

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-05 05:42:29
前言:   经过小组成员的再次协商,对开发工具以及现有知识进行了分析总结,对所做的目标进行了相应调整。 工作内容:   就协商后的游戏规则、数据等做出相应调整,再次编写游戏说明书。 游戏名《英雄达拉崩吧》 一、形式介绍 本游戏属于RPG类游戏,包含了战棋游戏的成分以及传统RPG的大部分元素。玩家在游戏中将扮演一个勇士,通过各种磨难、关卡后,击败BOSS,拯救公主,获得胜利。 本游戏在剧情上参考了达拉崩吧,并以该故事为模型,塑造了整个游戏的大体框架。 二、术语介绍 1.RPG:即Role-Playing-Game,角色扮演类游戏,在游戏中,玩家负责扮演这个角色在一个写实或虚构世界中活动。 2.CG:游戏开场动画。 3.战棋游戏:回合制的、角色扮演的、在地图上按格移动人物进行作战的游戏。因为这种游戏就像是在下棋一样,故称为回合制战棋游戏。 4.回合:自己可以控制的时机,只有在自己的回合内才能控制自己的单位进行操作。 5.攻击范围:攻击的最大限度范围,超过这个范围则判定无法攻击。 6.行动力:每回合可以行走的最大距离。 7.HP、MP:即Health Point 和Mana Point,生命值和魔法值。当受到来自敌人的攻击时,生命值会减少,当生命值为0时,角色死亡;某些技能需要消耗一定量的魔法值。 8.BUFF:即状态,分为增益BUFF和不良BUFF。 三、规则介绍 (一)战棋形式

How to prevent user from entering special characters (like symbols not visible in keyboard) in a text field (Character type)?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 09:04:44
问题 How to prevent user from entering special characters (like symbols not visible in keyboard) in a text field (Character type) in AS400 ?? Visibly most of the time there is no issue for iseries/as400 in accepting it and saving it into the file but sometimes when the data is handled in downstream reporting system it get rejected with different error in their system. Is there a way to prevent from the entry point itself ? eg: In Address field of a Customer, end user copy paste (ctrl + c ctrl + v

AS400 RPG Simulator

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-09 05:57:55
问题 I have a urgent requirement to call an RPG Program from java. As suggested in this Accessing RPG on iSeries from Java question. I am planning to use JTOpen. But unfortunately I dont have access to any of theses systems. So is there any way I can test the java program ? Are there any RPG simulators for Windows? Any help or ideas will be highly useful With Regards, Srinivas 回答1: You used to be able to get free access to an iSeries at Innovative Systems (this service has been discontinued as of

how to learn RPG/400

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-05 00:35:29
问题 I heard about RPG programming from my lecturer. I would like to give it a try. The problem with it is that, how I do the programming? I don't know the OS and the IDE to suit the needs. Any help? 回答1: Thank you for your interest in RPG. RPG runs on an IBM i (aka AS/400, iSeries, Systemi) system. This is not a server you can easily buy on your own. The starting price is around $15,000 on up to millions. However, you can pay for access to a system or can try out the system using a free host.

Rpg maker mv角色扮演游戏制作大师简介

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-05 00:24:12
目录 1:简介 2:基本图片展示 3.和js等平台的合作 @(这里写自定义目录标题) 1:简介   《RPG制作大师MV》为《RPG制作大师》的新版本,于18年11月27日登陆任天堂NS平台,可以使一个不懂编程的人也能做出精美的 RPG 游戏来。在我初中的时候玩过Rpg maker觉得还不错,制作角色扮演游戏特别方便。    官网 。 2:基本图片展示 3.和js等平台的合作   可以借助html5+JavaScript,将制作的游戏部署到PC端,Android端,IOS端。通俗来讲,凡是可以浏览网页的设备,只要配置足够,都可以运行MV制作的游戏。   RPG Maker MV游戏本身就可以看做一个html组成的网站,因此,MV的游戏也需要使用JavaScript的组件实现其功能。可以说,网页制作使用的JavaScript和MV游戏制作使用的JavaScript没有什么不同。   后面会向大家介绍一些简单的小知识。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ITXiaoAng/p/11891094.html

Call RPG function from Java

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:27:00
问题 I want to find away to call a RPG Function from Java. I must be able to pass in parameters and to return result sets, and output parameters. I was able to find this but it is using a stored procedure. Not the way I want to go. I also found this question Invoking AS400 RPG From Java they talking about JTOpen. Still trying to look for tutorials to see if JTOpen could help me, but have not found any yet. If you can please help me to find a way to call RPG functions from Java, I would appreciated

how to learn RPG/400

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 16:28:29
I heard about RPG programming from my lecturer. I would like to give it a try. The problem with it is that, how I do the programming? I don't know the OS and the IDE to suit the needs. Any help? Thank you for your interest in RPG. RPG runs on an IBM i (aka AS/400, iSeries, Systemi) system. This is not a server you can easily buy on your own. The starting price is around $15,000 on up to millions. However, you can pay for access to a system or can try out the system using a free host. Check out http://www.holgerscherer.de/ for a free account. (Thanks @kratenko) Take a look at midrange.com which

Call RPG function from Java

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:01:57
I want to find away to call a RPG Function from Java. I must be able to pass in parameters and to return result sets, and output parameters. I was able to find this but it is using a stored procedure. Not the way I want to go. I also found this question Invoking AS400 RPG From Java they talking about JTOpen . Still trying to look for tutorials to see if JTOpen could help me, but have not found any yet. If you can please help me to find a way to call RPG functions from Java, I would appreciated that. Everything is explained in the IBM Toolbox for Java (JTOpen) Programmer's Guide . Specifically