
ReplayKit Framework - Is it possible to only ask for permission once?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-06-23 06:55:07
问题 For Apple's new ReplayKit Framework in iOS 9 you have to get permission to access microphone and record screen. It seems like on when I run my test application in xcode on on every start up it re-asks for permission when I already granted permissions in a previous session. Is there a way to ask permission once (when a user starts up the app for the first time) and not have to ask again on every new session? Thanks ]1 回答1: Unfortunately, this permission shows up every single time you start

ReplayKit Framework - Is it possible to only ask for permission once?

三世轮回 提交于 2020-06-23 06:54:25
问题 For Apple's new ReplayKit Framework in iOS 9 you have to get permission to access microphone and record screen. It seems like on when I run my test application in xcode on on every start up it re-asks for permission when I already granted permissions in a previous session. Is there a way to ask permission once (when a user starts up the app for the first time) and not have to ask again on every new session? Thanks ]1 回答1: Unfortunately, this permission shows up every single time you start

【原创】大叔问题定位分享(13)HBase Region频繁下线

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-04-06 13:15:42
问题现象:hive执行sql报错 select count(*) from test_hive_table; 报错 Error: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedException: Failed after attempts=36, exceptions: Wed May 16 10:22:17 CST 2018, null, callTimeout=60000, callDuration=68270: row '6495922803d09' on table 'test_hbase_table' at region=test_hbase_table,6495922803d09,1526207008130.6060407a4aa5e23c8df09614dd3fe650., hostname=server121,16020,1526398855988, seqNum=47468 直接原因一:region状态 这个hive表是外部表,底层数据存放在hbase中,出现问题的region状态: 2018-05-16 03:18:16 在RegionServer server121 上线; 2018-05-16 06


流过昼夜 提交于 2020-04-03 10:33:17
上一篇: ThreadLocal系列(二)-InheritableThreadLocal的使用及原理解析 一、基本使用 首先,TTL是用来解决ITL解决不了的问题而诞生的,所以TTL一定是支持父线程的本地变量传递给子线程这种基本操作的,ITL也可以做到,但是前面有讲过,ITL在线程池的模式下,就没办法再正确传递了,所以TTL做出的改进就是即便是在线程池模式下,也可以很好的将父线程本地变量传递下去,先来看个例子: // 需要注意的是,使用TTL的时候,要想传递的值不出问题,线程池必须得用TTL加一层代理(下面会讲这样做的目的) private static ExecutorService executorService = TtlExecutors.getTtlExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)); private static ThreadLocal tl = new TransmittableThreadLocal<>(); //这里采用TTL的实现 public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(() -> { String mainThreadName = "main_01"; tl.set(1); executorService.execute(() -> {


夙愿已清 提交于 2020-02-12 20:58:05
1 awful 2 eliminate 3 permanent 4 rate 5 virtually 6 fossil 7 overestimate 8 speculate 9 replay 10 linguist 1 awful 糟糕的 2 eliminate 消除 3 permanent 永久的 4 rate 速度、率、评价 5 virtually 虚拟地、几乎 6 fossil 石油、老顽固 7 overestimate 过高评价 8 speculate 推测 9 replay 重播 10 linguist 语言学家 来源: CSDN 作者: 国民小跟班 链接:

彻底理解RxJS里面的Observable 、Observer 、Subject

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-23 19:29:30
最近闲来无事,常常重读Angular官方文档,颇能发现些有趣的地方。让我想起海澜之家的广告词:每次都有新体验。 关于RXJS的基础概念, observable 和 observer ,我们好多次搞得头晕眼花。 其实,看下面这简简单单的一行代码就懂了它们的关系: observable.subscribe(observer); observable 是数据源头,是生产者,是待订阅者,通过subscribe方法可以被订阅,而 observer 是消费者,是数据使用者,是订阅者。 observer其实是一个有三个回调函数的对象,每个回调函数对应一种 Observable 发送的通知类型( next , error , complete )。回调函数不必每次都提供三个。如果我们只提供了一个回调函数作为参数,subscribe会将我们提供的函数参数作为next的回调处理函数。 observable. subscribe() 是一个Subscription对象。 Subscription 就是表示Observable 的执行,可以被清理。这个对象最常用的方法就是unsubscribe方法。同时,它还有 add方法可以使我们取消多个订阅。 我有一个比喻可以很好的理解这种订阅关系:现在有一家牛奶生产商,它们家的牛奶质优价廉,鲜美醉人。它在电视上发布广告,所有人都可以打它们的电话订奶。这个时候

How can I record and replay macros in Eclipse 3.5?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-22 14:55:39
问题 Which tool would you recommend for macro recording and replaying ? Is there a language as well ? I frequently switch between Eclipse and Emacs(actually Xemacs) for editing tasks. It would be nice if I didn't have to do as frequently. That would happen if a macro language/recorder were available in eclipse. It's available in Netbeans, so how come that is not a priority for eclipse ? 回答1: There is no current macro language on Eclipse: Practical Macro is not compatible with current 3.5 or 3.6

AS3.0 Replay the whole movie (*SWF file)

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-20 03:50:05
问题 I made a small game in Actionscript 3.0 and flash. When the player wins the game or is 'game over' the player should have a option to replay the game. So my question is: Is there a way to replay the whole movie with Actionscript? I know, i could reset the timeline back to 0, and re-instantiate all the classes, movieclips, var's ect... but i was wondering if anyone knows a easier solution. 回答1: You can remove the swfObject and add it again. Look here. This is the swfObject reference. 回答2:

Caching network calls using RxJava for some duration

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-11 07:06:27
问题 I am making a network using Retorfit + RxJava2 and I want to cache the response for 30 seconds. Any calls made after 30 seconds interval should get the latest results from server. I tried doing this using Replay operator but it still makes a network call every time I call subscribe. I am not an expert in RxJava so maybe my understanding of using Replay for caching like that is wrong. public Observable<Name> getName() { return retrofitBuilder.getName() .subscribeOn( .replay(30,

XVIII Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev. Ukrainian Grand Prix.

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-08 20:42:35
Contest Link A. Accommodation Plan B. Card Game C. The Most Expensive Gift D. Cut the Cake E. Message F. Bad Word G. Zenyk, Marichka and Interesting Game H. Frog Jumping I. Slot Machine J. Half is Good K. Dance L. Impress Her summary and replay 来源: