
How to generate signature with RSA-SHA1 and private key through VBA?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-19 17:58:39
问题 I want to connect an API with Excel through Excel VBA. The API requires a public/private keypair with RSA-SHA1 signature. I have used openssl to generate the pair, uploaded the public key to the API's services and have the private part stored on my local computer. Now I want to connect with my API so I will sign my request. But VBA does not have native RSA-SHA1 signing. I have found the following code at which

How to generate signature with RSA-SHA1 and private key through VBA?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-19 17:55:26
问题 I want to connect an API with Excel through Excel VBA. The API requires a public/private keypair with RSA-SHA1 signature. I have used openssl to generate the pair, uploaded the public key to the API's services and have the private part stored on my local computer. Now I want to connect with my API so I will sign my request. But VBA does not have native RSA-SHA1 signing. I have found the following code at which

How to generate signature with RSA-SHA1 and private key through VBA?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-19 17:54:11
问题 I want to connect an API with Excel through Excel VBA. The API requires a public/private keypair with RSA-SHA1 signature. I have used openssl to generate the pair, uploaded the public key to the API's services and have the private part stored on my local computer. Now I want to connect with my API so I will sign my request. But VBA does not have native RSA-SHA1 signing. I have found the following code at which

How to generate signature with RSA-SHA1 and private key through VBA?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-19 17:53:09
问题 I want to connect an API with Excel through Excel VBA. The API requires a public/private keypair with RSA-SHA1 signature. I have used openssl to generate the pair, uploaded the public key to the API's services and have the private part stored on my local computer. Now I want to connect with my API so I will sign my request. But VBA does not have native RSA-SHA1 signing. I have found the following code at which

How to read a rsa public key file in java?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-18 17:14:49
问题 I have a RSA public key file like this: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- this is content -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- and i use java to read it: KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); KeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesFromThisFile); // bytesFromThisFile is created and filled correctly PublicKey publicKey = factory.generatePublic(spec); then i get an exception: invalid key format How to read the

How to validate a public and private key pair in Java

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-18 00:01:33
问题 Is there a way to validate in java if the given private key, say certain *.key file matches with the certain public key, to a certain .pub file using RSA algorithm? 回答1: You can verify if a key pair matches by creating a challenge (random byte sequence of sufficient length) signing the challenge with the private key verifying the signature using the public key This gives you a sufficiently high confidence (almost certainity) that a key pair matches if the signature verification is ok, and an

How to validate a public and private key pair in Java

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-17 23:59:26
问题 Is there a way to validate in java if the given private key, say certain *.key file matches with the certain public key, to a certain .pub file using RSA algorithm? 回答1: You can verify if a key pair matches by creating a challenge (random byte sequence of sufficient length) signing the challenge with the private key verifying the signature using the public key This gives you a sufficiently high confidence (almost certainity) that a key pair matches if the signature verification is ok, and an

RSA and SHA-256 encryption for signing using PHP

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-16 20:26:34
问题 I'm receiving XML in request from a Web Service API. It contains a signature, signed by the requester's private key, and I have to verify it by the requester public key. Then I have to send a response with a signature, signed by my private key. This process should be done with RSA and SHA-256 in PHP. I currently have the following code: $data_to_encrypt = "MsgBody..../MsgBody"; // xml $msgbody = simplexml_load_string($data_to_encrypt); $result = $msgbody->xpath('//MsgBody'); openssl_private

RSA and SHA-256 encryption for signing using PHP

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-16 20:25:25
问题 I'm receiving XML in request from a Web Service API. It contains a signature, signed by the requester's private key, and I have to verify it by the requester public key. Then I have to send a response with a signature, signed by my private key. This process should be done with RSA and SHA-256 in PHP. I currently have the following code: $data_to_encrypt = "MsgBody..../MsgBody"; // xml $msgbody = simplexml_load_string($data_to_encrypt); $result = $msgbody->xpath('//MsgBody'); openssl_private

validating rsa signature from C# in java

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-16 20:08:19
问题 I'm attempting to generate an RSA SHA512 signature on my server application (written in C#) and verify that signature on a client application (written in Java). Prior to the signature exchange, the server generates a public- and private-key pair and shares the public key with the client app by giving it the modulus and exponent values that were generated. The client app stores the values for later, when the signature needs to be verified. The server is generating a 128-byte modulus and a 128