
How can i have different translations for action controller in TYPO3?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-22 01:18:46
问题 Is it possible to have a localization based on RealURL's valueMap static table ? For example, in Deutsch language, I have de/ is language account/ page produktinfos/ controller action And what I need is to translate the produktinfos/ part to English, i.e., . Is there a way to translate the controller action in RealURL? 回答1: I don't know if this help for you. You can use some realurl post/pre Procs. for example: /

TYPO3 realURL Autoconf to manual conf

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-21 13:00:00
问题 I have a TYPO3 site that's been running with realURLs autoconf for years. The pattern is very simple: Domain/language/pid e.g. Now I have to make an addition to the realURL config, but I'm not sure on how to reproduce the setup by autoconf in a manual configuration file (we don't want to change the URLs) How's that done? I've tried outputting the serialized autoconf values via var_export(), but no work. Or: how can I create the URL pattern above in realurl_conf? Thanks! Urs

TYPO3 realURL Autoconf to manual conf

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-21 12:59:07
问题 I have a TYPO3 site that's been running with realURLs autoconf for years. The pattern is very simple: Domain/language/pid e.g. Now I have to make an addition to the realURL config, but I'm not sure on how to reproduce the setup by autoconf in a manual configuration file (we don't want to change the URLs) How's that done? I've tried outputting the serialized autoconf values via var_export(), but no work. Or: how can I create the URL pattern above in realurl_conf? Thanks! Urs

Use other than primary key as RealURL id_field

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-20 07:29:47
问题 In a TYPO3 6.2 site, I have the following postVarSets in realurl_conf.php for an extbase extension: 'postVarSets' => array( '_DEFAULT' => array( 'wba' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_weiterbildung_pi1[item]' , 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tx_weiterbildung_domain_model_item', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'kurs_titel', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), ), ), ), ), ), This

RealURL: Remove Controller and Action from URL

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-17 16:48:12
问题 I have an extension with a list and show action. Currently this extension can appear on multiple pages: /page-1/ /page-2/subpage/ I have configured realurl like that: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']=array ( 'encodeSpURL_postProc' => array('user_encodeSpURL_postProc'), 'decodeSpURL_preProc' => array('user_decodeSpURL_preProc'), '_DEFAULT' => array ( … 'postVarSets' => array( '_DEFAULT' => array( 'controller' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_extension_plugin[controller]',

I cannot see thumbnails for images in the backend anymore. Why?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-12 16:27:32
问题 If I go to Filelist in the Typo3 backend and check the option to display thumbnails, I only see broken image links. Yet I remember that the thumbnails displayed ok at some point. A test of ImageMagick in the install tool of typo shows, that ImageMagick is working ok. What to do? 回答1: It's not only RealURL's problem - although it's most common while users are manipulating this file manually to add custom rules. Anyway this problem also ocures with typo3conf/localconf.php . How to confirm:

.htaccess redirect to language subfolder

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-12 10:12:58
问题 What I have: there are two languages installed: German and English language-versions are managed with subfolders ( and machine: Typo3 4.5.4 / RealUrl installed mod_rewrite is enabled an works What I want to do: redirect requests without language subfolder to the German version e.g. to de /any/test/folder What I tried: RedirectMatch permanent ^/(?!(?:(?:de|en)/))(.*)$ /de/$1 Occuring problems: all requests were

TYPO3 and RealUrl don't use translated page titles in url

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-12 05:52:02
问题 I use TYPO3 7.1 and RealUrl 1.13.3. Auto configuration is not using the page title from translated pages and it is not changing ?L=1 to fx /en/ It is just using the default Danish page titles and adding ?L=1 to English pages and ?L=2 to German pages. The content is shown in the right languages. What could be the problem? 回答1: First switch to manual config, then add config for L param in preVars section according to your languages like described in doc array( 'GETvar' => 'L', 'valueMap' =>

TYPO3 extension real_url returns 404 on all pages

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-11 21:15:11
问题 assume the following pagetree structure root client1 page 1 page 2 page 3 client2 page 1 page 2 page 3 by default TYPO3 will display the page by id /index.php?id=[pid] I'm trying to achieve the following effect /client1/page1 so I came across the realurl extension which I did managed to make it work and I got the expected result in the url after setting config.absRefPrefix = client1/ in my setup.ts field in my template realurl.basic.enableAutoConf = 1 in the extension's configuration page but

TYPO3 tx_news: How to remove “news” prefix from RealURL path

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-11 12:23:04
问题 I have a problem. Does anybody know how to get rid of the news prefix from url ? it is like this**news**/detail/title-of-news/ and I would like to be like this Or replace news word with diffrent "article" for example. 回答1: place single view plugin on separate article page Use fixedPostVars (from RealURL docs) to shorten the url, read this answer to see the sample for tt_news (sorry I haven't now any sample for News + RU, but