
How is multitasking achieved in Redux Middleware?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-25 04:27:28
问题 Since preemptive multitasking is not available in a browser, and JavaScript is inherently single threaded, how does a Redux Middleware like redux-saga handle infinite loops not designed for cooperative multitasking without triggering the long-running script dialog? function* watchSaga() { while (true) { yield take(SOME_REQUEST); // do something } } Edit My statement "not designed for cooperative multitasking" was wrong. A generator function's code is executed only until the first yield

Flutter Redux Navigator GlobalKey.currentState returns null

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-19 09:48:04
问题 I am developing Flutter with Redux. When a user starts an application, I want Redux to automatically dispatch an action . This action will make the Navigator push different routes dependently. This snippet provided by a Flutter dev member uses the GlobalKey to use the Navigator inside the middleware . Following this, I organize my code as follows: main.dart void main() { final store = new Store(appStateReducer, middleware:createRouteMiddleware() ); runApp(new MyApp(store)); } class MyApp

Flutter Redux Navigator GlobalKey.currentState returns null

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 09:25:11
I am developing Flutter with Redux. When a user starts an application, I want Redux to automatically dispatch an action . This action will make the Navigator push different routes dependently. This snippet provided by a Flutter dev member uses the GlobalKey to use the Navigator inside the middleware . Following this, I organize my code as follows: main.dart void main() { final store = new Store(appStateReducer, middleware:createRouteMiddleware() ); runApp(new MyApp(store)); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final Store<AppState> store; MyApp(; @override Widget build