
Django database router

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-18 09:34:46
问题 I'd like to route (change) the database based on the authenticated user. I've looked at the docs but I don't know how to do this upon user login... I was thinking of adding a field with database_name to my custom UserProfile and then I'd like to pass this info to the database router which would make the switch... I don't have any code to show because I simply don't know how to implement this. This post somehow relates to my previous post. So the schema would be like: - Users (containing only

Explanation of Tenant Load Balancer in SaaS maturity model level 4

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-18 05:12:29
问题 I've already done some research about SaaS maturity level based on Gianpaolo SaaS maturity model. Right now I got confused about SaaS maturity level 4. It said, it has a "Tenant load balancer" that dynamically calls a new application instance to serve load balancing for a SaaS application. I want to know what this "Tenant load balancer" really means. How do we implement this "Tenant load balancer" in the real world or in an application server? Can anyone give me some good explanation and an

SQL CREATE LOGON - can't use @parameter as username

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-17 16:59:45
问题 I'm a developer and I suck at SQL:) Please help me out here. I'd like to create my own Stored Procedure that creates a Tenant in my SaaS database. In order to do this I need to create a new SQL Login for the Tenant and then add it to a predefined SQL Role. I'm already stumped just trying to create the Login. Here is what I've tried... CREATE PROCEDURE [MyScheme].[Tenants_InsertTenant] @username nvarchar(2048), @password nvarchar(2048) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result

Amazon AWS EC2 Storage Options

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-13 04:42:59
问题 My company is building a SAAS product (PHP) that needs some disk space, at first 1TB should be enough, but it may need more disk space in the future. 1 - Looking into AWS options the EBS solution seems like an reliable option. But if I need more than 1TB? I now that you can use multiple EBS volumes but then again I would also need to manage where the files where stored, since most of my files are under a single folder. 2- S3 is probably the best solution but we would need to rewrite all the

Web Analytics for Platform with Custom Events

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-12 09:07:42
问题 I'm building a platform that produces websites. Think as a similar example. Each site is going to be a subdomain of my domain like or I have a few requirements for analytics of which I haven't been able to meet all of: I would like to be able to see both stats for individual sites and aggregate stats for all sites. I would like to track custom events, like how many contributions users have made. I would like support for any number of subdomains

PaaS : How to build?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:23:37
问题 I wanted to make a web application through which : user(end user) can create his own web application online. which will be integrated with the databases and application/web servers and user can also publish that application withing that application only... Doing some research i come to know it goes under category of PaaS(Platform as a Service) But i am confuse how can i do that ? I want to build that application using Java/J2EE. Can any one explain me from where should i start ? Or which

Same login on 2 websites

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-11 11:51:45
问题 I have a web server with the main php application in it and a folder with another different web app in it. They were developed separately, so each one connects to a different database and has different login forms. My question is: if i am on the web app on the folder, how can I connect to the database of the first web app just to login and then connect back to the "folder web app" database to retrieve the rest of the information? Sorry If I did not express my self well. I am not looking for a

Difference between portlet and a webservice

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-11 02:58:17
问题 I am not sure if I am comparing onion with a cabbage. But I am really confused with the portlet and a web service. I know that web service is making your software components in your application as a service to other applications but to me it is similar to a portlet responding to requests. I know that my understanding is making you(Portlet & SAAS developers) really upset. But I need some clarity on this. Why cannot I use the request-response to portlet work similar to a web service? If yes,

SaaS: one web app to one database VS. many web apps to many databases

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-10 11:41:02
问题 I am planning to develop a fairly small SaaS service. Every business client will have an associated database (same schema among clients' databases, different data). In addition, they will have a unique domain pointing to the web app, and here I see these 2 options: The domains will point to a unique web app, which will change the connection string to the proper client's database depending on the domain. (That is, I will need to deploy one web app only.) The domains will point to their own web

How to setup single-code multiple-database ASP.NET SaaS application

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-10 11:39:00
问题 I am building a SaaS application and I would like to retain the single code base I have. I would like to be in separate sub-domains,, etc. However, I don't have any TenantID's and would prefer for multiple reasons to stay with separate databases for each customer (primary one is that it's already coded that way and doesn't make sense to change it until usage warrants). The database has the user login membership within it. I'm guessing I would need