
Is there a way to use Python Win32com module to read any local PST file and export messages as MSG files?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-10 06:31:48
问题 I am working on a two stages Digital Forensics project, and on stage one, I need to extract all the messages stored on several outlook's PST/OST files, and save them as MSG files in a folder hierarchy like pstFilename\inbox, draft, sent... for each PST file in the sample. For stage two, now completed, I am using python (3.x) and the Win32Com module to traverse all subfolder inside the target folder, search and hash every MSG file, parse a number of MSG properties and finally, create a CSV

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件28.导出用户邮箱

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-04-05 23:19:07
场景1 需要把某个用户的邮箱内容全部导出来,提供给审计或监察部门。 场景2 跨平台的迁移,从第三方的邮件系统迁移到exchange。其中一种迁移方式就是把用户批量导出为PST,然后在exchange里面批量导入到新的邮箱当中。 下面是微软官方导出命令的示例 本示例将用户 Ayla Kol 的主邮箱导出到 SERVER01 的网络共享文件夹 PSTFileShare 上的 .pst 文件。 New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox AylaKol -FilePath "\\SERVER01\PSTFileShare\Ayla_Recovered.pst" 本示例将用户 Kweku 的存档导出到 SERVER01 的网络共享文件夹 PSTFileShare 上的 .pst 文件。 New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Kweku -FilePath "\\SERVER01\PSTFileShare\Kweku_Archive.pst" -IsArchive 本示例导出用户 Tony 在 2012 年 1 月 1 日之前收到的邮件正文中包含"公司"和"利润"的邮件。 New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Tony -ContentFilter {(body -like "*company*") -and


北城以北 提交于 2020-03-19 21:43:00
题目描述 某一村庄在一条路线上安装了n盏路灯,每盏灯的功率有大有小(即同一段时间内消耗的电量有多有少)。老张就住在这条路中间某一路灯旁,他有一项工作就是每天早上天亮时一盏一盏地关掉这些路灯。 为了给村里节省电费,老张记录下了每盏路灯的位置和功率,他每次关灯时也都是尽快地去关,但是老张不知道怎样去关灯才能够最节省电。他每天都是在天亮时首先关掉自己所处位置的路灯,然后可以向左也可以向右去关灯。开始他以为先算一下左边路灯的总功率再算一下右边路灯的总功率,然后选择先关掉功率大的一边,再回过头来关掉另一边的路灯,而事实并非如此,因为在关的过程中适当地调头有可能会更省一些。 现在已知老张走的速度为1m/s,每个路灯的位置(是一个整数,即距路线起点的距离,单位:m)、功率(W),老张关灯所用的时间很短而可以忽略不计。 请你为老张编一程序来安排关灯的顺序,使从老张开始关灯时刻算起所有灯消耗电最少(灯关掉后便不再消耗电了)。 输入输出格式 输入格式: 文件第一行是两个数字n(1<=n<=50,表示路灯的总数)和c(1<=c<=n老张所处位置的路灯号); 接下来n行,每行两个数据,表示第1盏到第n盏路灯的位置和功率。数据保证路灯位置单调递增。 输出格式: 一个数据,即最少的功耗(单位:J,1J=1W·s)。 输入输出样例 输入样例#1: 5 3 2 10 3 20 5 20 6 30 8 10

Is there a way to get the attachment names from a PST file?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-16 14:35:16
问题 I'm working on a python script using pypff to open Outlook PST files and extract useful information. I'm following the code posted in here. I'm trying to get the names of the attachments for each email but the only methods for type 'attachment' is get_size() , read_buffer() and seek_offset() , which aren't useful to me. The read_buffer method gives a long string, something like x00\x11\x00\x02\x01\x02\x02\x01\x03\x04\x07\x05\... How can I decode it? 回答1: you can try decoding with ascii first.

Read PST files from win32 or pypff

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-13 06:15:10
问题 I want to read PST files using Python. I've found 2 libraries win32 and pypff Using win32 we can initiate a outlook object using: import win32com.client outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI") inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6) The GetDefaultFolder(6) gets the inbox folder. And then I can use this folders functions and attribute to work with. But what I want is to give my own pst files which pywin32(or any other library) can read. Here it only connects

C++: Getting the “error C2065: 'pst' : undeclared identifier” while using pstsdk?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-07 04:08:12
问题 Following the suggestion of working with the pstsdk in this question: Processing Microsoft Office Outlook 2003/2007 email messages… And following the instructions here: PST File Format SDK - PST Layer Overview - Getting Started And also according to this video: In PST SDK Presentation, Terry Mahaffey, discusses the PST SDK file format SDK. (Forward it to 28:32) They all agree that I only have to include the PST header file after having properly added the include paths for both Boost and

Create an email object in java and save it to file

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-18 03:44:09
问题 i need to backup the emails contained in a PST file (outlook storage). i'm using libpst which is the only free library i found on the web ( ) so i can access all the information in each single email (subject, body, sender ecc..), but i need to put them on a file here someone said you can create an EML file from a "javax.mail.Message" object: Create a .eml (email) file in Java the problem is: how do i create this Message object? i don't have a server or an

Can I read an Outlook (2003/2007) PST file in C#?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-17 04:11:17
问题 Is it possible to read a .PST file using C#? I would like to do this as a standalone application, not as an Outlook addin (if that is possible). If have seen other SO questions similar to this mention MailNavigator but I am looking to do this programmatically in C#. I have looked at the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook namespace but that appears to be just for Outlook addins. LibPST appears to be able to read PST files, but this is in C (sorry Joel, I didn't learn C before graduating). Any