

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-02-22 19:13:58
 推荐两款神器:Deblector和reflexil   Deblector   它的名字是Debug 和 reflector 两个单词的结合。就是用来调试的。 简单的说,它可以像ide一样启动调试进程,或者Attach到一个运行中的进程,并调试他们,设置断点,单步运行,查看变量等等。 它不需要pdb文件,也不会像reflector pro的调试插件一样依赖ide,也不需要反编译dll。 一切工作仅在reflector内部完成,是不是很cool。 但缺点也是有的,那就是它只能在il级别调试。不过对于我们调试bug来说,这个基本已经足够了。   简单说一下这个插件的用法。安装到reflector后, tools菜单下会多一个Deblector菜单。   点开这个菜单,就可以打开这个插件了。 这时reflector的toolbar上会多出一些button。   这些button的意思就不多说了,自己看tooltip。   如果想启动一个新进程调试的话,可以把exe拖到reflector中, 然后点击toolbar上的第一个按钮,就是小三角,就可以自动启动这个exe并进入调试模式。   此时进程启动起来了,但是会在main函数的入口处断住,等待你的操作,这个时候你可以找到你想要设断点的方法,F9设置断点。   然后点击小三角或者F7继续运行程序。然后当程序走到断点的时候,就能断住了。  

开发工具 - Reflector

邮差的信 提交于 2020-02-14 22:59:35
Civil3D二次开发主要有两份参考文档,只有英文版没有中文版 Ø API Developer's Guide Developer’s Guide主要是像教程一样的介绍了Civil3D API的情况并且对于一些典型API给出了示例。对于初学者来说,这份文档需要仔细完整的阅读完,对于自己可能会用到的Feature例如PipeNetwork,更是需要仔细的把所有示例程序阅读完并且理解里面的所有语句。 Ø Developer Reference Help Developer Reference Help基本上是一份Civil3D API的参考手册,在基本入门了Civil3D 二次开发之后开始实际编程的时候,经常需要去查看这份文档,了解API的功能,返回值,Exception等信息。 在我们比较了解了Civil3D二次开发的时候,我们用的更多的可能是Reflection工具来查找我们所需要的API。 大概有这么几个工具可以选择 Ø Visual Studio 自带的Object Browser 这个只能看当前Project reference的DLL,感觉不是很方便,我不怎么喜欢用。 Ø .NET Reflector 这个我用下来感觉最好用,6.0之前的版本还是免费的,现在已经收费了。收费了我就没用过新的版本,也没去研究过他加了什么新的功能。但是6.0版对于我来说已经足够了,方便好用

kube-controller-manager inform机制学习

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-29 06:12:03
介绍 controller中的传感器主要由Reflector, Informer, Indexer组成 Reflector通过List&Watch kube-apiserver来获取k8s资源数据,获取到资源数据后,会在Delta队列放入一个包括资源对象信息本身以及资源对象事件类型的Delta记录 Informer不断从Delta队列中弹出Delta记录,一方面把事件交给事件回调函数,另一方面把资源对象交给Indexer。 Indexer把资源记录在一个缓存中 controller中的控制器主要由事件处理函数及worker组成 事件处理函数会监听Informer中资源的新增、更新、删除事件,并根据控制器的逻辑决定是否需要处理 对于需要处理的事件,会把相关信息放到工作队列中,并由后续worker池中的worker来处理 worker在处理资源对象时一般需要用资源对象的名字去缓存中重新获取最新的资源数据 源码阅读 1、kube-controller-manager.Run方法会调用sharedInformerFactory.Start; / controllerContext . InformerFactory . Start (

How to get a nice class diagram for built-in .net classes?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-13 10:21:46
问题 To get an overview for the CodeDom classes in .Net I tried to create a class diagramm using Visual Studio 2010 built-in class designer, but I did not find the way how I could feed the .Net built-in classes and types into it, the only I can get is to add my own classes from Class View window. I also tried it with UML diagramms in VS2010, and I couldn't import the classes. I was looking for a similar option in MS Visio and though it does provide support for class diagramm I could not generate

Reverse Engineering web app

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-04 03:51:35
问题 I have an web application. I don't have the source code. The bin contains 10 assemblies and a .compiled file. I used Reflector on the App_Code.dll and it shows me classes and namespaces and stuff, but its such a mess. Is there any way to reverse engineer this web app that won't take weeks/months to unfold? The application is pretty basic. Note, the code is written by an engineer that left the company. We own the product. 回答1: With reflector you can save the reflected code out to a

RedGate Reflector to recover source code from .net assembly

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-31 03:43:09
问题 Quick question. Can I recover a lost .cs file using RedGate Reflector ? My assembly is a debug version 回答1: If you open .NET assembly in Reflector, you should be able to switch which language Reflector uses to display the code e.g. IL , VB.NET , C# . There is a dropdown list on the UI menu bar with this selection of languages. As long as you have all the required external libraries and references, you should be able to copy the C# code form Reflector and try to rebuild it. 回答2: To make it a

What do you use to protect your .NET code from reverse engineering? [closed]

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-28 04:07:48
问题 As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 7 years ago . For a while we were using a tool called CodeVeil. I'm just wondering if there are better alternatives out there. Edit: Before more

How does Reflector decompile code?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-24 07:03:20
问题 How do tools like the Red Gate Ant Profiler or the Reflector convert IL into C# or VB.NET code? I recently noticed that the Red Gate Ant Profiler does not generate the same source code that was written originally. It generated a while loop where I had used a foreach . That made me think. I opened Reflector.exe itself in Reflector but their code is mostly (not all of it) obfuscated. 回答1: Decompilers in general work by looking at the IL and constructing source code which is semantically

decompile assembly into project

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-23 22:26:27
问题 I will like to see the value of some private variables of the Regex class located on System.dll. If curious why I will like to twick that class look at this question. So I will have to decompile C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\Profile\Client\System.dll I am able to decompile that with reflector: Now my question is Is there a way of creating a solution of visual studio with all those classes. There are hundreds of classes in there and I do not

Reflection Gurus: Why aren't my MethodInfo objects equal?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-23 17:18:33
问题 Basically, some internal check that happens in the static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Bind() method says "Method is not a property accessor" on my property that is clearly a property. Using Reflector, I've minimized the amount of code causing the problem, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this would happen. My only guess is that it has something to do with the fact that the property isn't on the class itself, but I would think this should still work: I've tried to make a