
smarty replace multiple values

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-08 02:06:14
问题 I have ..tpl file with this line: {$error|replace:"pno":"personal number error"} I need to modify it so multiple values will be replaced, sort of: {$error|replace:"pno_error":"personal number error", "error_1":"1", "error_2":"2"} I need to make sure the code is correctly formed. How do I achieve this? 回答1: Like so {assign "find" array('pno', 'error_1', 'error_2')} {assign "repl" array('personal number error', 1, 2)} {assign "text" 'error_1 and pno and error_2 are friends'} {$text|replace:

Override AdminProductsController

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-01-29 14:43:35
问题 I have problem with my custom presta shop module. My module adds new field to product, field name is promotion, is a string. If i add a new product or edit existing i have no problem, i see my new field. But when i have add this field to products list then i don't see this him. My module: <?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) exit; class OverrideTraining extends Module { private $_html = ''; public function __construct() { $this->name = 'overridetraining'; $this->tab = 'front_office_features';

little modification of the native search engine/form of ps 1.6

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-29 08:10:23
问题 This will be my first post here, I tried to look for faqs about the rules of this site but no clear answer for my doubts, so don't hesitate on telling me if i do smthing wrong or whatever about me: i'm working for some shops, on their websites, i got low-level programing exp, and i'm very familiarized with web developing I need some help about Prestashop programing, i'll quote what i posted on their forum (im getting no answers): PS: default bootstrap Hi guys I'm trying to make an

Rendered view is not displaying in my back office in PS 1.7

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-29 07:27:21
问题 I am trying to create a view in the back office tab that I created in the installation of my Module. My Module adds the tab like this: protected function _installTabs() { if(!$tabId = \Tab::getIdFromClassName('IezonPortfolio')) { $tab = new \Tab(); $tab->class_name = 'IezonPortfolio'; $tab->module = $this->name; $tab->id_parent = \Tab::getIdFromClassName('ShopParameters'); $tab->active = 1; foreach (Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang): $tab->name[(int) $lang['id_lang']] = 'My Portfolio';

listing products by Attributes prestashop

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-29 06:23:07
问题 I am new in the prestashop 1.6 development, I want to create a module that allows to list the products according to their different attributes example: we have jeans pants with two colors (black and blue) and two size (L, XL), the page displays four products (black L, black XL, blue L, blue XL), as shown in the picture listing example can you guide me to succeed this module 回答1: There's a paid module that's perfect to achieve this:

Prestashop ajax call backoffice module

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-01-29 05:22:00
问题 I have problem with ajax from select2 in prestashop 1.7. When I try writte something the calling is 200 but I got error "The Controller Psb2BAjaxModuleAdmin is missing or invalid." I create Controller for test in my module modules/psb2b/src/Controller/Psb2BAjaxModuleAdminController.php <?php namespace Scenario\PSB2B\Controller; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController; class Psb2BAjaxModuleAdminController extends

Prestashop subcategories menu inside a subcategory

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-27 21:14:05
问题 I am trying to show the subcategories menu of prestashop categories inside all subcategories. By default you only can see the subcategories menu inside a category but you cant see the "brother" subcategories of a subcategory. I think I only need to make this code to work inside a subcategory because this code works well inside a category: {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory} <li > <a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':

odoo:开源 ERP/CRM 入门与实践

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-12-21 07:56:41
看了这张图,或许你对 odoo 有了一些兴趣。 这次就是和大家一起交流开源 ERP/CRM 系统: odoo 对以下读者有帮助:研发、产品、项目、市场、服务、运营、管理等。 一、背景趋势 社交网络、电商 O2O ; 每家企业都将是电子商务企业、精益企业; 每家企业都需要有套软件管理人、财、物,管理信息量,物流和资金流。 二、 odoo 是什么 odoo 不仅仅是开源 ERP/CRM ; 还是一套伴随企业成长可扩展的商业运营支撑系统; 一个巨大的应用生态系统,有近 12500 个 Apps 可供选用。 三、为什么是 odoo 相比商业和其它开源 ERP/CRM 系统 odoo 有哪些优势; 对个人来说:学习成长、开发实践、职业规划; 对企业来讲:流程梳理、数据沉淀、商业运营。 四、 odoo 应用 企业网站、电子商务系统、进销存系统、客户关系系统; 人力资源系统、项目管理系统、生产制造系统、财务会计系统; 还有很多的应用系统和广泛的行业应用。 五、 odoo 开发 构建新 Apps ,满足企业个性需求; 继承、扩展、贡献已有应用,不重复发明轮子; 开发免费或商业 Apps 供下载或销售。 六、 odoo 实施 官方实施方法论; 其它服务商的实施方法; 与客户共同推进的最佳实践。 七、 odoo 成功案例 优站精选; 优选 Apps ; 案例分析。 八、 odoo 文档集和资源

盘点那些好用的PrestaShop插件/扩展/模块 助力外贸推广 涉及SEO优化 省时批量工具 社交分享 网站安全 大数据统计各个方面

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-12-18 12:02:09
PrestaShop SEO内链推广 产品Tag标签 提升权重 在产品页面上显示产品标签,这将帮助客户过滤产品,增加搜索引擎蜘蛛抓取从而提高网站SEO排名,后台支持自定义产品标签URL,与Google Sitemap模块兼容。 演示 购买 PrestaShop 产品打包捆绑促销 批量添加多个产品到购物车 客户可以自由选择产品属性组合,一次性将多个产品添加到购物车,并且客户可以根据产品捆绑包促销和折扣自由决定购买某些产品属性组合。 演示 购买 PrestaShop SEO伪原创 批量查找&替换模块 对目录、产品、品牌、供应商、页面类别、页面下面的名称、描述、简短描述、元标题、元描述、元关键字、图像标题、友好URL这些进行批量查找和替换-查找替换区分大小写。 演示 购买 PrestaShop SEO批量优化&伪原创模块 对目录、产品、品牌、供应商、页面类别、页面下面的名称、描述、简短描述、元标题、元描述、元关键字、图像标题、友好URL这些进行批量填充优化-支持魔术标签自动生成。 演示 购买 PrestaShop批量设置产品的类别&价格模块 根据多种过滤方法过滤出一批产品,然后批量处理产品目录(移动目录,关联目录,取消关联目录),并批量设置产品价格(支持随机价格、活动促销等)。 演示 购买 PrestaShop类别、产品、组合、客户、地址、品牌、供应商、别名