
Is it possible to resize an embedded .mov?

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-01 17:03:37
问题 I embed .mov clips that sometimes are bigger than the place where I show it, so I want to resize the clip. Have tried with width and height but that only changes the area to display it; it does not resize the actual movie. Is it possible to resize the movie size? If yes, how? 回答1: Yes, you need the scale attribute: <embed src="sample.mov" width="200" height="240" scale="tofit"> There's a full reference for QuickTime video attributes here. 回答2: Sometimes the scale attribute doesn't work. It

Is it possible to resize an embedded .mov?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-01 17:02:12
问题 I embed .mov clips that sometimes are bigger than the place where I show it, so I want to resize the clip. Have tried with width and height but that only changes the area to display it; it does not resize the actual movie. Is it possible to resize the movie size? If yes, how? 回答1: Yes, you need the scale attribute: <embed src="sample.mov" width="200" height="240" scale="tofit"> There's a full reference for QuickTime video attributes here. 回答2: Sometimes the scale attribute doesn't work. It

Cross-Platform webcam access [closed]

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-01 03:06:07
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . I'm looking for a cross-platform video capture library, for webcam access. One that wraps V4L/V4L2 on Linux, DirectShow on Windows, and QuickTime on the Mac. C or C++ is preferred, but I can work in Java or Python if those have better options for libraries. 回答1: The OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) works


六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-28 23:47:21
AVI---AVI文件 AVI是音频视频交错(Audio Video Interleaved)的英文缩写,它是Microsoft公司开发的一种符合RIFF文件规范的数字音频与视频文件格式,原先用于Microsoft Video for Windows (简称VFW)环境,现在已被Windows 95/98、OS/2等多数操作系统直接支持。AVI格式允许视频和音频交错在一起同步播放,支持256色和RLE压缩,但AVI文件并未限定压缩标准, 因此,AVI文件格式只是作为控制界面上的标准,不具有兼容性,用不同压缩算法生成的AVI文件,必须使用相应的解压缩算法才能播放出来。常用的AVI播 放驱动程序,主要是Microsoft Video for Windows或Windows 95/98中的Video 1,以及Intel公司的Indeo Video。AVI文件目前主要应用在多媒体光盘上,用来保存电影、电视等各种影像信息,有时也出现在Internet上,供用户下载、欣赏新影片的精彩 片断。 .MPEG/.MPG/.DAT---MPEG文件 MPEG文件格式是运动图像压缩算法的国际标准,它采用有损压缩方法减少运动图像中的冗余信息,同时保证每秒30帧的图像动态刷新率,已被几乎所有 的计算机平台共同支持。MPEG标准包括MPEG视频、MPEG音频和MPEG系统(视频、音频同步)三个部分

Why does the h264 output file of ffmpeg example program decoding_encoding not play in Quicktime?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-25 08:59:05
问题 I've downloaded and built ffmpeg 3.2 with --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 and also built the examples. I then ran the decoding_encoding program with h264 argument, which produced the file test.h264 . I then could not play this file in Quicktime Player (version 10.4 on macOS 10.11.5 ). It plays fine in VLC. I don't understand why it does not work. The ffmpeg documentation states that: QuickTime only supports YUV planar color space with 4:2:0 chroma subsampling (use -vf format=yuv420p or -pix_fmt

Alternative options for displaying video in Java?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-25 04:56:12
问题 At the moment I use QuickTime for Java to display video in a swing application. However, Apple has deprecated support for QTJava and I was wondering what options other are available right now + for moving forward? Requirements: Must be cross platform (WIN & OSX). Must be able to support many different video formats. Must be capable of supporting large videos (i.e. Hi-Def). API must provide access to raw frames and audio tracks. +JMC could be included in Java7, whenever that turns up and at

Handle missing QuickTime plugin with Firefox

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-24 16:17:38
问题 I have a web page that uses the QuickTime plugin to display a 360-degree panorama file. The code to display the 360 looks like this: <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="260" width="320"> <param name="src" value="/images/x/360/x.pano"> <param name="autoplay" value="true"> <param name="loop" value="false"> <param name="controller" value="true"> <embed src="/images/x/360/x.pano" autoplay="true" loop="false"

Accessing hidden embedded quicktime audio

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-24 12:34:41
问题 I'm trying to write a simple audio player for a website, and am using the EMBED... tag to embed the audio and setting HIDDEN="true" and using various javascript commands to control the audio playback. It works fine for realplayer and mplayer but the quicktime plugin doesn't respond to javascript if the hidden bit is set - is there any workaround for this? 回答1: First, i suggest you to use the object html tag which is standardized, embed is not. Then you could simply hide your embeded audio

mp4 video starts at different time on Quicktime/AVplayer vs Chrome/Firefox

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-22 05:09:18
问题 I have a very strange issue. My OSX app is generating an mp4 video based on a screen cast. For some reason, if I open this video in Quicktime or any OSX-based AVPlayer, it will start about 14-15 frames in advance of frame 0. If I open the mp4 with Chrome or Firefox, it will actually start playing at frame 0. What could cause this ignoring of beginning frames? Here's a screenshot of a timer countdown comparing Quicktime vs Firefox at time zero. Notice how the Firefox player starts at 9:55,

iOS detect/block screen recording using QuickTime player

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-21 03:02:13
问题 I want to block screen recording or video output per my app using QuickTime Player. I had detected hdmi output and airplay with UIScreen . But QuickTime Player video recording was no detect. How to detect QuickTime Player? Thanks. 回答1: Thus don't know detect QuickTime Player recording. But I Found a solution with some trick. If QuickTime Player recording is running, AVAudioSession's output portType has been changed to HDMIOutput. So I coding as follows...(Swift 2.2) func checkOutputPortType()