
OutOfMemoryException when creating huge string in ASP.NET

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-06 07:43:50
When exporting a lot of data to a string (csv format), I get a OutOfMemoryException. What's the best way to tackle this? The string is returned to a Flex Application. What I'd do is export the csv to the server disk and give back an url to Flex. Like this, I can flush the stream writing to the disk. Update: String is build with a StringBuilder: StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); string delimiter = ";"; bool showUserData = true; // Get the data from the sessionwarehouse List<DwhSessionDto> collection =_dwhSessionRepository.GetByTreeStructureId(treeStructureId); // ADD THE

what is response.write in mvc?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-06 07:16:39
问题 This will be quite simple but What is the best way of using classical webforms "response.write" in asp net MVC. Especially mvc5. Let's say: I just would like to write a simple string to screen from controller. Does response.write exist in mvc? Thanks. 回答1: If the return type of your method is an ActionResult , You can use the Content method to return any type of content. public ActionResult MyCustomString() { return Content("YourStringHere"); } or simply public String MyCustomString() {

what is response.write in mvc?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-04 12:28:25
This will be quite simple but What is the best way of using classical webforms "response.write" in asp net MVC. Especially mvc5. Let's say: I just would like to write a simple string to screen from controller. Does response.write exist in mvc? Thanks. If the return type of your method is an ActionResult , You can use the Content method to return any type of content. public ActionResult MyCustomString() { return Content("YourStringHere"); } or simply public String MyCustomString() { return "YourStringHere"; } Content method allows you return other content type as well, Just pass the content

ASP.Net MVC 3 Razor Response.Write position

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-03 10:04:49
I am trying to update this tutorial on implementing Facebooks BigPipe to razor. There is a html helper extension that adds a pagelet to a list, and then outputs a holding div to the response. The idea is that later on the content of this pagelet is rendered to a string, and then injected into this holding div via javascript. public static void RegisterPagelet(this HtmlHelper helper, Pagelet pagelet) { var context = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext; List<Pagelet> pagelets = (List<Pagelet>)context.Items["Pagelets"]; if (pagelets == null) { pagelets = new List<Pagelet>(); context.Items["Pagelets"]

How to add encoding information to the response stream in ASP.NET?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-03 03:11:09
I have following piece of code: public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/rtf; charset=UTF-8"; context.Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=lista_obecnosci.csv"); context.Response.Write("ąęćżźń󳥌ŻŹĆŃŁÓĘ"); } When I try to open generated csv file, I get following behavior: In Notepad2 - everything is fine. In Word - conversion wizard opens and asks to convert the text. It suggest UTF-8, which is somehow ok. In Excel - I get

Response.Write output in code block is appearing outside html

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-02 07:29:44
Putting aside any debate about whether you should even use Response.Write in the HTML portion of an .aspx, in a project I am working on variables from the code behind are being displayed on the front-end using Response.Write. It used to work fine but something in the project changed recently (another development team was working on it, so I don't know exactly what happened) but now all the Response.Write code blocks are displaying at the top of the page. The only clue I have to what might have changed is that some recent AJAX functionality was added to the project. Response.Write writes to the

how to write a file object on server response and without saving file on server?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-01 11:08:02
I am using Spring with DWR . I want to return a file object as response , however I save the file (to be sent) at server temporary location and then send its location as href for anchor tag on client side , however I wonder if there could be a way to throw the file directly to browser on response object without saving it temporarily on server. I expected if there could be a way to send file as a response via DWR. public ModelAndView writeFileContentInResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(

how to write a file object on server response and without saving file on server?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-01 08:11:15
问题 I am using Spring with DWR . I want to return a file object as response , however I save the file (to be sent) at server temporary location and then send its location as href for anchor tag on client side , however I wonder if there could be a way to throw the file directly to browser on response object without saving it temporarily on server. I expected if there could be a way to send file as a response via DWR. 回答1: public ModelAndView writeFileContentInResponse(HttpServletRequest request,

What’s the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-01 03:17:05
问题 What’s the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() ? 回答1: There is effectively no difference, although Response.Output.Write() provides more overloads which can allow you to pass different parameters. Scott Hansleman covers it in depth. 回答2: They both write to the output stream using a TextWriter (not directly to a Stream), however using HttpContext.Response.Output.Write offers more overloads (17 in Framework 2.0, including formatting options) than HttpContext.Response

Response.WriteFile() — not working asp net mvc 4.5

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-29 18:05:17
I've looked at many resources and the following should work, however my save as dialog box is never showing (not browser specific): Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; string downloadName = "Request "+request.RequestID+ "_researchExport.doc"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", new System.IO.FileInfo(FileName).Length.ToString()); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0};", downloadName)); Response.WriteFile(FileName); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); The file definitely exists. I've also tried the following: Using Response.TransmitFile