
Adding zero valued entries so that all groups have entries for the same items

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-19 06:47:07
问题 I'm trying to use Rcharts to create a stacked bar chart across a number of recorded regions (stacking separate group values on top of each other). The data is in a format similar to below. Region | Group | Value ---------------------- USA | A | 5 USA | B | 3 USA | C | 1 UK | A | 4 UK | B | 6 France | C | 3 Using the below code produces a grouped bar chart which works fine. However the stacked button does nothing to change the plot. nPlot(Value ~ Region, group = 'Group', data = example_data,

rCharts : Highcharts column with color based on value

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-05 10:46:05
问题 I'm trying to plot efficiency in column plot with highchart. data <- c(25,50,75,100) a <- rCharts:::Highcharts$new() a$chart(type = "column") a$data(data) a is it possible,using rcharts to obtain below chart 回答1: Try to use colorByPointer parameter 回答2: This will change the color of each column in your series. Obviously, you can choose whichever color you want. values <- c(25,50,75,100) vcolor <- c("orange", "green", "blue", "red") a <- rCharts:::Highcharts$new() a$chart(type = "column") a

add vertical and horizontal lines in hplot (rcharts)

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-07-07 14:28:16
问题 I'm trying to add horizontal and vertical lines in a highchart (rcharts) in a revealjs presentation. I tried to modify the code of this post in this way: require(xlsx) library(rCharts) Perhplot.df <-read.xlsx("C:\\RDirectory\\AREALAVORO\\JOB\\RISULTATI2.xlsx", sheetName="completo2") lDf <- split(Perhplot.df, Perhplot.df$variable) h16 <- hPlot(protection ~ days, data = lDf$Exposure, type = "bubble", group = "label", title = "By Days of Exposure", subtitle = "Move the mouse pointer on the

Render rCharts using ReporteRs package in powerpoint

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-16 13:18:08
问题 I can renderchart in R shiny by below code: output$example=renderChart2({ p1 <- nPlot(mpg ~ wt, group = 'cyl', data = mtcars, type = 'multiBarChart') p1 }) Now, I want the same thing in ppt. by using ReporteRs package.I have tried below code but it is not working library(ReporteRs) doc =pptx( ) doc <- addSlide(doc, "Two Content") plotFunc<- function(){ nPlot(mpg ~ wt, group = 'cyl', data = mtcars, type = 'multiBarChart') } doc <- addPlot(doc, fun =print, x = plotFunc) writeDoc(doc, "r-2.pptx"

Formatting/aligning rCharts (nvd3) in shiny app

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-16 03:04:13
问题 I am developing a Shiny app which I hope to look like the picture below: However, as I try to achieve this, I am only able to get the following form: I am looking for how to make the output neatly collected, and would appreciate any help. I have looked at a couple of other similar questions here, viz. this and this, but don't think they answer my question (the first talks about adding a mainPanel , but I am using FludiPage and FluidRows . I had thought the columns and rows would automatically

Interactive Choropleth in R of Sweden

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-14 03:11:08
问题 I'm trying to develop an interactive choropleth in a Shiny application in R. I've tried with plotly, gVis and rCharts, but still without any luck. I need to visualise it for Sweden right now, but I probably need it for other countries as well later on. This is what I have so far for gvisGeoMap: polygons <- readOGR("/ggshape", layer="SWE_adm1") polygons <- fortify(polygons, region="ID_1") data.poly <- as.data.frame(polygons) data.poly <- data.poly[,c(1,2)] data.poly.final <- data.frame

Highcharts Area Range Plot in rCharts

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-13 18:19:26
问题 does anyone know if it's possible to create a area range style plot in rCharts (http://www.highcharts.com/demo/arearange-line)? My basic problem is the visualisation of a simple forecast scenario: set.seed(123134) y <- c(rnorm(20, 35, 2), rep(NA, 10)) data <- data.frame(y=y) data$fc <- c(rep(NA, 20), rnorm(10, 35, 1)) data$lci <- data$fc-1 data$uci <- data$fc+1 h1 <- Highcharts$new() h1$chart(type="line") h1$series(data=data$y, marker = list(symbol = 'circle'), connectNulls = TRUE) h1$series

Set chart area background color in rCharts/slidify/nvd3

久未见 提交于 2020-01-11 11:45:30
问题 For the following slidify deck, --- title : Foo framework : revealjs # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...} revealjs : {theme: solarized} highlighter : highlight.js # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight} hitheme : tomorrow # widgets : [] # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap} mode : selfcontained # {standalone, draft} ext_widgets : [libraries/nvd3] --- ## NVD3 Plot Iframe ```{r nvd3plot2, results = 'asis', comment = NA, message = F, echo = F} require(rCharts) n1 <- nPlot(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars,

Creating Leaflet heatmaps in r and shiny using rCharts

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-10 15:39:59
问题 I am using the great demo by Ramnath Vaidyanathan at http://rmaps.github.io/blog/posts/leaflet-heat-maps/index.html and I would like to reproduce his heat map for my shiny application. When I try to use Ramnath's code in shiny though I only manage to get the map out, but not the heat map. Possibly part of the reason of my problems is that the original code from Ramnath uses rMaps while I'm using rCharts (also developed by Ramnath) as it is more developed / better integrated with shiny and of

Creating Leaflet heatmaps in r and shiny using rCharts

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-10 15:39:07
问题 I am using the great demo by Ramnath Vaidyanathan at http://rmaps.github.io/blog/posts/leaflet-heat-maps/index.html and I would like to reproduce his heat map for my shiny application. When I try to use Ramnath's code in shiny though I only manage to get the map out, but not the heat map. Possibly part of the reason of my problems is that the original code from Ramnath uses rMaps while I'm using rCharts (also developed by Ramnath) as it is more developed / better integrated with shiny and of