
$(SolutionDir) MSBuild property incorrect when running Sandcastle Help File Builder via CMD

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-30 01:04:02
问题 When I run the Sandcastle Help File Builder project file (for example, myproject.shfbproj ) using Windows CMD, I get an annoying issue: $(SolutionDir) has the same value as $(ProjectDir) , and this means that project documentation sources won't build correctly, because I'm adding custom targets which already use $(SolutionDir) . If I build the whole Sandcastle Help File Builder from Visual Studio it builds successfully. I'm using the following command (executed from the directory where the

Namespace documentation on a .Net project (Sandcastle)?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-11-29 20:25:03
I started using Sandcastle some time ago to generate a Documentation Website for one of our projects. It's working quite well but we've always only written documentation for classes, methods, properties (...) in our project and had completely separate documentation for the overall project and project parts/modules/namespaces. It would be nice if I could merge that documentation together and add respective documentation to the generated helper files but I can't figure out how to do it. Just adding comments to the namespace declaration doesn't seem to work (C#): /// <summary> /// My short

SandCastle Help File Builder: Search not working

别来无恙 提交于 2019-11-29 11:31:58
I have just downloaded the latest version of Sancastle Help File Builder 2017.1.28.0. According to the answers and comments from this post , I expected the search to work but it doesn't. No matter what I am trying to search for, I will get a "Nothing found" message. BTW, I do not have any aspx file generated. I tried using Google Chrome browser Do I miss any project configuration? How can I make the search working? The described behaviour seems to depend on the used browser. Following snapshots show a working and a NOT working case: I generated a dummy help including some conceptual topics for

Build Sandcastle Documentation When Building Visual Studio Project

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-29 09:24:01
问题 I am using the Sandcastle Help File Builder to output my C# XML-DOC file to the Website format. How can I accomplish the samething from the command line so that I can add this as a build event in Visual Studio when building the actual project? The end goal is to have the website Help File content built when I build the Visual Studio project. 回答1: As Scott Wylie indicated, you need to specify this in the post build event command line in Visual Studio's project properties. However, I would

DocProject vs Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-28 17:55:05
I have several C# projects along with some internal library components that I'm trying to document together. Sandcastle seems to be the place to go to generate documentation from C#. I would like to know which of the two, DocProject or Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI is better and supports the features I need. I would like to compile only each projects own part of the document and then have it all integrated together in the end. (i.e. the library components in one documentation project and each project in it's own documentation project, then all of the above in a single root using the Help 2

Namespace documentation on a .Net project (Sandcastle)?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-28 15:55:07
问题 I started using Sandcastle some time ago to generate a Documentation Website for one of our projects. It's working quite well but we've always only written documentation for classes, methods, properties (...) in our project and had completely separate documentation for the overall project and project parts/modules/namespaces. It would be nice if I could merge that documentation together and add respective documentation to the generated helper files but I can't figure out how to do it. Just

SandCastle Help File Builder: Search not working

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-28 04:45:23
问题 I have just downloaded the latest version of Sancastle Help File Builder 2017.1.28.0. According to the answers and comments from this post, I expected the search to work but it doesn't. No matter what I am trying to search for, I will get a "Nothing found" message. BTW, I do not have any aspx file generated. I tried using Google Chrome browser Do I miss any project configuration? How can I make the search working? 回答1: The described behaviour seems to depend on the used browser. Following

Automatically Unit Test Example Code

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-27 20:48:43
My team is responsible for the development of an API for a large system that we also write. We need to provide example code so that other developers using our API can learn how to use it. We have been documenting the code using the xml document comments. eg. /// <summary>Summary here</summary> /// <example>Here is an example <code>example code here</code> </example> public void SomeFunction() We then use Sandcastle and build the help files we need (chm and an online website). It is quite embarrassing when the example code doesnt work, and this is usually because some functionality has changed

DocProject vs Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-27 20:12:57
问题 I have several C# projects along with some internal library components that I'm trying to document together. Sandcastle seems to be the place to go to generate documentation from C#. I would like to know which of the two, DocProject or Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI is better and supports the features I need. I would like to compile only each projects own part of the document and then have it all integrated together in the end. (i.e. the library components in one documentation project and

How to localize the documentation of a .NET library [closed]

房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-27 19:00:20
I have an open-source project ( here ) whose documentation is currently in French. The documentation is generated from XML comments in code, using Sandcastle. Now I would like to translate the documentation to English and provide documentation in both languages, but I don't really know where to start... Do I need to extract the XML comments from the code and put them in a separate file? If yes, are there any tools to automate the process? I'm using Sandcastle Help File Builder to build the documentation; do I need to create a separate project to build the doc in English, or can it be done from