
React CSS Transition Group

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 15:26:18
问题 Can someone help me with slide up/down transition that I am trying to create for a fullscreen popup. I am unable to get the desired ease in slide up effect using CSSTransitionGroup. The code example can be found here Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks 回答1: Theres a few issues at play here, all easy to fix: 1) You must use import CSSTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-css-transition-group rather than just the plain old transition group package - that only adds lifecycle hooks, which the

React CSSTransitionGroup deleted item shifted to end

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:32:05
问题 I'm using the CSSTransitionGroup addon to animate the addition and removal of items to an array. When adding, the animation performs as expected, but on remove the removed item is shifted to the end before the animation begins. I'm fairly new to React, butI assume there is something going on under the hood with how React reconciles array changes? 回答1: Your remove statement goes wrong because of react's key specifics. See explanation here of dynamic

React Addons CSS Transition Group Not Adding Classes onEnter and onLeave

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-11 07:38:08
问题 Please I can't seem to get what I'm doing wrong here, I'm trying to animate an element but the classes meant to be added to the element at transition don't get added, have monitored it with the developer tool and nothing gets added. Using react-transition-group 2.0.1 I import the library like so. import {CSSTransition} from 'react-transition-group'; Here is my JSX code. var submenus = <Submenu menuList={item.submenus} key={'submenu'+index}/>; return( <li key={index} styleName={item.styleName}

Staggering components on enter with react css transition group

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-06 01:04:46
问题 I would like to add a stagger effect to all children that get rendered within a ReactCssTransitionsGroup but do not know how to go about it. I looked at this question but would like to try do it using the react transitions group. If it isn't possible then I will do something similar to the above linked question. my transition component is quite simple: Transitions({component: 'div', transitionName: 'stagger'}, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(i => div({className: 'pure-u-md-1-3 pure-u-lg-1-4 medium-box

React TransitionGroup and React.cloneElement do not send updated props

可紊 提交于 2019-12-04 17:52:28
问题 I am following Chang Wang's tutorial for making reusable React transitions with HOCs and ReactTransitionGroup (Part 1 Part 2) in conjunction with Huan Ji's tutorial on page transitions (Link). The problem I am facing is that React.cloneElement does not seem to be passing updated props into one of its children, while other children do properly receive updated props. First, some code: TransitionContainer.js TransitionContainer is a container component that is akin to App in Huan Ji's tutorial.

Staggering components on enter with react css transition group

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 06:28:15
I would like to add a stagger effect to all children that get rendered within a ReactCssTransitionsGroup but do not know how to go about it. I looked at this question but would like to try do it using the react transitions group. If it isn't possible then I will do something similar to the above linked question. my transition component is quite simple: Transitions({component: 'div', transitionName: 'stagger'}, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(i => div({className: 'pure-u-md-1-3 pure-u-lg-1-4 medium-box demo', key: i}) ) ) 8 months later and I have found the best way to do this, without

React TransitionGroup and React.cloneElement do not send updated props

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-03 11:48:43
I am following Chang Wang's tutorial for making reusable React transitions with HOCs and ReactTransitionGroup ( Part 1 Part 2 ) in conjunction with Huan Ji's tutorial on page transitions ( Link ). The problem I am facing is that React.cloneElement does not seem to be passing updated props into one of its children, while other children do properly receive updated props. First, some code: TransitionContainer.js TransitionContainer is a container component that is akin to App in Huan Ji's tutorial. It injects a slice of the state to it's children. The children of the TransitionGroup are all an

Backgroundimage is not working in react

允我心安 提交于 2019-11-30 10:37:52
I am new to react and trying to get background image with inline styling. But it's not working. Showing error "url is not defined" render() { return ( <div className="phase1" style ={ { backgroundImage: url('') } }> <input id="search" type="text" placeholder={} onChange={this.updateSearch.bind(this)}/>        <Link className="button1" to="Form"> + </Link> </div> ) } } CSS values are always strings. Wrap the backgroundImage value in quotation marks to make it a string:

Backgroundimage is not working in react

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-11-29 14:53:27
问题 I am new to react and trying to get background image with inline styling. But it's not working. Showing error "url is not defined" render() { return ( <div className="phase1" style ={ { backgroundImage: url('') } }> <input id="search" type="text" placeholder={} onChange={this.updateSearch.bind(this)}/>        <Link className="button1" to="Form"> + </Link> </div> ) } }