
Change url in php after reloading a page

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-10 06:08:27
问题 My home page url looks like this http://localhost/mediabox/home/box/12 I have a link of language on home page when a user clicks on that link i am sending that language id as query string , the page reloads and the url converts to http://localhost/mediabox/home/box/?bid=12&ln=2 I want to reload the page with the new language but don't want to change my url i-e I want my URL to be http://localhost/mediabox/home/box/12 after the page loads How it is possible please me some gud ideas Thanks 回答1:

how to get query string of kendo datasource

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-07 04:38:16
问题 I am using kendo grid to which data is provided by kendo data source. I am using quite a complicated filter and thats why I have to use parameterMap function to do some sorting and filtering. When the query is sent, the query string is automatically prepared by the data source and everything works fine. I need a way to store this url (at least the query string) for every read request. Is there a way to access it? 回答1: After some research... that was pretty easy. It is enough to use

get parameter value from form select instead of querystring

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-06 19:46:30
问题 I have a URL structure with query string and parameter called position . example: http://computerhelpwanted.com/jobs/?occupation=administrator&position=network+administrator I also have a form select option drop down list with the form select name of position . example: <form action="/jobs/" method="GET" id="menuform"> <select name="occupation" onChange="populate(this.id,\'position\')"> <option selected="" disabled="">Select Occupation</option> <option value="administrator">Administrator<

Query error in code igniter ( wrong escape )

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-06 16:21:32
问题 I try to insert a row in the table on code igniter from a Array, but something is going wrong. That's the array: Array ( [Date] => 2001-08-15 [Number] => 962883 [Time] => 17:40 [Etc1] => 0 [Etc2] => 0 ) And this the insert: $this->db->insert('mytable', $myarray); A new line is inserted, but all columns are empty! Trying to find de error, I printed the last query by echo $this->db->last_query() ." <br>"; And I got: INSERT INTO `mytable` (`Date`, `Number`, `Time`, `Etc1`, `Etc2`) VALUES ('\02

Whats the best way of sending a lot of parameters between pages?

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-06 15:11:43
问题 I have one JSF page and I would like to get to another with a lot of parameters. when I add them to query string by f:param at h:link it would be very long and unclear, like this: http://www.example.org/?id1=1&id2=2&id3=3&id4=34324&id5=fdgfrde&id6=434&id7=4324&id7=5543&id8=rewr&id9=fwefe&id10=1021021&id11=retert what is the best why of sending this parameters between pages? 回答1: Based on your requirement, for example which data is not going to chaged frequently those data can be obtained from

MVC routing doesn't pickup querystring

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-06 08:21:12
问题 in my Global.ascx.cs, I have this setting for the routing: routes.MapRoute( "HomeTarget", "{TargetCode}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", TargetCode = "" }); routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } // Parameter defaults In my HomeController, I have an Index() action like this: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult Index(string TargetCode) { return View(); }

altering QueryString parameters / values

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-06 08:11:38
问题 I would like to better understand the issue of setting new parameters to a url and retrieve it via var ParaValue = Request.QueryString["parameterName"]; so if I have a URL : "http://www.myWebsite.aspx?UserName=Alice" I will retrieve it via example above string uName = Request.QueryString["UserName"].ToString(); but what if I want to alter value e.g. make UserName = "Ralf" Re Edit when a button is pressed , there is a parameter "state" that holds a reference to wich button was pressed the

How to change URL query string with PHP/.htaccess? [closed]

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-06 07:51:05
问题 It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 6 years ago . I want to change URL like below: http://localhost/register/profile.php?user_id=23 to: http://localhost/register/username 回答1: Consider a user of id 23 and username " foo ". The easiest is to rewrite /register/23

Pass Array via Query String to HttpHandler

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-06 06:53:17
问题 I've looked all over, and I can't find a solution for this. Correction: I find solutions, but they (I can't make them) work. I'm passing an array to an HttpHandler via the query string. I've read that you read it this way: Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest Dim request As HttpRequest = context.Request For u = 0 To request.QueryString("arrayIneed").Count - 1 selectPONumber.Add(request.QueryString("arrayIneed")(u)) Next Doing this, regardless

How to pass an array within a http header?

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-06 04:00:06
问题 I would like to pass an array through a http header. Would it be acceptable to name multiple params the same name, and that way I would know that they belong to an array just like in a get request query string? Example: CurrentHeaderArray: myarray[]=value1&myarray[]=value2&myarray[]=value3 There is already a stackoverflow answer to pass it through the query string of a get request, see this hyper link. How to pass an array within a query string? 回答1: You can pass an array as string with some