
Can you generate .scss files from

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-11 11:46:19
问题 I was given some files from another developer and was told to make some changes. Within the file structure, there's a .css file and a file. I'm relatively new to SASS, but my understanding is that you create a .scss file and use command line: sass --watch style.scss:style.css, which generates the file and compiles the sass into css. Is there a way to work backwards with just the .css file and the file to generate the .scss files, or did the other dev just maybe

Can you generate .scss files from

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-11 11:45:31
问题 I was given some files from another developer and was told to make some changes. Within the file structure, there's a .css file and a file. I'm relatively new to SASS, but my understanding is that you create a .scss file and use command line: sass --watch style.scss:style.css, which generates the file and compiles the sass into css. Is there a way to work backwards with just the .css file and the file to generate the .scss files, or did the other dev just maybe

How to position a div with css based on the order of this div in a list of divs?

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-11 07:57:23
问题 Okay, I want to position overlapping elements based on the order they appear in a list. So the first will not be translated, the second will be translated 60px, the third 120px, etc... This is just a simplified version of what I achieve. Also, in the example there are three elements, in real life I won't know how many elements there will be. This is variable. Below is a simple snippet that can achieve what I want, but you can easily see the problem with this: way to many lines of css... So

Tailwind css purge removes all dark classes

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-11 06:58:21
问题 I have a pretty simple project which uses a couple of colours extended to the theme. When I enable purging in my tailwind.config.js file, everything is purged as they should, but all of my dark classes get purged too. Does anyone have the same problem? I found an issue about this on tailwind's git as well: My resources are located in [PROJECT FOLDER] -resources -js -components Login.Vue I don't know if it's worth mentioning, but I

Set a SASS variable depending

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-11 05:55:23
问题 I'm searching a way to use a particular color depending on a class on the body tag. I have a main scss file like this // variables.scss $bg-main: white; $color-first: red; $color-second: green; And in my other files, I use the colors // content.scss .content { .some-selector: { // some styles color: $color-second; } a:hover { // some styles color: $color-second; } } // and same goes for menu.scss etc. Now I have a dynamic class on the body, that changes depending on the current selected menu.

Showing Material Checkbox Animation On Hover

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-10 18:43:41
问题 Check out the effect at this link where the circular background of the checkbox is shown on hover. How can I get this same behavior while using <mat-checkbox> in Angular? I want the background to show on hover as well as the normal animation on transitions from checked to unchecked, unchecked to checked, etc. I am using @angular/material version 6.4.5. By inspecting the documentation for version 7.1.1, a persistent-ripple class is applied to a <div> inside the checkbox on hover. This does not

How do I center a Fab inside a circular progress?

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-10 18:25:28
问题 I am trying to center an fab inside the circular progress bar. I was told I could use relative position for the parent and the children have absolute position. I would like to keep it responsive so if the screen is scaled down it will look the same. These are both Material UI components. <div className="event-dialog-header"> <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title">Event Details</DialogTitle> <div className="event-dialog-delete"> { props.selectedEvent && <Fab aria-label="delete" size="small"

How to use the google font v2 API import url in sass file with webpack laravel mix?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-10 15:40:19
问题 I'm trying to import a google font into my a sass file, right at the top before all other styles. I am using webpack laravel mix, and I am also using the google font v2 API link. @import url(";600;700;800;900&display=swap"); The problem with the new css2 link, it contains semi-colons and creates css parse errors. The sass file actually compiles fine, but this is the output of the css file... @import url(

Codekit file permission issues (Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /.sass-cache)

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-10 12:38:04
问题 Getting the following error: Compiling failed with this error: Errno::EROFS on line ["239"] of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/fileutils.rb: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /.sass-cache Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Really painful, any help would be appreciated. Happened after my update to Mac OS Catalina. Currently on 10.15.1 (19B88). 回答1: Ruby Sass is deprecated. In Codekit 3 you should use libsass compiler instead. Libsass is not

Codekit file permission issues (Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /.sass-cache)

我的梦境 提交于 2021-02-10 12:37:26
问题 Getting the following error: Compiling failed with this error: Errno::EROFS on line ["239"] of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/fileutils.rb: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /.sass-cache Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Really painful, any help would be appreciated. Happened after my update to Mac OS Catalina. Currently on 10.15.1 (19B88). 回答1: Ruby Sass is deprecated. In Codekit 3 you should use libsass compiler instead. Libsass is not