
Hacker News 简讯 2020-08-07

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-11-13 01:22:22
最后更新时间: 2020-08-07 23:01 On the Performance of User-Mode Threads and Coroutines - ( 关于用户模式线程和协程的性能 得分:30 | 评论:3 Mac keyboard shortcuts - ( Mac键盘快捷键 得分:153 | 评论:191 Crush: A command line shell that is also a powerful modern programming language - ( Crush:一个命令行shell,也是一种强大的现代编程语言 得分:246 | 评论:89 CNO neutrinos from the Sun are finally detected - ( 来自太阳的CNO中微子终于被探测到了 得分:82 | 评论:19 A T Cell Army against SARS-CoV-2 - ( 抗击SARS-CoV-2的T细胞军队 得分:11 | 评论:0 Self-Contained Development Environments (2018) [pdf] - ( 独立开发环境

How to parse inside HTML tags with REBOL?

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-23 02:47:53
问题 I have a web page that I've loaded with load/markup. I need to parse a bunch of stuff out of it, but some of the data is in the tags. Any ideas of how I can parse it? Here's a sample of what I've got (and tried) so far: REBOL [] mess: { <td>Bob Sockaway</td> <td><a></a></td> <td>9999</td> } rules: [ some [ ; The expression below /will/ work, but is useless because of specificity. ; <td> <a> s: string! </a

Creating map function in Red language

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-17 08:37:09
问题 How can I create map, a higher order function, in Red language. It should take a block and a function as arguments and apply the sent function to each member of block. I tried following code: Red [] mapfn: function[blk sfn][ outblk: copy [] foreach i blk[ append outblk (sfn i) ] outblk ] ; to test: myblk: [" this " " is " " a " " line " "for" " testing " " only "] probe mapfn myblk 'reverse probe mapfn myblk 'trim But it is not working - it simply sends back the original block without

Parse and Break: why break cannot be used for getting out of “any” or “some” rule?

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-17 02:39:48
问题 Let say I have to parse a hierarchical set of tags <tag> <subtag1 attr1=value1 attr2=value2> <subtag1 attr1=value1 attr2=value2> <subtag1 attr1=value1 attr2=value2> </tag> Why can't I use break inside some or any to get out of a level hierarchy ? This would allow to do that kind of parsing instead of having a headache to do so ? I'm asking this because I read here it would create an infinite loop This case produces an infinite loop.

Compile Rebol code to executable

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-16 09:11:31
问题 I downloaded Rebol/View (vesion 2.7.8) Linux x86 libc6 2.3 version from and it is working all right as an interpreter on Linux (Debian Stable 9). Is it possible to compile the code to executables? I tried checking the options, and compile to executable option does not seem to be there: $ rebol -v --help The command line usage is: REBOL <options> <script> <arguments> All fields are optional. Supported options are: --cgi (-c) Check for CGI input --do expr

Variable value in foreach of Red language

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-15 06:27:05
问题 I am using following code to add multiple GUI elements to a view via a foreach loop: myRange: function [n][ ; to produce a vector of [1 2 3 4... n] vv: make vector! n i: 1 foreach j vv [ vv/:i: i i: i + 1 if i > n [break]] vv ] view collect[ foreach i myRange 10 [ print append "i in loop: " i keep [ t: text ] keep append "message number: " i keep [field "entry" button "Click" [t/text: "clicked"] return] ] ] All GUI elements are being produced. But the code append "message number: " i is

is it possible to have static variable inside a rebol function?

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-14 05:08:09
问题 This shows how to have a static variable inside an object or context: But the scope is too large for some needs, is it possible to have a static variable inside an object function ? 回答1: In Rebol 3, use a closure (or CLOS) rather than a function (or FUNC). In Rebol 2, fake it by having a block that contains your static values, eg : f: func [ /local sb ][ ;; define and initialise the static block sb: [] if 0 = length? sb [append sb 0] ;;

is it possible to have static variable inside a rebol function?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-14 05:08:07
问题 This shows how to have a static variable inside an object or context: But the scope is too large for some needs, is it possible to have a static variable inside an object function ? 回答1: In Rebol 3, use a closure (or CLOS) rather than a function (or FUNC). In Rebol 2, fake it by having a block that contains your static values, eg : f: func [ /local sb ][ ;; define and initialise the static block sb: [] if 0 = length? sb [append sb 0] ;;

Why do function “have memory” in REBOL?

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-12 23:19:10
问题 In rebol I have written this very simple function: make-password: func[Length] [ chars: "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890" password: "" loop Length [append password (pick chars random Length)] password ] When I run this multiple times in a row things get really confusing: loop 5 [print make-password 5] Gives (for example) this output: TWTQW TWTQWWEWRT TWTQWWEWRTQWWTW TWTQWWEWRTQWWTWQTTQQ TWTQWWEWRTQWWTWQTTQQTRRTT It looks like the function memorised the past executions and stored the

How do you start a Rebol3 GUI script without the console showing?

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-05 09:49:06
问题 Currently I start a GUI from the console which involves first loading the GUI with load-gui and then run the script which shows the GUI. How can I start the GUI without a console showing? 回答1: You have to specify the open/exe action for the R3 script : the R3 exe. 来源: