
Sending data to PHP server with Fetch API (POST method and JSON preferred)

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-04-30 10:30:56
问题 I'm trying Fetch API for the first time and I have problems sending POST data to a PHP server. I'm moving away from $.ajax and trying pure javascript solutions to communicate with different servers (sometimes local, sometimes not). Now I'm trying to understand Fetch API and, even if it's simple and intuitive, I've stumbled on a weird and unexpected problem: I CAN'T send JSON post to PHP server I CAN send form-data post to LOCAL PHP I CAN'T send form-data post to WEB URL PHP I can (obviously)

Python Socket - Send/Receive messages at the same time

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-04-10 03:28:25
问题 Basically I have been working on a simple chat room using socket and thread. In my client I can receive and send messages, my issue is that one comes before another in a loop, so if I am sending a message I will only receive data once I have sent a message. I want it to work like any other chat room, where I could receive a message when I am sending a message, any help will help greatly. This is my basic client: import socket import sys ########### HOST = '' PORT = 9999 ###########

Python Socket - Send/Receive messages at the same time

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-04-10 03:25:48
问题 Basically I have been working on a simple chat room using socket and thread. In my client I can receive and send messages, my issue is that one comes before another in a loop, so if I am sending a message I will only receive data once I have sent a message. I want it to work like any other chat room, where I could receive a message when I am sending a message, any help will help greatly. This is my basic client: import socket import sys ########### HOST = '' PORT = 9999 ###########


不羁的心 提交于 2020-03-25 17:04:16
一、叠加多个装饰器的加载、运行分析 def deco1(func1): #func1=wrapper2的内存地址 def wrapper1(*args,**kwargs): print("正在运行deco1.wrapper1") res1 = func1(*args,**kwargs) return res1 return wrapper1 def deco2(func2): #func2=wrapper3的内存地址 def wrapper2(*args,**kwargs): print("正在运行deco2.wrapper2") res2 = func2(*args,**kwargs) return res2 return wrapper2 def deco3(name): #func3=被装饰对象index的内存地址 def otter(func3): def wrapper3(*args,**kwargs): print("正在运行deco3.wrapper3") res3 = func3(*args,**kwargs) return res3 return wrapper3 return otter #加载顺序自上而下 @deco1 #===> index = deco1(wrapper2)的内存地址 @deco2 #====> index = deco2(wrapper3


无人久伴 提交于 2020-02-11 21:09:10
1) 获取命令行参数,例如通过./abc.exp a1 a2执行expect脚本 set 变量名1 [lindex $argv 0] 获取第1个参数a1 set 变量名2 [lindex $argv 1] 获取第2个参数a2 2)函数中使用外部变量 例如在函数外部定义了变量va: set va "", 现在现在某个函数中使用,需要通过全局范围限定符进行引用,即$::va,如果进行变量修改,可以使用 set ::va xxx 3) 在expect中执行shell语句 例如: exec sh -c { if [ -f "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" ] then >$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts fi } 4) 获取spawn id 例如: spawn ssh -l $::LAB_USER $IP set MY_SPAWN_ID $spawn_id 5) expect以及send指定spawn id 如果只是简单的一个spawn远端连接,随后进行expect/send语句,无需指定spawn id, 有时比较复杂,比如有多个spawn id,那么需要使用 -i 指明具体哪一个,例如: expect { -i $::MY_SPAWN_ID "/home/xxx:" { send -i $::MY_SPAWN_ID "YOUR SHELL CMD HERE


♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-02-11 05:28:26
最近学了Express框架,在学习的过程中,参考了一些资料,感觉Express框架比原生Node.js好用多了。下面我将我学习总结的内容如下: Express中文网 Express英文网 一、Express框架 Express框架是后台的Node框架,所以和jQuery、zepto、yui、bootstrap都不是一个东西。 Express在后台的受欢迎的程度,和jQuery一样,就是企业的事实上的标准。 ● 原生Node开发,会发现有很多问题。比如: ■ 呈递静态页面很不方便,需要处理每个HTTP请求,还要考虑304问题 ■ 路由处理代码不直观清晰,需要写很多正则表达式和字符串函数 ■ 不能集中精力写业务,要考虑很多其他的东西 安装Express框架,就是使用npm的命令 1 npm install --save express --save参数,表示自动修改package.json文件,自动添加依赖项。 路由能力: 1 var express = require("express"); 2 3 var app = express(); 4 5 app.get("/",function(req,res){ 6 res.send("你好"); 7 }); 8 9 app.get("

Sending email using Zend Framework and PHP

佐手、 提交于 2020-01-29 05:18:27
问题 I working on a form whereby when the user enter in their email account and click on send, an email will be sent to their email account. I have everything worked out. Just that it doesnt send the email to my account. Anyone have any ideas? Is there a configuration that I left out or something? This is the sample from my controller: public function retrieveemailAction(){ $users = new Users(); $email = $_POST['email']; $view = Zend_Registry::get('view'); if($users->checkEmail($_POST['email'])) {

Sending email using Zend Framework and PHP

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-29 05:18:07
问题 I working on a form whereby when the user enter in their email account and click on send, an email will be sent to their email account. I have everything worked out. Just that it doesnt send the email to my account. Anyone have any ideas? Is there a configuration that I left out or something? This is the sample from my controller: public function retrieveemailAction(){ $users = new Users(); $email = $_POST['email']; $view = Zend_Registry::get('view'); if($users->checkEmail($_POST['email'])) {

connect and send on the socket succeeds, even if WIFI not enabled and server is only reacheable in the wireless network - Windows Mobile 6.5 - C/C++

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-24 20:30:47
问题 I wrote a small C/C++ Windows Mobile 6.5 client-application that is connecting to a server and sends some data to this server. The server is in my internal wireless network and is not reacheable outside. The weird behaviour I'm having: 1) Even if the WIFI is not started on my mobile device, the connect() from the client-application returns success (!= SOCKET_ERROR), which is not the case b/c the server is reacheable only in the wireless network. 2) If the WIFI is not started on my mobile

Google Script : Sending Hangout Messages using Script

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-24 10:37:11
问题 Is it possible to send Hangout messages to someone using Google Scripts. If there is, can you post an example script that shows the sending of Hangout Messages. 回答1: Google Chat used to use XMPP which may have done but Hangouts uses its own proprietary protocol. There has recently been a 3rd party reverse engineering project for the protocol - a python library - which you could fork for GAS but like all