
Regression Testing for Styling and Layout of Web Apps

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-04 08:32:00
问题 I realise this is a non-trivial task, but is there any way to regression test the styling and rendered layout of a web application? I've found it straight-forward to unittest and regression test functionality, both server-side and client-side. However, a frustrating issue I've run into are CSS changes made to fix one layout issue that break the layout and styling on a different page. The only way I know how to detect these is to manually view every page in an application, and compare it with

Are regression tests the entire test suite or a sample of tests?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-03 03:20:11
I was taught that a regression test was a small (only enough to prove you didn't break anything with the introduction of a change or new modules) sample of the overall tests. However, this article by Ron Morrison and Grady Booch makes me think differently: The desired strategy would be to bring each unit in one at a time, perform an extensive regression test, correct any defects and then proceed to the next unit. The same document also says: As soon as a small number of units are added, a test version is generated and "smoke tested," wherein a small number of tests are run to gain confidence

Implementing `make check` or `make test`

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-03 02:22:13
问题 How can I implement a simple regression test framework with Make? (I’m using GNU Make, if that matters.) My current makefile looks something like this (edited for simplicity): OBJS = jscheme.o utility.o model.o read.o eval.o print.o %.o : %.c jscheme.h gcc -c -o $@ $< jscheme : $(OBJS) gcc -o $@ $(OBJS) .PHONY : clean clean : -rm -f jscheme $(OBJS) I’d like to have a set of regression tests, e.g. , testing a “good” expression & testing a “bad” one, with expr.cmp &

Regression Testing for Styling and Layout of Web Apps

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-02 23:45:36
I realise this is a non-trivial task, but is there any way to regression test the styling and rendered layout of a web application? I've found it straight-forward to unittest and regression test functionality, both server-side and client-side. However, a frustrating issue I've run into are CSS changes made to fix one layout issue that break the layout and styling on a different page. The only way I know how to detect these is to manually view every page in an application, and compare it with my own expectations, but obviously this can be burdensome and expensive when an application can have

Handling browser pop-up windows with Selenium

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-28 20:28:29
We are running Selenium regression tests against our existing code base, and certain screens in our web app use pop-ups for intermediate steps. Currently we use the commands in the test: // force new window to open at this point - so we can select it later selenium().getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'enquiryPopup')"); selenium().click("//input[@value='Submit']"); selenium().waitForPopUp("enquiryPopup", getWaitTime()); selenium().selectWindow("enquiryPopup"); ...which works most of the time . Occasionally the test will fail on the waitForPopUp() line with com.thoughtworks

Trying to implement python TestSuite

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-11-28 06:47:53
I have two test cases (two different files) that I want to run together in a Test Suite. I can get the tests to run just by running python "normally" but when I select to run a python-unit test it says 0 tests run. Right now I'm just trying to get at least one test to run correectly. import usertest import configtest # first test import unittest # second test testSuite = unittest.TestSuite() testResult = unittest.TestResult() confTest = configtest.ConfigTestCase() testSuite.addTest(configtest.suite()) test = print testResult.testsRun # prints 1 if run "normally" Here

Handling browser pop-up windows with Selenium

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-27 12:56:41
问题 We are running Selenium regression tests against our existing code base, and certain screens in our web app use pop-ups for intermediate steps. Currently we use the commands in the test: // force new window to open at this point - so we can select it later selenium().getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'enquiryPopup')"); selenium().click("//input[@value='Submit']"); selenium().waitForPopUp("enquiryPopup", getWaitTime()); selenium().selectWindow("enquiryPopup"); ...which works