
Is it possible to change an .rtf file to .txt file using some sort of batch script on Windows?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-11 10:43:12
问题 We have a .rtf file that needs to be downloaded from a Windows machine, but it contains a lot of pictures in it so it is 2 GB. I would like to download just the text from this file, so it would be ideal if there was an automated script that ran each day on the Windows machine that could convert this file from rtf to txt. Is there a way to do this? 回答1: You can use unrtf. unrtf --text /path/to/rtf 回答2: Depending on your skill level, you can Use Office Automation to build a script in Word to

PyQt Different colors in a single row in a combobox

我的梦境 提交于 2020-01-11 06:30:37
问题 I'm developing a UI using PyQt where a single item in my Qcombobox can have two or three words separated by commas. So for eg item 1 can be ' Text1, Text2, Text3 ' and item 2 will be ' Text4, Text5 '. What I want to do is give multiple background colors to the items separated by the ',' in the itemText. So, in case of item 1 (' Text1, Text2, Text3 ') I would need a color behind Text1 , a different one behind Text2 and a third one behind Text3 . Similarly, item 2 would have 2 background colors

PyQt Different colors in a single row in a combobox

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-11 06:30:09
问题 I'm developing a UI using PyQt where a single item in my Qcombobox can have two or three words separated by commas. So for eg item 1 can be ' Text1, Text2, Text3 ' and item 2 will be ' Text4, Text5 '. What I want to do is give multiple background colors to the items separated by the ',' in the itemText. So, in case of item 1 (' Text1, Text2, Text3 ') I would need a color behind Text1 , a different one behind Text2 and a third one behind Text3 . Similarly, item 2 would have 2 background colors

How to create and save a .rtf, .doc, .docx in Objective-C for iOS

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-09 10:32:27
问题 I am looking to create and save either a rtf, doc or docx file on an iPad (iOS). The scenario is that we'd like to assist a user in creating content on their iPad and then let them email this as an editable document cross-platform (OS X, WIN). I am open to other solutions besides the rtf, doc or docx file format. Thanks, James 回答1: RTF is going to be the easiest, because it's a plain text format. It's kind of like HTML, but without closing tags. Here is a class for writing an RTF, but it

Java RTF Parser

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-09 08:08:47
问题 Does anyone know of a robust RTF parser I can use in Java? I need to extract plain text, including international text. It would also be nice to extract embedded images and files. It could also be a C++ or other library that I can easily call, or if there is good source code, I can convert to Java. The following libraries do not cover enough of the RTF, or fail to parse some valid RTFs Java Swing's RTFEditorKit, quite basic and brittle Apache Tikka, nutch, and lots of other tools use this. an

BI Publisher - Display Data Horizontally

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-07 03:01:33
问题 I have the following data model: <SALE_LIST> <SALE> <YEAR>2010</YEAR> <ITEM>100001</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,199.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2010</YEAR> <ITEM>100002</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,200.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2012</YEAR> <ITEM>100001</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,899.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2012</YEAR> <ITEM>100003</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,649.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2013</YEAR> <ITEM>100004</ITEM> <AMOUNT>2,199.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2013</YEAR> <ITEM>100005</ITEM> <AMOUNT>3

BI Publisher - Display Data Horizontally

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-07 03:01:29
问题 I have the following data model: <SALE_LIST> <SALE> <YEAR>2010</YEAR> <ITEM>100001</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,199.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2010</YEAR> <ITEM>100002</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,200.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2012</YEAR> <ITEM>100001</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,899.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2012</YEAR> <ITEM>100003</ITEM> <AMOUNT>1,649.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2013</YEAR> <ITEM>100004</ITEM> <AMOUNT>2,199.00</AMOUNT> </SALE> <SALE> <YEAR>2013</YEAR> <ITEM>100005</ITEM> <AMOUNT>3

Convert HTML with scripts to RTF

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-06 08:24:12
问题 I want to convert HTML file to RTF File. It seems easy while working with simple HTML file. But my file contains some scripts which run at page load. Hence, not able to get proper HTML. I checked with plenty of online tool & converters but none of them support scripting. Does anyone know a solution? 回答1: Run the website - then take the output which is HTML (using I.E. its View -> Source) 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4301077/convert-html-with-scripts-to-rtf

MS Word documents to RTF documents

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-06 05:27:17
问题 I've a problem: my application must convert ms word documents (imported from another system) into rtf documents, in order to be manipulated with OOo APIs and to be immune from mistakes (for coding incompatibility reasons). I ask you: how can I manipulate ms word documents directly from my Java application? There are APIs (like POI or OOo) that allow me to do my work without any coding incompatibility? My system runs on Linux server machines (such as all production systems for public) and I've

Outputting unicode text to an RTF file in python

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-03 17:33:46
问题 I am trying to output unicode text to an RTF file from a python script. For background, Wikipedia says For a Unicode escape the control word \u is used, followed by a 16-bit signed decimal integer giving the Unicode UTF-16 code unit number. For the benefit of programs without Unicode support, this must be followed by the nearest representation of this character in the specified code page. For example, \u1576? would give the Arabic letter bāʼ ب, specifying that older programs which do not have