
How to get individual results while solving Einstein's riddle with OWL in Protégé?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-18 18:42:32
问题 I would like to better understand ontologies and reasoning. There is an interesting puzzle called Einstein's riddle on the net that can be solved with the help of ontologies and reasoning. I downloaded the OWL ontology from that site and imported it into Protege 4.0.2 (does not work with 4.1). I can start a reasoner by Reasoner → FaCT++ , Reasoner → Classify… , but i don't know, how to visualize the individual results. How can I do this? 回答1: There are two ways in which you can visualise the

How to get individual results while solving Einstein's riddle with OWL in Protégé?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-18 18:42:01
问题 I would like to better understand ontologies and reasoning. There is an interesting puzzle called Einstein's riddle on the net that can be solved with the help of ontologies and reasoning. I downloaded the OWL ontology from that site and imported it into Protege 4.0.2 (does not work with 4.1). I can start a reasoner by Reasoner → FaCT++ , Reasoner → Classify… , but i don't know, how to visualize the individual results. How can I do this? 回答1: There are two ways in which you can visualise the

Removing unwanted superclass answers in SPARQL

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-14 01:21:17
问题 I have an OWL file that includes a taxonomic hierarchy that I want to write a query where the answer includes each individual and its immediate taxonomic parent. Here's an example (the full query is rather messier). @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix rdf: <http:://> . @prefix : <urn:ex:> . :fido rdf:type :Dog . :Dog rdfs:subClassOf :Mammal . :Mammal rdfs:subClassOf :Vertebrate . :Vertebrate rdfs:subClassOf :Animal . :fido

SPARQL 1.1 entailment regimes and query with FROM clause (follow-up)

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:07:48
问题 This is a follow-up question from SPARQL 1.1 entailment regimes and query with FROM clause I'm currently documenting/testing about SPARQL 1.1 entailment regimes and the recommendation repeatedly states that The scoping graph is graph-equivalent to the active graph... So it would seems that the inference scoping graph depends on the query. The question is: does the scoping graph stems from the query's dataset (FROM/FROM NAMED clauses) or does it refer to the real current active graph context

Closure axiom for instances so that reasoner can correctly classify instances in ontology

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-11 02:39:38
问题 I am a geographer and a new comer in the field of ontology trying to make sense out of these two. Therefore, I have created a simple ontology, as follows: Thing Feature Lane Segment(equivalent to Arc) Geometry Arc (equivalent to Segment) Node Dangling_Node Intersection_node you can find the .owl file here instantiated with a very simple spatial road dataset (fig1). the ontology is consistent without and with instances, but when I run the reasoner, the Dangling_node instances (nodes that are

Barack doesn’t like anything that Donald likes

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-11 02:14:15
问题 How to express: Barack doesn’t like anything that Donald likes. in Protege? My attempt: I have Barack and Donald as individuals and like as a property , however, when clicking on Barack , the best I can get is: Barack like Donald which is not good. Any ideas? The answer appears to not be working. 回答1: In the individuals tab, where you can assert the type (not object property assertion) of an individual, you write (for Barack): likes only (not (inverse likes value Donald)) or likes only (not

OWL and DL Reasoning: Why is Eros not beautiful?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-10 16:18:13
问题 I have created an ontology based on: Every person is beautiful if one of his/her parents is beautiful Aphrodite is a parent of Eros Aphrodite is beautiful thus we would expect Eros to be beautiful too! However, the Pellet reasoner doesn't seem to infer that. If I manually put the type of Eros to successful, it will accept it, but shouldn't it infer it? My ontology lies here (change the extension to .owl). I am also providing screenshots from Protege: Class hierarchy: Eros: Inferred class

Why is owl:Restriction reasoning not working in Blazegraph?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-08 08:04:16
问题 With the following RDF in Blazegraph (taken from this answer): :eats rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . :Vegetable rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing . :Vegetarian rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :eats ; owl:someValuesFrom :Vegetable ] . :Carrot rdf:type :Vegetable , owl:NamedIndividual . :John rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; :eats :carrot . the following SPARQL is returning blank: select ?who where { ?who a :Vegetarian .

Get Inferred Object Property Assertions Hermit Reasoner

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-08 04:28:33
问题 Say that I have some ontology created in Protege and there is an instance of a class with some object property, and a list of object properties, has shown in the following pictures: The hierarchy of object properties is as follows: Now, when I turn the Reasoner on (Hermit), I get the following assert object properties for this same individual: When I click in the explanations for the inferred object property "dependsUp" customer, I get: My question is how can I generate this using Java? I can

OutOfMemoryError using Pellet as Reasoner

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-07 14:18:17
问题 I'm trying to infer data using Pellet, but my application always crashes during reasoning due to an "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". As suggested elsewhere I have already tried to increase heap size and currently I am using these VM arguments: "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx6144m". Furthermore I've to set 'PelletOptions.USE_CONTINUOUS = true', but so far I was only able delays the crashs for some minutes. (Longest run so far: 30 min.). I am storing data in a Jena TDB triplestore. Its total