get all the inputs into an array. var fields = $('#customSearchTable :input').serializeArray();

posting jquery .serializeArray(); output through ajax

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-30 07:01:24
问题 Quick question If I have serialized a form using jquery's .serializeArray(); function do I need to do anything to it before I can send it off using jquery's ajax data: ? e.g. can I send off [{name: inp1, value: 'val1'}, {name: inp2, value: 'val2'}] as is, or do I need to preprocess it somehow? and, in php how would I read this? 回答1: It would be better here to use serialize. This converts your form's values into a simple string that can be used as the AJAX call's data attribute: var myData = $

jQuery serializeArray not picking up dynamically created form elements

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-30 04:43:38
问题 I've got a form that's dynamically created using ajax (as data for the form elements has to come from a database) and I want to serialize the elements of the form to submit by ajax. I'm currently just testing my theory using code from the jQuery website just to see if I can pick up the form elements and this is where the problem lies: $(document).ready(function() { $('#btnCustomSearch').live('click', function() { $('#results').html(''); alert($('#customSearchTable :input').serializeArray());

posting jquery .serializeArray(); output through ajax

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-11-29 00:20:56
Quick question If I have serialized a form using jquery's .serializeArray(); function do I need to do anything to it before I can send it off using jquery's ajax data: ? e.g. can I send off [{name: inp1, value: 'val1'}, {name: inp2, value: 'val2'}] as is, or do I need to preprocess it somehow? and, in php how would I read this? It would be better here to use serialize . This converts your form's values into a simple string that can be used as the AJAX call's data attribute: var myData = $('#yourForm').serialize(); // "inp1=val1&inp2=val2" $.ajax({ url: "", data: myData });

What's the difference between .serialize() and .serializeArray()?

孤人 提交于 2019-11-27 08:50:24
I'm experimenting with sending a form to a controller. jQuery documentation says that .serializeArray() should send a json array, and .serialize() should create a query string. However, when I try it, and inspecting with IE9 F12-mode, it looks like a query string, in both cases. Which ever call I make... What am I missing? serializeArray creates an array ( not a "json array" -- there is no such thing); you can test this yourself with console.log($("#myform").serializeArray()) . On the other hand, serialize creates a query string that's meant to be part of an HTTP request. Both representations