
How to run pyramid auto arima on Anaconda Jupyter notebook?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-12-09 11:18:17
问题 Apparently, Anaconda has a different pyramid package and it is for web framework. The user guide for arima pyramid suggests that one uses pip to install pyramid-arima. But since Anaconda uses conda to configure packages, how do I add pyramid-arima to the Anaconda environment for Jupyter notebook? 回答1: pyramid-arima was recently renamed to pmdarima to avoid collisions with the Pyramid web framework. Try

How to use Arima for data with 2 indexes

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-11 16:54:44
问题 I have a time series problem that is a little modified. I have 2 indexed variables, date and user id. for each user id, date, i want to forecast a value. The interesting part is the date resets for each new user id. Standard time series problem have for this time period, forecast the next n days. In my train data, i have for each user id, for jan 1-3, i have their target value. In my test data, for each user id, test date is jan 4-6. For both the train and test data, index of the dataframe is