
finding the POS of the root of a noun_chunk with spacy

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-06-27 06:06:29
问题 When using spacy you can easily loop across the noun_phrases of a text as follows: S='This is an example sentence that should include several parts and also make clear that studying Natural language Processing is not difficult' nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') doc = nlp(S) [chunk.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks] # = ['an example sentence', 'several parts', 'Natural language Processing'] You can also get the "root" of the noun chunk: [chunk.root.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks] # = [

Wget in Android terminal

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-06-10 03:50:29
问题 How can I use wget command in "Android Terminal Emulator" app in android. It says /system/bin/sh: wget: not found. It means need to install wget in android. Please help me. 回答1: You need to install busybox in your android system then you can execute wget command,try to get it from play store root@android:/ # busybox wget 回答2: There's no wget binary in Android, you are expected to get that information from error message. So you need to install wget first. Try using this link: https://jacob

Wget in Android terminal

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-06-10 03:50:07
问题 How can I use wget command in "Android Terminal Emulator" app in android. It says /system/bin/sh: wget: not found. It means need to install wget in android. Please help me. 回答1: You need to install busybox in your android system then you can execute wget command,try to get it from play store root@android:/ # busybox wget 回答2: There's no wget binary in Android, you are expected to get that information from error message. So you need to install wget first. Try using this link: https://jacob

How to run node.js as non-root user?

Deadly 提交于 2020-05-24 19:52:44
问题 I'm running a node.js server, that will serve requests on port 80 amongst others. Clearly this requires the application running as root (on Linux). Looking at this post ( as an example it's clear that there are simple ways to allow node to be run as a non-root user, but I'm wondering if anyone has views on the advantages/disadvantages of the different methods suggested: code: use setuid() to drop down from root to non-priviledged user after

How to run node.js as non-root user?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-05-24 19:49:32
问题 I'm running a node.js server, that will serve requests on port 80 amongst others. Clearly this requires the application running as root (on Linux). Looking at this post ( as an example it's clear that there are simple ways to allow node to be run as a non-root user, but I'm wondering if anyone has views on the advantages/disadvantages of the different methods suggested: code: use setuid() to drop down from root to non-priviledged user after

How to run Anaconda Python on sudo

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-05-14 09:43:23
问题 Currently using AWS to run some tests on a machine learning project. I would like to run Python scripts without internet (via root) because the internet bandwidth is extremely limited. I try to run the script by doing sudo python >> output But that does not work, as Anaconda does not use PYTHONPATH, making it impossible for root to find the Anaconda Python environment. So errors like "cannot import" and "module not found" are thrown. How do I set this up so I can get

Used chown for /var/lib/mysql to change owner from root, now getting Error 1049 (42000) in mysql

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-05-13 03:38:08
问题 With Ubuntu, I previously created a mysql database using the following code in the terminal: $ my sql -u root -p Then within mysql: CREATE DATABASE securities_master; I was trying to use file explorer to view the contents related to this database. But because I did not have permissions to open the folder /var/lib/mysql I wanted to change the permissions on this folder. I did some searching on stackoverflow, and without fully understanding what I was doing, I used something like the following

[Android] adb setuid提权漏洞的分析

你。 提交于 2020-05-05 23:00:16
原来我看到一篇关于分析RageAgainstTheCage源码的很不错的文章,后来发现原链接失效了,只能从网页的缓存副本中找寻蛛丝马迹。下面就是我找到的内容,保存到自己的博客中,来保证以后能找到。 去年的Android adb setuid提权漏洞被用于各类root刷机,漏洞发现人 Sebastian Krahmer 公布的利用工具RageAgainstTheCage(rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin)被用于z4root等提权工具、Trojan.Android.Rootcager等恶意代码之中。下面我们来分析这一漏洞的产生原因。 The Android Exploid Crew小组在后来发布了一份PoC代码: rageagainstthecage.c 。从这份代码开始着手。 在main(:72)函数中,首先获取了RLIMIT_NPROC的值(:83),这个值是Linux内核中定义的每个用户可以运行的最大进程数。 然后,调用find_adb()函数(:94)来搜索Android系统中adb进程的PID,具体而言,该函数读取每个进程对应的文件的/proc/<pid>/cmdline,根据其是否等于”/sbin/adb”来判断是否adb进程。 接下来,fork了一个新的进程(:109),父进程退出,而子进程继续。接下来,在113行创建一个管道。 if (fork()


浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-05-02 04:17:15
###2016/07/01:要想限制容器里用户的权限,有两种方法: 让你在容器里做个凡人(这个方法对于有些需要root的容器是不适合的) 。 具体的就是,指定容器里用户的uid:gid,使得容器里压根不存在root用户。 $ docker run -it -u 1000:1000 ubuntu groups: cannot find name for group ID 1000 #这个错误没关系 I have no name!@fcaadb40ddd0:/$ id #执行id命令看看结果。 uid=1000 gid=1000 groups=1000 (这里的uid:gid和主机的不一样,具体的怎么关联的不太清楚。一般来说这个就足够了,但是也许会有什么应用需要root权限,这时就需要下一步要说的方法来限制权限了) 让你在容器里做玉皇大帝, 但是这个玉皇大帝和所有凡人,都只是被映射到茫茫宇宙中一片卑微甚至虚空的身份上 。 就算容器里有个孙悟空突破了限制做了玉皇大帝,那也翻不出如来佛的手掌。 具体的就是,把容器里的root等用户映射成主机那边的指定的一片uid:gid。 ###2017/01/20:忽然想起来看看,容器里以root运行的进程,在外面看来到底是什么?是一个进程。那是什么用户身份呢?也是root,只是capabilities受到很多限制,理论上依然危险。

how to fix “go not root owned”

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-04-14 03:22:28
问题 I installed go on ubuntu 16.04 from the archive and tried to test my installation by issuing the command go on my terminal. It keeps prompting me / not root-owned 1000:0 . I installed go on /usr/local folder and also included it into my path as instructed on the official golang installation. I removed go and tried to install it again, but found the same result. It sounds more of a linux root permission issue, but I have no clue how to fix it. I tried other commands that I installed from